My thinking on the AK 47 was thus: The Cardanian forces had their main military rifle based off the "Modern US military Rifle" And is a 5.56. Basically the M-16, it even has the 3 round burst capibility. This is well and fine and a decent rifle.
But the AK 47 is the most mass produced and easy to get assault rifle in the world. In some 3rd world country's you can literly, today, get one for less than it costs for a lunch meal. They're ruggad, easy to care for and relitivly hard to break. They're easy to fix and being so ubiquitous, easy to find spare parts for. Cardanin forces are the modern army forces of AtB America, then the commando groups can use the Ak. It has more of a 'resistance fighter' or home grown feel to it. At least to me. It's also a good rifle as far as they go.
You can attach a grenade launcher to the bottom of the AK. but I don't personally like how it looks in the end. So my solution to this is this. Instead of having RPGs ((Rocket propelled grenade)) Launchers, (( Which I would see throwing the Jackalope commandos backwards, never a good thing)) You have one Jack in the group cary a M79 grenade launcher. ... _kylki.jpgAbout as simple as such things get, it works like a breach loading shot gun. You open it. Slide one of the grenades in. Snap it closed. FOOOMP! and Boom. It's Small (( for a grenade launcher)) and much like the Ak easy to service, easy to repair, and easy to maintain. The shells can be made with the production cabibility of the After the bomb setting (( these things were used in Nam and even a bit before if I'm not mistaken)) More over they fit in with the Jack Rangers size and abilitys.
So far the Jack Rangers are looking to shape up like this.
Education: Elite Militia: (( AtB page 18))
If you notice in the equipment for them, they get one military grade weapon. To which I'd impose these choices (( to help maintain the cohesive feeling of the group, and represent their distance from Cardiaria))
The Jk 47 (( Ak 47 analog.)) Cartridge: 7.62, Feed: 30 round magazine, Weight: 9.5 lbs Range: 400M (1312 feet)), Cost: 145Bucks (( but need permits from Douglas, or Fort Wolpentinger, which could drive the price up depending on your standing with them. If they like you. If you smell bad. Or look like you might try and eat one of them at some point in the future. Or if you ever made a dispariging remark about the Jackalope species.)) Damage: 6d6 (( based off the fact the 5.56 round does 5d6. The Ak is a bit stronger than the M16)) Or 1D6X10+5 for 3 round burst. (( Full auto selection was taken out, due to the expense of ammo and difficulty to replace foolishly spent rounds. Much like it was in the M16 In real life)). They all have folding stocks, as to help with versitility, and use by smaller mutant animals, or in commando settings or from Insect back))
or the
M79 "Jackrabbit" Grenade launcher. A single shot grenade launcher based off the old M79 specs.: Cartridge: Single M79 grenade, Feed: Single shot, Weight: 5.95lbs (empty) 6.45 loaded. Range:350M/1148 ft Cost:$200bucks (( Though Douglas won't sell these to outsiders. Just scouts, rangers and army forces of it's own community.)) Damage: as per grenade. Explosive 1d6X10, frag 1D4X10
Typical Jack Ranger patrol squad. Consists of 5 Members of Fort Wolpintenger, At least 2 or 3 will be mutant Jackalopes, the remainder can be any friendly mutant animal specie that has signed up and undergone Jack Ranger training.
1 Sargent (( Almost always Jackalope.)) Carrying a JK 47, Side arm, and 2 melee weps of choice.
3 Jack rangers(( armed with JK 47s and side arm. + Melee wep of choice.)) One will be the radio man for the unit.))
1 heavy weapon troop (( he gets to carry the Jackrabbit grenade launcher. Take away the JK 47, add in Jackrabit M79 with 15 grenades for it, side arm, + Melee weapon of choice, some law of cosmic fate seems to dictate the smallest guy in the squad gets saddled with the largest weapon. Just one of those rules of the universe. Keep in mind though they're not giving it to something too tiny to shoot it accurately. Just the smallest guy that can))
All 5 are riding the Ranger-hoppers. The Fort Wolpentinger version of mutant riding grasshoppers.
Ranger Hopper: Mutant Riding Grasshopper.
Ps 10+1D6, PP 2D6, PE 10+1D6 Spd 4D6
Size lvl 15, 460 lbs, length 8 ft,
Ar 8 SDC 100 HP= to PE
Natural Weapons: Forward claws 1D6. Or Kick from back leg 4D6
Special ability: Advanced hopping. Allows for efficient long distance travel at high speeds. They can go 30MPH for hours, with bursts up to 45MPH but limited by PE. can leap up to 72 feet length and 36 heigh.
Attk per melee 2
These are the standard land mount of the Jack Rangers. A green muntant grasshopper the size of a modern day horse. They are dumb (( Much dumber than horses)) But with months of training can be taught "Go, stop. Turn right. turn left, and attack." (( many of the Jack rangers have the communicate with mutant insects psionic power, all have the Riding: Mutant insects skill.)).
Many Jack Rangers take to spray painting cammo patterns on their mounts to help them blend in in the field. The Ranger hoppers don't care. If they even notice at all. They're good mounts, and if push comes to shove you can kill um and use um as cover.. and they convert nicely to emergency field rations in a pinch. The Jack Rangers love their Hoppers and will only do this in times of extreme duress or emergency. The hoppers are a mark of pride to the Jack Rangers, as they are some of the few if not only ones in North America to use mutant insects as "Riding mounts". They love their bugs and "Hopper thieves" Are seen as the lowest of the low and are often shot upon capture or hung at the earilest convenience after a military courts martial.
The Sergent of the squad will very likely have a 'variant' Hopper. One that has the "Glide" modification. They can glide at 35 MPH with bursts dictated by pe, but sucks on landings. the hopper must save vs PP on every landing. Failure means the bug tripped and rolled pssibly ontop of the rider. This reduces the AR by 43 and SDC to 90. But the Sergent has need of such scouting and if need evasion that the flying hopper can give.
Jack Ranger Armored unit. "Slow and Steady but with style"
These are specially trained Jack Ranger units that serve as Fort Wolpentinger's "Armored Platoon" Sadly they don't have real tanks. Besides those things are hell to keep up, field, maintain, and resupply. Instead the Jack Rangers have converted 10 Bank Deposit Armored trucks into their Mechinized Division. The cars are modified (( As per road hog rules)) But each sports a turret cut into the top with A heavy Machine gun, or flame thrower. And Slots cut in the side (( hinged and lockable from inside)) to fire out with the M79 Jackrabbit grenade launchers. The wheels are protected with armored wheel wells and there is a large metal ram prow/brush guards on the front. These arn't really all terrain vehicles. They're heavy, but they do to serve as the forts units incase anyone is silly enough to try and lay seige to the fort.
That's what I have for tonight. I'll work up their LARP (Long Range Recon Patrol)) group tomarrow. I have an idea for that too. The "Pathfinders' you'd mentioned.
I also have a bit of an off the wall idea that might bear fruit but I need to kick it around in my head a bit first.