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Coming of the Rifts: One day at a time.

Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2008 12:36 pm
by Warmaster40k
The Point of this thread is to establish a narrative in the Chaos Earth setting. To do this each person creates a persona, and leave their Characters Journal entries on here, each journal entry contains what the they did and what happened to them on that day. This narrative takes place in Chicago Land. To establish a time line remember the apocalypse occurred 12:00AM Dec 22 Tuesday. Seven days later NEMA arrives on scene. Any one can post here to leave their story. I'll start it off.

"Audio Entry 1, Dec 22 Tuesday 5pm,

I don't know where to start, this sort of occured out of the blue. No warning at all. Ugh guesse I should introduce my self. My name is Richard Farson, I am 25 years old and I was a salesrep at the local Buy N'Quik. I was attending the local commuity college to make something of my self. Guess thats 3 years of schooling down the drain. I was at my friend Frank's Christmas party, trying to hook up with this girl Laura, she has a job at a Data Analysis firm, I forget what its called, its not important,.
What can I say, its real bad out side. Power has gone out. We all thought it was nothing so those of us with Designated drivers whent home. The rest of us decided to sober up in the den. 3am was when that quake hit us. At around 9am I went out to go home. I slept on the couch. I guess the booze in my system really deadnd how intense the quake was. The roads were mangled and cars in every direction. Being the softy decided it would of been wise to check up on my dog back at home.
That was untill I saw it. I dont know what it is except its blue. I dont know about you but my dog can wait. I headed back to Franks, cause right now that wiskey is starting to sound like a good, and I need some courage to decide what I am going to do.
Richard out end of entry."

Re: Coming of the Rifts: One day at a time.

Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2008 4:59 pm
by Warmaster40k
" Audio Entry 2, Dec 23 Wensday about 8pm,

My name is Richard Farson, Age 25 years old. Side-note from yesterdays entry. Laura was not at Frank's party. Turns out she was at a company party. Anyway, Its still quiet outside. Frank and the rest of the guests that stayed, are trying to decide what to do. Booze and pigs in a blanket are not going to hold us over. Hell its cold right now. tuned into the radio. Apparently the authorities are saying we should stay in our homes. Currently I agree. A cloud of volcanic ash swept through the area, which makes breathing difficult, and travel next to impossible. Right now our primary goal is to get warm. Frank is suggesting we start a fire, but we don't have much to burn. Well there is the old oak wardrobe in the guest bedroom that belonged to Frank's great great grandma. Frank whats to hear nothing of it, antique he says. Don't think any one would appreciate it we cant live through this. We decided that tomorrow one of us is gonna have to head to a Buy N'Quick for some supplies.

Richard out, End of Log.

Re: Coming of the Rifts: One day at a time.

Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2008 4:21 pm
by Warmaster40k
Ohh come one people, post a story set in this world, or at least drop a comment.
On to todays Entry.

"Entry 3, Dec 24 Thursday 2098, around 11pm

Name is Richard Farson, 25 years old. I think heading to the Buy N'Quick may have been a bad idea. Over estimated on the docileness of man. Apparently we still have our teeth. Some guy named Amil who worked the last night shift at the Quick N'Buy decided to hole up in there, seeing as the office was insulated and enough food to last a man 2 or 3 months. Crap food but calories all the same. Well apparently the son of @#$% had a shotgun with him. Guess he either didn't recognize me or didn't plan on sharing. Well he shot Frank. Luckily it just grazed the meat of the leg, missing the major artery. You learn something about your self in those situations. I learned its not that hard to bludgeon a man over the head with a fire-extinguisher. Grabbed as much supplies as we could, the shot-gun and shells stashed in the office. We took Amil with us. Right now we got him handcuffed to a spare toilet. The hand-cuffs are pink and fuzzy but I don't think I want to know why Frank has them. Gonna question Amil if he wakes up, then decide what to do with him. Related note, burning that wardrobe was a good idea. Oak burns for a long time. Still listening to the radio. Authorities say we should either head to a school or to the football stadium for shelter. Seriously considering it. Want to know something though, how much longer till we get some relief here, from national guard or NEMA. I don't know, I think Im going crazy. I swear I hear something outside. Something I have never heard before.

Richard out, End of Log"

Re: Coming of the Rifts: One day at a time.

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2008 9:39 pm
by Warmaster40k
"Day 4, December 25, Friday 2098 around 9:53pm

Name is Robert Farson, and I just want to wish you a Merry Christmas, well today went well.... (soft music playing in the background)"

(music stops)

(New Voice, male)"Bob put that recorder down and get some turkey, I burned my grandma'a wardrobe for this"

(Robert's Voice)"Fine, fine.... Thanks Frank the spread looks pretty mean."

(New voice, male) "Hey Frank found this in one of the boxes down in the basement."
(song plays...
(a few moments pass as the song plays)
(Female Voice crying) "Charlie what the hell is wrong with you"
(Frank):"Dammit Charlie"
(sounds of a scuffle, music stops)
(Robert): "Damn, left it on."
(recording stops)
"This is Robert, Time is 3am, so I guess its Dec 26
Charlies attempt at gallows humor was not appreciated. Frank's gesture was great, but I don't think it helped much due to the song. Anyway Frank cooked up a turkey he had in his freezer. More importantly that is food that will last a couple of days. Like I said the bullet Frank caught was just a graze, we are just making sure it doesn't start to get infected.
Amil woke up for a short bit, babbled a bit but the tone was a apologetic one. He could understand us but could not form the right words when he spoke. I guess the blow really scrambled his brains. His exact words were "bunny, not car spit tuna fresh" he seemed to be complaining of pain. I talked to the other guests today, about what to do, because amil was throwing a racket. While discussing it Amil got quiet. WE found that he passed-on, from what I could guess was a brain embolism due to the blow from the fire extinguisher.
Charlie and I dumped his body 2 blocks away from the house; Jenny the girl who was offended by Charlie's choice suggested he help me get rid of the body as his punishment. We found more wood to burn, but the price for life was steep. We found a house with a body of a older man out front, he suffered a self inflicted gun shot wound to his head, there was a letter in his pocket addressed to those who find him. We found his family had received a similar death from him. There were sleeping pills on the kitchen counter next to a box of bullets, Charlie suggested we take the gun and what ever we could find for us to live. Several winter coats and a bundle of wood, a broken chair and a real Christmas Tree to burn. As well as a pillow case full of canned food. WE decided not to tell the others how we got the supplies but I could see in Franks eyes that he knew.
End of Log"
(Robert's Voice)"I havent read his note yet. Should I, to find out why, or do I already know"

Re: Coming of the Rifts: One day at a time.

Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2008 5:26 pm
by Warmaster40k
Thanks Justicar5 and Duckfoot.

"Day 5, December 26 Saturday 2098 4:30pm

This is Robert Farson, The guns sit on the table right now. Jenny doesn't want them around her, or in the house. WE have yet to come up with a plan of what to do with the weapons. But that doesn't bother me. Its not what I'm worrying about. I need to check up on my dog, I can't leave him any longer. Its only a 3 miles from here so the entire round trip should only take me 2 and a half hours. Frank wishes me luck. Its another mouth to feed, but I also have one of those cases of bottled water, with a ton of ramen at my apartment, extra water would help a lot. Besides the radio has gone quiet, nothing but static and interference. So I am to also take the the radio and see if I can get any reception. Really I just want to get my dog. Still eating turkey. I haven't told any of the note, nor have I spoke about the inhuman noise I hear from outside.
End of Log."

(shuffling in the back ground as Robert attempts to turns the recorder off)
(Jenny's voice)"Hey Bob could you take this with you"

(Robert)"Sure"..."oops, left it on."
(recording ends)

Re: Coming of the Rifts: One day at a time.

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2008 10:48 pm
by Warmaster40k
"Day Six, December 27, Sunday 2098 2:30pm

This is audio journal of Robert Farson,
Well, you wouldn't believe what I found in Jenny's little package. It was the nine millimeter, and ammo for the nine and the shot gun. The conniving snake thought it would be a good idea to use me as her tool to get rid of the guns. Anyway I'll confront her later. I never did get back though, got too cold to head back once it got dark. Spike my dog is fine. He's a large mix, half Shepard, half Husky. Don't ask how I kept him in the apartment. I'm not even sure. I had to make up for practically abandoning him though. 1 Oreo cookie, a beer, and a can of the low sodium beef stew i keep in the pantry for special occasions for him. Pillows are gone they are torn to shreds, and there is a giant present in front of the dresser too. I earned it.
Carrying all this stuff is gonna tough, but spike can help. Heard on the radio that there are reports of a National Guard unit showing up, maybe to provide some support to the police, fire department, and EMT. Other than that, just odd rumors that there are things out there. Everything has gone to hell, I've seen the effects of the looters, at least with the Nine millimeter.... who am I kidding I more likely to shoot my self with it than a person. At least the noise might scare any trouble away.
Well time to get moving, I have a long walk ahead of me. Bed is getting one last use, made a sled to carry all the supplies back to Frank's. He's gonna want that ammo back. Looks like my time in the Boy Scouts is paying off.
End of Log"

Picture of what Spike would look like.

Re: Coming of the Rifts: One day at a time.

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2008 7:07 pm
by Warmaster40k
"Day seven, December 28 Monday 11:45am

Robert Farson, three miles is alot of ground to cover. Spike by the way is not a sled dog. So I'm stuck pulling this stupid sled. HE is also sleeping on it as its difficult to breathe in all this dust. Gonna continue.
End of log"

"Time is 12:30. Its worse than I thought. The situation is no good at all. On my way back I came across a mound of bodies. There were children amongst them. I don't know what killed them but Im not gonna get close enough to inspect, gonna continue on.
End of Log"

(unknown male voice) "I saw him go this way."
(sound of running)
(Robert's voice, wispering) "Hear that, they've been following me for the past 2 hours. Spike is a good dog though help take out two of em. F@#$ing gangers."

(unknown Voice)"There he is"
(gun fire going on for 30 seconds)

(unknown voice real close by)"@#$#$ got him, Neil you ok"
(Neil? panting)"yeah, dude took out 3 of us, got me in the @#$ing leg"
(unknown voice)"Got you son of #$% in the end"
(kicking? something hitting body)
(unknown Voice) "What the... ahhhihg"
(gun shots)
(Niel?)"No please, we didnt mean to... please"
(gun shot)
(30 seconds of silence)
(Robert Farson)"End of Log"

Re: Coming of the Rifts: One day at a time.

Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2008 11:28 pm
by Warmaster40k
"Day Eight, December 29 2098, Tuesday 9:30PM
This is Robert Farson, Its been one week sense the event occurred. I can't be any more accurate because I don't really know what it is. All I know is every thing we knew is gone. Replaced with death, chaos, and alien. We have all heard the rumors at this point, but do we really no any thing. I never told any one about the encounter with the gangers from yesterday. No need to worry them. Frank didnt want to know where I got the extra guns. I still haven't decided whether to confront Jenny yet. Spike has recuperated already. He spent twenty minutes coughing and spitting up gray crap. My dog has really helped lift spirits here.
I think I saw the National Guard but there was something not right about them. Their uniforms looked wrong. Old almost. Their vehicles while in excellent condition appeared to be from another time.
Those of us left from the Christmas Party have all decided to move into the the living room. The new walls and doors are being built up in the room to keep in the warmth. We lit a candle to mourn the loss. We ended the day in Prayer.
Umm I think we need a list of survivors in the group to keep track. Don't know why I didn't think of this ahead of time.

Robert Farson: Age 25 Health:Good
Thought: its me.

Charlie Seddleton: Age: 28 Health: Good
Thought: he can cook very well.

Jennifer Nelbottom: Age: 22 HEalth: Good? (she hasnt been eating meat, no protien, means its gonna be hard for her to heal)
Thought: I don't think I can trust her

Nash Wong: Age: 21? Health: Good
Thought: He's quiet, I don't know much about him.

Frank Hushboom: Age:30 Health: Improving (Gunshot wound has healed should be able to run soon)
Thought: a gracious host, and good friend.

End of Log"

Re: Coming of the Rifts: One day at a time.

Posted: Sat Dec 06, 2008 8:08 pm
by Warmaster40k
" Day Nine December 30 2098, Wensday, 11:23PM

Can't sleep. While I was disposing of some waste; the neighbor came running up to me. Say's he saw someting amazing. He think it was a shiny man flying. With the rumors flying around its hard to seperate fantasy and fact. One person claimed they saw the devil him self. Some houses already have crosses hanging on the door. I see it less as a ward and more of a... sign of hey some one lives here. Several people are talking about what to do. We cant keep in our homes. One has suggested that we send some one out to find help, either from the national guard or cops.
Sense everyone seems to think I know where the national guard is, because I think I saw one, I should go out to find them. This is crap. Fortunately, I am getting aid. In the form of a painters-mask, gloves and scarves. A 18 year old kid wants to come along, I need the company. With a cold-weather sleeping bag and a small tent. I have to go out and look. Maybe I should mention the punks that I ran into. I really don't want to go out there.

Robert out. End of Log"

Re: Coming of the Rifts: One day at a time.

Posted: Sun Dec 07, 2008 9:56 pm
by Warmaster40k
"Day Ten, December 31 2098 Thursday, 10:45PM

This is Robert Farson, Been on the the road for the past thirteen hours. I'm not even a tracker and I can follow their trail. They being; someone with large tracked vehicles. I haven't been on the road for thirteen hours, its just with this dust I can only move for a couple of hours before I have to stop to clean the filter on my mask. There is just so much crap in the air. it has become difficult to breathe.
Right now I am accompanied by a kid by the name of Andrew Kane. He was a art student, now he is a no one, like everybody else in this world. He is enjoying the last few hours of life on him micro-media player. He hasn't spoke much, I guess because of the chore it is to breathe. Personally I don't even know what he looks like under the layers of clothes.
We are currently taking shelter in a abandoned building, we decided to pitch the tent in there. The microfilm over the vents in the tent filters the air . Another modern miracle i suppose.
About our quarry I guess. I have been approaching survivors, asking about any armed forces. Most of the time I get looks of confusion. Those that do, don't think they are cops. Last any one heard was that the city police adn fire, retreated to the stadium to guard any refugees. Those that didn't head there, either head home with some supplies from their station or retreated to their station houses, fortifying them.
Before I forget, I told Frank about the gun and ammo that Jenny tried to get me to get rid of. While disappointed, about her actions, it turned out to be a blessing as the gun saved my life. As a result he wants me to take the shot gun and pistol for protection.
Ohh look at the time. I took a beer with me, gonna split it with Andrew, might as well welcome the New Year right. What are we with out our traditions?
End of Log."

Re: Coming of the Rifts: One day at a time.

Posted: Mon Dec 08, 2008 8:07 am
by tmikesecrist3
do you want this posts to stay in the chago area, becouse I have a 25 year old bts (1991 printing) arcanist mage, in the oakridge tn, area. that is one of my favarit men of magic classes, and have hem drawn up based on my understanding of druidic training..... but if you like I can post exerts form hes jenrel here. he tends to be old school favering pen and paper,,,,,

Re: Coming of the Rifts: One day at a time.

Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2008 1:15 am
by Warmaster40k
It can be set where ever, but yeah its his journal, and explain who he is, and why/how he has any knowlege of the SN. And most likely he will be concidred demonic or invader by locals because he knows the craft, that is if he lets it out in the open.
(side not, I might be late posting these entries as I have Finals this week)
"Day Eleven, January 1 2099 Friday, 10:30pm

This is Robert Farson, and I feel like an idiot right now. I found the group I was looking for. Not hard when they are driving tanks. Like I said I thought it was odd their uniforms were out of date, and the tanks looked primitive. Well they are @#$^ing hobbyists. Not military, or National Guard, but hobbyists. Several years ago a wealthy old man had made his passion of mid/late 20th century warfare into a hobby. Specifically that of the reenactment kind. Because cold-war era tanks and weapons are no longer considered a threat, some states have allowed private ownership "disarmed" of replicas and refurbished tanks from the Vietnam and Soviet-Arab War era. Normally they use blanks, flour charges. I never saw them, I thought they were kinda goofy my self. The Old man had purchased a Micro-Factory where he could build new tanks for other wealthy friends, or uniforms and weaponry for more economic enthusiasts. And "Just in Case" had also a stockpile of several million rounds of small arms ammunition and 500 live tank rounds, all built for authenticity purposes. Well these rednecks were not about to let the end of the world snuff thier love of this country so they banded together and headed out to the Midwest to enact rescue operations, and rebuild America right. I found the guy in charge a Jeremiah Thorne to be a bombastic bastard, but he agreed to help out the survivors out back in the neighborhood Frank lived in, some where in South Chicago.

Its not what I hopped but it is better than nothing, no ganger is gonna be stupid enough to charge a armored column, but these rumors of monsters just keep popping up. I think I might have to give it some credence.
Andrew on the other hand is having a blast talking to these guys. Their knowledge of history is impressive and they said they are in fact now "Bloodied" in combat. I just hope they can help the others. Me I'm gonna be riding in a actual Bradley Fighting Vehicle.
End of Log"

the reenactors was a idea I came up with to help explain Golden Age Weaponsmiths odd collection of items they thought came from teh Golden Age, and so I can use my Modern Weapons Compendium in my Rifts Chaos Earth.

Re: Coming of the Rifts: One day at a time.

Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2008 9:51 pm
by Warmaster40k
"Day 12, January 2, 2099 8:30pm

Robert, here. I know monsters are real now. I have seen one my self. This thing looked like a demon, it had to be 2 stories tall at least. It had wings. Tank rounds and RPGs tore into it, event then the beast tore a tank apart with its bare hands. I don't care if the tank is from a hundred years ago, it still was a tank. I saw three people die to that thing, but our weapons only seemed to aggravate it. I think it was only the amount of fire power we bore down on it with, that finally convinced it to leave.

We only arrived, back at Frank's house a few hours ago. Jeremiah thinks this area would be a fine place to establish roots. With aid of some construction vehicles liberated by the 108th, it's what these guys call them selves, we are gonna construct fortifications. What I thought was odd, was that these some of the 108th have asked for silver jewlry and real wood furniture. I don't know why walls will help, because the thing I saw could fly.

Uhh Spike was happy to see me. Turns out he has been entertaining children. With some time running and playing has done him good. I honestly want a roof over my head, It would completely negate any advantage wings give.
Well I'm next on watch,
End of Log."

Re: Coming of the Rifts: One day at a time.

Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2008 10:20 pm
by tmikesecrist3
NOTE: This is the hand brighten journal

Journal of William Alistair MacClould Druid of the order of the oak
Given to him by Master Achma up on completing his training.

May your steps, bring you honor and wisdom. My love and light fill your heart as you hold back the darkness. Give and mind to your training, for in it is your first steps to wisdom, and the tools to bring light to the shadows. And will save you form the ones that would eat your flesh and soul. Fear not for with in you flows the blood of a long and powerful line. Do not fear to ask for help for I was once your grandfather’s pupil and started right where you are. You have learned well.
Master Achma,

December 18th 2098 (day -2)

It is hard to believe that this is my first Yule As master Achma’s equal and not his pupil; it has been 15 years since I came to live with and learn form master Achma. In that time under his guidance I have grown into honor wisdom and manhood. As of right now I have been helping to teach Michael. Throw I have done so all along he is a good kid, and he is like my brother, it will be good to see mum and dad again. I have only seen them and my brother and sisters a hand full of times since I was 10. I would go now but they are in England, for the elections of the leadership of the order, Achma has been nominated, and that in and of its self is a great honor. If jenn says yes Christmas eve, when I see her for supper, maybe she will come with me. Mum will be so excited. I have been courting her for bout 2 years. I really love her. I think she will say yes. Don’t think her family will like that much...

December 21st 2098 (day 1)

Last night was Yule, and oh what a night. It seems the old prophecies are true. The magic has come back, and with avingince. Our first sign that something was wrong was, the mead, it was some of the best I ever made. But one drink was really good, the next it had taken a metallic taste, like blood. Achma said it was a bad omen activated the wards and left. I could hear Michaels stereo it was playing an old rock song…. “It’s the end of the world”.

I could feel something was not right so I sat down right there in the garden which grounded me and opened my self up to try and find what. It is a good thing I did because all at once there was a surge of magic, the likes of which I have never sensed before, not even when a rift opened. Because I was grounded I did not pass out but was sent reeling and I blacked out. I don’t know how long I was out, but I woke it was starting to snow a little, and I could see, with my vision not my sight the lay line glowing with blue white light and crackling and pulsing with energy, and I know that I was now 3 times more powerful than I was before blacking out. That and I had the mother of all reaction head aches. I ran into the house and started looking things up… on a side note, the demons are not keeping the shadows any more….. Now to the books.

Re: Coming of the Rifts: One day at a time.

Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2008 12:13 am
by Warmaster40k
"Day 13, January 2 2099, Sunday, 10:30pm

This is Robert Farson, and I am beat. I have never Worked so hard in my life. I spent all day helping construct the wall. I never used a welding torch before this. What was reallly wierd was that they had us collect tires. They wanted us to get rid of the tires they then slashed. I have no idea what they are up too, but I... I don't know, a lot of the people feel safer now that the 108th are here. I heard talk that a Nuclear generator is being brought in to restore power to this, encampment. Frank and Jenny, Charlie, Nash, and I were kicked out of the house. It has become a command center for Jeremiah. WE are currently staying with some neighbors who were kind enough to take us in. Jeremiah stated this, "You are no longer allowed to sit in your houses any more. If you want supplies you have to work. If you don't work you don't receive any rations." Hell even the kids are being made to do work. Nothing major at the moment just removing trash from the streets. The "base" is a small 4 block area, but with the aid of the 108th there is some hope amongst the people. Oh yeah with no fresh supplies, scav teams are being organized. I can earn more rations and priviliges if I perticipate in these teams. Might have too, just to feed Spike. Dust isn't as bad as it was when it first started so I think I might take him with me. I am begining to understand why we domesticated dogs in the first place, to assist in survival. Well I need to sleep.

End of Log"

Re: Coming of the Rifts: One day at a time.

Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2008 12:24 am
by Warmaster40k
hehe, I just finished watching Saving Private Ryan a couple days ago, and it was a subconcious choice.

"Day 14, January 3 2099, Monday 11:30pm
This is Robert Farson,
I decided that participating in the Scav teams would help, but I still don't understand the whole idea behind thier obsession with tires. Again they kept stabbing tire, they only kept the ones that would not cut. It gets strange too. We the people in the encampment aren't being given the good food either. That goes to the hobbyists, and now they are issuing curfew. They say its for our safety. Maybe it is. But we are not just collecting food, clothing or medical supplies, they also want us to gather metal, and tires. Spike now sleeps with a group of children now. It helps them, and he loves the attention.
If I can just get some info from the 108th, maybe I can trust them some more. Well I need sleep.

End of Log"

I got finals this week so my posts wont be as long.

Re: Coming of the Rifts: One day at a time.

Posted: Sat Dec 13, 2008 12:01 am
by Warmaster40k
"Day 15, January 4, Tuesday 2099, 10:30,

Robert Farson here, I was in a battle involving the 108th and a band of gangers. The Gangers didn't want the 108th around. However, the gangers failed to consider the effects of a 20th century tank, on them. It wasn't so much a battle as it was a slaughter. I think some of the gangers were only 16 years old, but no mercy for them. .50 caliber gunfire was given freely to all gangers. I made a decision to head out into the Chicagoland wastes, to look for any other survivors or perhaps some government officials.
Robert out."

Re: Coming of the Rifts: One day at a time.

Posted: Sat Dec 13, 2008 10:36 pm
by Warmaster40k
"Day 16, January 5, 10:30PM,
Robert Farson, Audio log. My desire to leave the camp was not ill thought out. I seriously considered it. I had talked to some of the 108th, and it turned out that they were here to assist in rescue operation, but they also came to help rebuild America right. I have no idea what this means, but I doubt it would be good. I took Spike with me to provide companionship. After two weeks the ash in the air is no longer as bad as it was. I still have to stop when it gets dark as its far too cold. I only took the shot-gun and pistol, and the supplies I was given that I had when I found the 108th.
I did a count, I only have 5 shells for the shot gun and 16 spare rounds for the pistol. Here is to hopping that I don't run into any thing unpleasant. I hope there is something out here, something that is better than what the 108th are offering.
That's it, the stadium. The emergency broadcast said that every one should head to the stadium.

Shhh, I think I hear something.
End of Log."

Re: Coming of the Rifts: One day at a time.

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2008 9:56 pm
by Warmaster40k
Yeah, sorry I know this, but I wanted Robert to have his dog so.... I did Author Fiat. Also staying in one place for any period of time is boring

"Day 17 January 6, 9:30PM,

Robert Farson here, made some progress. Finally saw one of those blue areas again. It was beautiful, words can barely describe what I saw. It made everything with in the area just carry a blueish glow. However I cant remain in there long as they seem to attract creatures to it. I think I know the source of the problem though, If your far enough away you can see this thing, IT looks like a road and when two or more intersect these things occur. They look like portals, well anyway strange things come out of them, sometimes there is just a flash and boom a bunch of lost looking people are there, but they aren't people, if you could see them you would say they are aliens.
Well right now I'm in a book store taking shelter and getting my self some reading material. This flashlight I found its a piece of crap for the most part, but it doesn't need batteries you just shake it. Perfect for late night reading, not much for looking in the dark, for that I need to find my self a dead cop, I mean it sounds ghoulish but that son of a ***** won't need it any more. Huh pretty sure he'd have more than the mag light, hell the vest and extra ammo would be a godsend.

Oh yeah, from last night, It was nothing, turns out it was Spike's stomach from eating all that @#$%ing old canned meat.
End of Log."

Re: Coming of the Rifts: One day at a time.

Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2008 11:51 pm
by Warmaster40k
Day 18 January 7 2099, Friday, 1:56PM,

Robert Farson here, Nothing like waking up and seeing the entrance to the place your hiding just @#$!ing collapsing right in front of you as a you wake up. Forget coffee, now a ohh S@$T moment is where its at.

Err, yeah I'm stuck in the book store. Gonna see if I can find a back exit. end."

"Time is 3pm and I am right now pulling debri out of the way, in the back room. end"

"8pm, made a lot of progress, in fact tomorrow I'll be crossing a couple of blocks and that much closer to the stadium. Found some interesting books here. Over a hundred and twenty years old. Written by a guy name Lazlo or something. Dude was crazy as a loon though. I'll keep'em on hand though, need a fun read. end of log."

Re: Coming of the Rifts: One day at a time.

Posted: Wed Dec 17, 2008 2:04 am
by Warmaster40k
"Day 19 January 8 2099, Saturday, around 5pmish

Robert here, made real good time. Spike has pretty much helped me avoid any real trouble. Its getting dark soon so I guess I need to find a place to hole up for the night. Um from what I can tell, the Stadium is only about 1 mile from here. But I am not walking out in the dark here. hold a sec..."

(recorder stops)

(Farson)"Ohh kay time is 9:05 found a place to hole up and comfy too, splitting my last can of beef stew with spike here,"
(begging noise from the Dog)

(Farson)"noo, down, no beg, this is mine damnit.".....(dog whimper, followed by sever seconds of eating noise) "Any way wanna report something. I saw this thing out in the streets, looked like a corpse, but it was floating at the mid section, like its guts and spinal cord hanging just there and no legs. Well the thing dropped what appeared to be a green ball, well at that point this gas comes out, and the bodies start moving. It laughs and floats away leaving a mob of walking corpses behind. (clears throught) I dont know, but I am not messing with any thing that can reanimate the dead or the animated dead it... uh animated. Just sill to try to kill something that has no life to begin with. Ohh yeah, read some more of this Lazlo guy's crap, and some interesting points in here. Like how we all have this Potential Energy,but it gets used up as we get older or something. Heh little too new age if you ask me, but the crap I have seen so far, maybe this Lazlo guy knew something. Ahhhh who cares gonna tear into this trashy romance novel, get this it's about a Vampire Hunting priest who goes to this small Spanish town, to slay a evil Vampire, but the local beautiful Buxom school teacher, falls for him and he for her, but will the Priest hold his vows or, will he let the carnal pleasures of LOVE take him, heheheh this one is gonna be good. Farson out."

Re: Coming of the Rifts: One day at a time.

Posted: Wed Dec 17, 2008 4:12 pm
by Lord Death
yep it is a witchling. nice ive used the witchling in my game in chaos earth scared my players most of the night of the game until they found out what they up agasit. :twisted: but its not in chaos earth its in the sourcebook one (revised).

Re: Coming of the Rifts: One day at a time.

Posted: Wed Dec 17, 2008 9:21 pm
by Warmaster40k
Its not a Witchling, but a Death Demon of my own devising. But the first monster encountered by Robert was a Gargoyle.
I'll start statting out my things in this story soon.

"Day 20 January 9th, Sunday 2099, 8pm

Robert here, I'm in trouble, the @#$% has hit the fan. That thing seems to have been busy, making more of those walking corpses. And they are aggressive. They can see me, and crap. They know Im near. Most important is they don't die. Not even when I unloaded two shells into one point blank in the chest. If I can loose them Ill make a run for it to the stadium. Its only a couple of blocks to the east. Wish me luck, Im gonna go for it. End of Log."

Re: Coming of the Rifts: One day at a time.

Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2008 9:58 pm
by Warmaster40k
NEMA: JAN09Y99/2014hours

Mission Flight: CHI-Q4-27/05
Capt Carlos Weznig
Lt Mike Quiz
Load Out: 2 Silver Eagle

Captain Carolos Weznig and Lieutenant, while on patrol in 4 sector of Chicago found a situation. Lone individual was dischargeing small arms fire into a group of around one thousand individuals.

Capt CW: Mission Command I see individual fireing into crown, at Bears Stadium.
MC: Lt is that right.
LT: Confirming what the Captain is seeing.
Capt: Recommended course of action?
MC: Identify situation and react accordingly.
Capt: Roger.
MC: Lt cover the captain and come back safe.

Capt: alright Lt., I'm gonna pass close by and get some order.
Lt: Captain something strange about the crowd.
Capt: Repeat, comms are acting up again.
Lt: There is something wrong with the crowd.
Capt: Roger, will take it into consideration.
Capt: Drop your weapon, this is Captain Weznig of NEMA, drop your weapon.
Lt: Sir individual is still firing, now running to new position and seems to be waving at us.
Captain: Roger that, commencing warning shot near individual.
Lt: Captain Hold, I see corpses amongst crowd. Mission Control requesting permission to extract individual.
MC: First disperse the crowd.
Capt: Firing off warning Burst.
Lt: Burst is not affecting crowd.
Capt: Copy, Confirmed Lt unleash some payload.
Lt: Copy, raining plasma sir.

Blue Zone Disturbance detected, Comms Jammed.

Re: Coming of the Rifts: One day at a time.

Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2008 9:09 pm
by Warmaster40k
"Audio Log of Intelligence Officer Major Joseph Steiner,
We just recovered a audio journal out in the Chicago Wastes. Individual seems to have come across one of the Militias. This one calls its self the 108th. We have encountered this band before. Whether or not they will, cease their independent operations and join ours remains to be seen. I suggest that we consider them hostile. They have already interrupted too many operations, than what I fee comfortable with.
The General thinks this is the right place to start. As of now there are too many of these Blue Zones. They make communication difficult and let in too many UICs (Unidentified Creatures).

Sector Four seems to be a good place to start our 4R missions. The Stadium is practically a fortress, I can tell you it would be loads better than operating from this mobile command center, and APCs we got. The information contained in the recovered log, lets me to believe that the 108th are up to something. They may be onto the fact that some of these UCIs are vulnerable to silver. And the tires, maybe the fact that recent makers have begun to sell tires made up of complex Nano Tubes, making them extremely durable. For what use remains to be seen.
Note: We lost patrols 15/03 15/12 and 15/13. That's 15 people so far. We need to get a handle on the situation. Life is too rare to be wasting at the moment.
End of Log"

to understand the XX/YY means that X= how many missions there are for the day, and Y= the mission group.
Say Alpha squad is the fourth patrol out of sixteen in the day they would be Patrol 16/04

so the previous entry mission was: CHI-Q4-27/05 or Chicago Sector 4 twenty-seven out of Five.

Re: Coming of the Rifts: One day at a time.

Posted: Sat Dec 20, 2008 4:46 am
by Aramanthus
It's very good. Please keep it up. I'll try and join you after Christmas with a journal from someone I create. I've got an idea for a Nema power armor trooper.

Re: Coming of the Rifts: One day at a time.

Posted: Sat Dec 20, 2008 2:22 pm
by Warmaster40k
duck-foot wrote:so are you thinking about submitting this to the rifter when you are done

It would require cleaning up, but for the rifter I would have to Stat out several things first, but yeah I have been thinking about it.

Re: Coming of the Rifts: One day at a time.

Posted: Sat Dec 20, 2008 11:09 pm
by Warmaster40k
"Day 23, January 12 2099, 7PM
This is Robert Farson's log, I've been under lock and key. I met these guys called NEMA. Not sure what they are about. Lets see. NEMA, NEMA? Thats right, they are that government publicity stunt to show North American unity. Not exactly popular if you ask me. Took apart the FBI, saying we needed a new group to handle what one organization had a grip on. So they give'em weapon systems no one will ever use. Whats the point, in a mirror polished combat suit. Thought the whole of combat idea wasn't to get noticed, but this thing just States hey shoot me. Any way, yeah NEMA pain in my ass more like it. So they come to Chicago to show every one that every thing is Okay, that we are all safe. Two days I've been locked in a equipment cage while they get holding cells ready. None of them will talk to me, but at least they thought it would be smart to give me back my recorder. I swear, My luck just aint holding out, first Zombies now this @#$%. End of Log."

Re: Coming of the Rifts: One day at a time.

Posted: Sun Dec 21, 2008 11:14 pm
by Warmaster40k
"Day 24, January 13 2099 Thursday, 11PM
Robert Farson, here. They moved me from the gear cage to general public. They Also confiscated all my gear as well. Say I don't need it in the civilian area of teh stadium. They, being NEMA, have stripped out the seats and began setting it up for people to have a place to sleep. I have no Idea were my dog is. Thats right, when I got grabbed by the flying suit they never got Spike. I'm gonna talk to the quartermaster tomorrow, to see If I can get my jacket and books back at least. @$%(em, I wonder how Frank and the others are doing. Well lights out, End of Log."

Re: Coming of the Rifts: One day at a time.

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2008 12:47 am
by Warmaster40k
"Day 25, January 14 2099 Friday, 9PM,
Robert here. Why is it to get any thing done, I have to work for any one who saves me. Like the 108th I have to put my life in danger. Ugh I didn't sign up for the military to begin with, back when I needed help with paying for college because I didn't want to endanger my self. Well starting tomorrow I'll be taking a placement test to see what I can assist NEMA with, as they are severely understaffed, but from what I heard I'm gonna catch some pretty great Perks. I hear there is a canine shelter around the encampment where they are catching dogs and see if they can reunite pets and their owners. Should try and see if Spike is in there. You know, I have been reading more of this Lazlo guy and despite the lunacy of some of this crap, I can see where this knowledge would be applicable in this mad house we call earth. End of Log."

What should Robert be?

Re: Coming of the Rifts: One day at a time.

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2008 1:29 am
by Lord Death
A Silver Eagle pilot or better yet how bout a NEMA K-9 unit (thats if you find spike again) good luck in finding spike

Re: Coming of the Rifts: One day at a time.

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2008 11:29 pm
by Warmaster40k
"Day 26, January 15 2099, Saturday. 10pm,
Robert here, too tired, took NEMA physical portion of test, need sleep."

Re: Coming of the Rifts: One day at a time.

Posted: Thu Dec 25, 2008 2:56 am
by Warmaster40k
"Day 27, January 16 2099, Sunday. 9PM,
Robert's audio log, Results came in, ehh hem, due to the needs and time NEMA has I'll be a M1 or a Militia Private. Seems every one got that position. Apparently NEMA has a need of bodies not skills. Oh well, tomorrow I head off to training. End of Log."

Re: Coming of the Rifts: One day at a time.

Posted: Thu Dec 25, 2008 10:05 pm
by Warmaster40k
"Day 28 January 17 2099, Monday don't care,
Robert here, Don't know what's going on, I only went over basic tactics and 2 hour Fire-Arm safety course and spent 1 hour at a firing range. Now they give me this vest and helmet and assign me to a post. It's somewhere in Down-Town Chicago in the Financial District. I move out to the post in a hour, Robert out."

Re: Coming of the Rifts: One day at a time.

Posted: Sat Dec 27, 2008 3:30 am
by Warmaster40k
"Day 29, January 18, Tuesday, 9pm
I made it to forward outpost 12, We watch for something, mostly we give a place for rescue teams and Peace Keepers to catch a few Zzs. So far all I have been doing is polishing boots, and maintaining equipment. They wont even let me near ammo. Tomorrow I'll be going on patrol, I get to carry the camera, so we can categorize any thing we see. Lucky me."

Re: Coming of the Rifts: One day at a time.

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2008 2:44 am
by Warmaster40k
"Day 30, January 19, Wednesday, 8:30
I don't know what I just saw, say that a lot these days but really. I got use to demons, and I have heard rumors that some are experimenting with.... magic, but this was different. My squad was on patrol when we ran across a winged demon. It was tearing into us, the truck we use was thrown towards me. Then out of no where a giant slab of megacrete slams in to the creature. Then a guy just walks nonchalantly from the direction the rock came from. Told us to get our men out of there, he would take care of it. He addressed the demon, belittling it. Thats when it happened. First the demon laughed at the guy and the guy just shrugged and this black miasma started seeping from his clothes. He grinned like a jackal and he changed in front of me. He became this horned demon with the face of a wolf, it had tentacles coming off its back. That thing tore the demon apart, we didn't know what to think, until Peterson opened fire, the wolf-thing then bolted in to a store, strange thing was all we found was a mirror in the room. We chalk it up as a new freak we don't know s$%t about and it would be nice if one day, nothing new occurred. Robert out."

Re: Coming of the Rifts: One day at a time.

Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2008 4:56 pm
by Lord Death
i think its from nightbane, if im right just cause of the mirror in the building. :-D

Re: Coming of the Rifts: One day at a time.

Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2008 6:03 pm
by tmikesecrist3
for the merror, and the way he just changed hes form form a normel looking human

Re: Coming of the Rifts: One day at a time.

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2008 12:46 am
by Warmaster40k
"Day 31 January 20, Thursday. 9pm
Robert here, I just received a message from the Coliseum, it seems that a Husky/Shepard mix was located. They are taking good care of it too. They send their best regards. I got two more weeks on this rotation, before I head back to the base for some RnR. Don't know what I am gonna do though, maybe when they start getting modifying the power grid and hooking up those Hyperion Generators, I can get some modern amenities I've been missing for over a month. I just saw the briefing document they hand out to NEMA staff, supposedly it contains new intel for taking down some of these critters out there. I never looked at it, but I heard the guy in charge here at Outpost S3-4 swearing up a storm how its gotten bigger this week again. Our truck has already been repaired. I should consider requesting that we check up on the old neighborhood, and Frank. Denied of course. Block by Block they say, We will get to it. In more positive news, I'm up for promotion, kinda. Due to good reviews I may be up for being issued a honest to god laser rifle. Better start doing something more than polishing boots and listening in on comms all day. Robert out.

Re: Coming of the Rifts: One day at a time.

Posted: Sun Jan 04, 2009 2:32 am
by Warmaster40k
no volunteered, he just never picked what he volunteered for.

Re: Coming of the Rifts: One day at a time.

Posted: Sun Jan 04, 2009 2:50 am
by Warmaster40k
Day 32 January 21, Friday.

I am here to write a entry today be cause my batteries ran out, and I need a new memory card. Funny isn't it. I had just received the "new" laser rifle today. New for me, not so much unused. In fact it still has the blood spattering from the previous owner. If we don't get a hold of any form of manufacturing pretty soon, it is gonna become like the 42nd millennium soon. Where our most basic weapons become more valuable then the men using them. To think I just got the 23rd edition. Thank god we have that nuke powered truck, else we could not even have the means of recharging the E-clips. 13 days, before I head back. 13 days before I get to see my dog again. Suicide rates are actually dropping for a change, that is right, the weak ones have offed them selves to the last in the end. Most units now have betting pools on how many stiffs they find in a building now, you can up the pay out by guessing most common means of death. Now on average its neck in neck with exposure and murder by fellow human, followed by suicide and lastly eaten (not every one is eaten by a monster, food for thought) While on patrol we found a liquor store not completely emptied, along with some remaining Egg-Nog and rum we found we plan on celebrating, for what? all I can say is maybe being alive. Rumors are flying though, that fights are breaking out between uniformed soldiers and NEMA personnel. Could NEMA be fighting 108th or something else? I'll find out eventually time to practice with the new beamer.

Re: Coming of the Rifts: One day at a time.

Posted: Thu Jan 08, 2009 1:05 am
by Warmaster40k
Capt. Amundson wrote:Can others contribute, too?


Re: Coming of the Rifts: One day at a time.

Posted: Thu Jan 08, 2009 12:01 pm
by Warmaster40k
Day 33 January 22, Saturday,
Written Entry two, still no idea when I'm going to receive the new battery for my audio-recorder. I'm on break, from a 8 hour Watch at a rescue dig site. Got three hours before I start my next shift. More and more, we just keep finding more and more people. At this rate we are gonna run out of space at the stadium if the other groups are having this much luck saving people. Food, medical supplies, clothing, warmth. How are these things gonna be replenished. Whats odd is I found another one of those books. A book written by that Lazlo guy, "A Modern Look at Mysticism", that will go nicely with "Finding the Potential". I thumbed through it and it discussed meditative techniques and different shamanistic traditions of the world, and how we could use them if we find it with in ourselves. Going to give it a good read through.

Re: Coming of the Rifts: One day at a time.

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2009 4:56 am
by Aramanthus
Very interesting how it's gone! Sorry I've been busy with RL. I'll try to come up with some person who is along for the ride soon enough.

Re: Coming of the Rifts: One day at a time.

Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2009 5:04 am
by Aramanthus
Excellent new story! I'm still working on something. I've got to try.

Re: Coming of the Rifts: One day at a time.

Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2009 10:32 pm
by Warmaster40k
"Day 34, January 24, 2098, Sunday
This is Robert Farson's audio log, guess this means I got my new battery and memory card. Discovered something new today, not every UIC is a bug-eyed tentacled freak. Some look human, beyond human actually, Some can achieve beauty not of this world, one of them looked like a goddess aside form the spikes coming out of her. Volunteer Smith just fell into her arms, with a look of ecstasy on his face, before she tore him apart and drank his... juices. It got away... WE got two new trucks, yeah they are modified with High-Impact armor plating. Should allow us to survive in this Hell on Earth. Ohh yeah I started using some of the meditation techniques mentioned in the book I got, they actually work, I feel more relaxed, now the four hours of sleep I get a night don't feel as bad. Well gotta go, I have a patrol to do. Farson Out."

Re: Coming of the Rifts: One day at a time.

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 5:10 am
by Aramanthus
Glad to see it continue! Looking forward to reading more chapters as they come.

Re: Coming of the Rifts: One day at a time.

Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2009 10:40 am
by Nightbreed
December 20, 2098

Video/Audio Log: "My name is Jake Summers, I'm 24 yrs old from New Jersey. I work overnights as an armed security guard. I've been having these weird episodes that give me these intense headaches. Then there are the dreams. All these images of death and destruction with a bluish glow to it. I kept wondering if it was a weird form of hell. I once woke up and everything in the room was floating! Well a few weeks ago i collapsed from the mother of all headaches. My co-workers told me it was intense and that my nose was bleeding like a waterfall. I was taken to the hospital and am now in a rehab clinic (damned if i know why i got sent here). All i know is that since then all i know is that something really bad is going to happen and i have to get out of here, at least go west. My recent dream was frightening i was drowning and i couldn't surface. Whats worse it seemed that EVERYTHING was underwater. I have gotten all the patters of the staff worked out and am getting the hell out of here tonight. Wish me luck."

Re: Coming of the Rifts: One day at a time.

Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2009 11:20 am
by Nightbreed
December 22, 2098

Video/Audio Log: "Well, Jake Summers here, i made it, got out, had to incapacitate some people, but i made it. I crossed the Penn border yesterday morning, trying to get as far west as i could. Also got to be on the lookout for the cops. I guess i shouldn't have stuck those nurses with the syringes or knock out the guard i ran into and take his gun... but it was a good thing i did, that dream i had about the water, well it came true. When the quakes happened that was enough to wake me up, then i saw blue light almost everywhere. It was unreal, at the time my headaches came back, but this time i didn't go unconscious i actually levitated off the ground this time! Like some stage magician from the 20th Century! I was in the woods so no one was around to see, but i saw what can only be described as the mother of all tidal waves! I felt it a bit here as i saw the water go beneath me. I got back down to ground level, but the water was at least 2ft high. If it was this bad here, i shudder to think how it would have been if i was still at the hospital. All my friends are gone. I'm on my own, but it seems with this catastrophe i got some new gifts. It seems i'm some sort of mentalist of some sort. That psychic stuff they have on the science channel where people can move things with their mind and stuff. I remember doing small stuff as a kid, but i thought it faded away as i got older. I practiced a bit with it, i can walk on the water for a few minutes before my head starts hurting. After a few hours i was able to find some higher ground so i can rest up. Also the strangest thing, a few hours after the flooding it started to snow, well i thought it was, but it's ash. I didn't see any sign of fires.... But i had something to cover my nose and mouth with. (good thing my clothes were already wet. Hope the gun isn't too affected as i think i might need it.) I think it's time to find a town where there will be some supplies, i think this thing isn't going away any time soon and i need to prep, or if possible liberate some items for the more needy, namely me. Looks like my time in the military may pay off after all. Time to let this thing recharge a bit. Man these new Triax recorders are great!"

Re: Coming of the Rifts: One day at a time.

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 5:53 am
by Aramanthus
Cool start. Looking forward to more as it comes!