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Re: Entangle yes or no?

Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2008 6:45 am
by Nekira Sudacne
Munchkin Slappin GM wrote:In all the years I've been playing Palladium RPG's I really still don't know if entangling is worth a damn. I you would be so kind please make your case for or against.

Please include any exsamples on the propper use of this abliity, that is if you feel you understand how it works in the game, beecause I sure don't get it. :?

I have one character in a nightbane game who uses entangling as a primary stratagy.

As for what's advantegous....i'm not sure why this is even a question. When you entangle someone, you can damage them, but they, legally, can take no action whatsoever but to try to escape. Essentially they're completely helpless while you pound on them.

Now: It should be noted that the problem is while your entangled you can't actually do anything or react to any other enemies without breaking your entanglement--basically it's ass kicking for one on one but limited when facing multiple opponents: just like any other form of grappling.

But hey--that's what the rest of the party is for. You entangle the big, most powerful enemy and let the rest of the party deal with any help.

Re: Entangle yes or no?

Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2008 12:50 pm
by Library Ogre
I think it's also useful when the opponent has a weapon you don't want in play. Sure, I can parry the soul-drinker all day (or poisoned weapon, in N&SS), but if one person entangles it, it's out of play for at least a little while.