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What from Rifter do you want to see in Mysteries of Magic?

Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2009 3:19 pm
by gaby
I like to known What Magic from Rifter do you want to see in Mysteries of Magic?

Re: What from Rifter do you want to see in Mysteries of Magic?

Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2009 5:44 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
Other then Mark's stuff, the card mage occ. (not the trickster mage from R9.5 and BoR).
The Ophid's Grasslands' magic and the northern hinterlands' (snow) magic.

Re: What from Rifter do you want to see in Mysteries of Magic?

Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2009 5:18 am
by AzathothXy
Apollyon7 wrote:If they have temporal magic in the book does that make it canon and allowable in the PF world? (assuming the only thing allowed is canon)

Well since at one time there were atleast 10,000 forms of magic in PFRPG, every type of magic is canon. It's just a matter of finding a teacher(unlikely), or rifting someone in.

Re: What from Rifter do you want to see in Mysteries of Magic?

Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2009 7:13 am
by Vidynn
Mark's material, edited but not rewritten, and in one single book. no bonus stuff from the RIFTER, and not dragged out over 3 volumes. pleeease.

Re: What from Rifter do you want to see in Mysteries of Magic?

Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2009 11:34 am
by krate
Vidynn wrote:Mark's material, edited but not rewritten, and in one single book. no bonus stuff from the RIFTER, and not dragged out over 3 volumes. pleeease.

amen to that!

Re: What from Rifter do you want to see in Mysteries of Magic?

Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2009 9:35 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
krate wrote:
Vidynn wrote:Mark's material, edited but not rewritten, and in one single book. no bonus stuff from the RIFTER, and not dragged out over 3 volumes. pleeease.

amen to that!

Maybe the MoM 1 will be Mark's writing, while MoM 2&3 is the other stuff.

Re: What from Rifter do you want to see in Mysteries of Magic?

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2009 4:38 am
by AzathothXy
Tinker wrote:I'm kinda hoping for all 1,000 magicks, (including everything they put it in teh rifters). maybe that's why it taking 3 books?

(my 2 cents---if its in a rifter, thats canon enough for me. ifind it hard to believe that from what i read about KS that he'd allow things in teh rifters that he doesn't agree with...that's why he rejects some material, too...its actually a great idea, letting others do the writing for you....and you get first dibs on those freelance writers...ingenious, actually....)

It's 10,000 magics, That's alotta books.

Re: What from Rifter do you want to see in Mysteries of Magic?

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2009 9:45 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
I do remember that different PSI disciplines were counted in the 1k magics. The example I'm thinking of is the crystal psi stuff in "Island at the edge of the world" book.

Re: What from Rifter do you want to see in Mysteries of Magic?

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2009 5:36 pm
by AzathothXy
Mephisto wrote:
Tinker wrote:(really? disaplins?)

Wait, now i am confused. I thought i remembered reading "Time Of A Thousand Magicks." what's this talk of 10,000? Am I the space cadet now?

I'm with you I was always using the notion that it's 1000 Magics

I'm willing to admit i could be wrong. But I thought it was 10,000.

Re: What from Rifter do you want to see in Mysteries of Magic?

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2009 7:13 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
Mephisto wrote:
AzathothXy wrote:
Mephisto wrote:
Tinker wrote:(really? disaplins?)

Wait, now i am confused. I thought i remembered reading "Time Of A Thousand Magics." what's this talk of 10,000? Am I the space cadet now?

I'm with you I was always using the notion that it's 1000 Magics

I'm willing to admit i could be wrong. But I thought it was 10,000.

Maybe you were buzzed on cherry cola and Red Bull and were watching 10,000 Maniacs.

k is short for kilo- which means 1000. a kilogram is 1000 grams. 1 kilometer is 1000 meters.
Text about the time of a thousand magics is found in the Tristien Chronicles exerts, which inhabit the PF books.

but for you that don't know,
After the defeat of the Old Ones, the PF world went through a time of expanding magic research and development of types of magic. This time, which was to be called 'the time of a thousand magics' came to a close with the end of the elf-dwarf war(s) when roving bands of fanatics went around destroying magic stuff and killing off mages.

Re: What from Rifter do you want to see in Mysteries of Magic?

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2009 9:46 pm
by Library Ogre
The Zealotry destroys writings.

Re: What from Rifter do you want to see in Mysteries of Magic?

Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 12:12 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
Mark Hall wrote:The Zealotry destroys writings.

All writings or just those on magic?
Its been a while since I read what little is about them.

Or are you hinting that there is more about them in MoM? huuummmm?

Re: What from Rifter do you want to see in Mysteries of Magic?

Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 1:31 pm
by Vidynn
AzathothXy wrote:I'm willing to admit i could be wrong. But I thought it was 10,000.

its a thousand - and thats more than they could handle in MoM anyway! :wink:

Re: What from Rifter do you want to see in Mysteries of Magic?

Posted: Sun Jan 18, 2009 3:55 pm
by The Beast
Isn't the book already finalized and just waiting to go to the printer? :?

Re: What from Rifter do you want to see in Mysteries of Magic?

Posted: Sun Jan 18, 2009 4:27 pm
by The Beast
Citizen Lazlo wrote:
The Beast wrote:Isn't the book already finalized and just waiting to go to the printer? :?


... oh my, that was good.


Heh, that was a serious question....

If it's not, I'd like to see the necromancer varriants converted to PFRPG.

Re: What from Rifter do you want to see in Mysteries of Magic?

Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2009 8:56 pm
by RockJock
1,000 or 10,000, just a failed Math: Basic roll apart. I would love to see Mark's book edited, but as is for the first book. Anything more would just be gravy. In our games we have gone on the basis that any, and all magics from around the Megaverse were at one time, or another available in the PF setting, including variants, and psychics. It still doesn't total a thousand, but adding all the in print book magic classes, and psychic classes gets you a decent number. When you start counting things like the four Warlock colors, the Elemental Fusionist combos, various Magi classes, and invocation specialties as seperate Magics the number jumps greatly. Even stretching it with things like N&SS, or Rifts: China martial arts as "Magics" probably won't get to the full 1k. A looooong time ago I remember somebody on the boards working out a master list.

Re: What from Rifter do you want to see in Mysteries of Magic?

Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2009 4:44 pm
by Library Ogre
Tinker wrote:i read about these druids or monks or something before teh Library of Bletherad-so that rules out the Zealotry...?

Scholastic Monks disavow all magic. They're from Old Ones.

Re: What from Rifter do you want to see in Mysteries of Magic?

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2009 5:58 am
by Northern Ranger
For my part, I'm a big enough fan of Mark's work to hope they only have his stuff in there. I'm certain he gave them enough to use. But I certainly wouldn't mind seeing another couple of magical disciplines introduced into the game. I myself find it difficult to come up with new spells that aren't redundant, so it would be really interesting to see what he came up with. (It always is.) Guess we'll all just have to wait till next month, right? (Or the month after that. Or the month after that?)

Re: What from Rifter do you want to see in Mysteries of Magic?

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 5:38 pm
by gaby
Well I like Card Magic,Construct animation magic and Song Magic.

The thing is will it have Magic O.C.C,s that have Special abillities but used Common Spells or Spells only for Specific Magic O.C.C,s.

What do you think?

I hope they will have more Magic items like Enchanted Mustical instruments like Harp,Flute and Lutes for example.

Re: What from Rifter do you want to see in Mysteries of Magic?

Posted: Fri Feb 20, 2009 8:31 pm
by Northern Ranger
Honestly, I'll be happy with whatever they put in there, so long as it's all original material! Here that Kev? ORIGINAL MATERIAL!!!!! I think we've waited long enough to be assured of this one little item.

Re: What from Rifter do you want to see in Mysteries of Magic?

Posted: Fri Feb 20, 2009 8:32 pm
by Northern Ranger
To ammend that last post... I believe I read somewhere that Mark re-wrote the Undead Hunter for possible publication in this book. While not exactly original, I would be happy with this too, as it's needed to be done for quite some time and the Gods alone know when Yin Sloth 2E will come out!

Re: What from Rifter do you want to see in Mysteries of Magic?

Posted: Sat Feb 21, 2009 4:01 pm
by Hendrik

Time of a 1000 Magicks
I always took that to be meant poetically and not literally. I do not care if it is 200, 1000 or 1,000,000 forms or Magick or spells. While I always like to see some new spells and O.C.C.s, I do care much more about background and flair/flavor and good maps.

What I should like to see
I should like to hear more about the dwarven-elven war, the creation of the wolfen, the use of ley lines - i.e., expansions on some stuff in the Library of Bletherad.

How many volumes
I am looking forward to see what Mark wrote. I am fine with any additions by Kev. I think that such collaboration will make for a greater/squared result. I am happy with 3 volumes, too. ... Hel, I have waited long for another PFRPG. If I shall get 3, I will not be the one to argue! Provided it is quality, but that is a given with Palladium.

However, IF WE GET only THREE BOOKS, let me say, I should much much rather have "only" one Mysteries book and then LOD 3, and the long awaited e.g. (1-2 books on the) Old Kingdom.

May all your hits be crits!

Re: What from Rifter do you want to see in Mysteries of Magic?

Posted: Sat Feb 21, 2009 4:12 pm
by Library Ogre
Northern Ranger wrote:To ammend that last post... I believe I read somewhere that Mark re-wrote the Undead Hunter for possible publication in this book. While not exactly original, I would be happy with this too, as it's needed to be done for quite some time and the Gods alone know when Yin Sloth 2E will come out!

I included 2nd edition versions of the Holy Crusader, Beastmaster, Witch Hunter and Undead Hunter, along with a few new things.

Re: What from Rifter do you want to see in Mysteries of Magic?

Posted: Sat Feb 21, 2009 5:05 pm
by Hendrik
Mark Hall wrote:
Northern Ranger wrote:... Mark re-wrote the Undead Hunter for possible publication in this book ... I would be happy with this too, as it's needed to be done for quite some time ...

I included 2nd edition versions of the Holy Crusader, Beastmaster, Witch Hunter and Undead Hunter, along with a few new things.

Hi there,

great! I love the Yin-Sloth OCCs (even though the title/name "Holy Crusader" is IMVHO a wee bit misleading, I'd have dubbed him "temple guard" or "defender") and an update by Mark can definitely not hurt them :-D

Northern Ranger wrote:... the Gods alone know when Yin Sloth 2E will come out!

:cry: indeed! Alas!


Re: What from Rifter do you want to see in Mysteries of Magic?

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2009 11:20 am
by Vidynn
Mark Hall wrote:
Northern Ranger wrote:To ammend that last post... I believe I read somewhere that Mark re-wrote the Undead Hunter for possible publication in this book. While not exactly original, I would be happy with this too, as it's needed to be done for quite some time and the Gods alone know when Yin Sloth 2E will come out!

I included 2nd edition versions of the Holy Crusader, Beastmaster, Witch Hunter and Undead Hunter, along with a few new things.

good thing, great OCCs, but what about YSJ 2nd ed? please PB, make sure that those arent in two books in the end.

Re: What from Rifter do you want to see in Mysteries of Magic?

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2009 11:43 am
by Hendrik
Vidynn wrote:
Mark Hall wrote:I included 2nd edition versions of the Holy Crusader, Beastmaster, Witch Hunter and Undead Hunter, along with a few new things.

good thing, great OCCs, but what about YSJ 2nd ed? please PB, make sure that those arent in two books in the end.

I would not mind ... provided they are the same and not only similar. ;)

Re: What from Rifter do you want to see in Mysteries of Magic?

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2009 12:23 pm
by Library Ogre
Vidynn wrote:
Mark Hall wrote:
Northern Ranger wrote:To ammend that last post... I believe I read somewhere that Mark re-wrote the Undead Hunter for possible publication in this book. While not exactly original, I would be happy with this too, as it's needed to be done for quite some time and the Gods alone know when Yin Sloth 2E will come out!

I included 2nd edition versions of the Holy Crusader, Beastmaster, Witch Hunter and Undead Hunter, along with a few new things.

good thing, great OCCs, but what about YSJ 2nd ed? please PB, make sure that those arent in two books in the end.

When I was writing, I had no idea that Shawn and Robyn were working on YSJ. In fact, I don't think they started YSJ until after I finished the first draft of MoM.

Re: What from Rifter do you want to see in Mysteries of Magic?

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2009 12:36 pm
by Shawn Merrow
Mark Hall wrote:
Vidynn wrote:
Mark Hall wrote:
Northern Ranger wrote:To ammend that last post... I believe I read somewhere that Mark re-wrote the Undead Hunter for possible publication in this book. While not exactly original, I would be happy with this too, as it's needed to be done for quite some time and the Gods alone know when Yin Sloth 2E will come out!

I included 2nd edition versions of the Holy Crusader, Beastmaster, Witch Hunter and Undead Hunter, along with a few new things.

good thing, great OCCs, but what about YSJ 2nd ed? please PB, make sure that those arent in two books in the end.

When I was writing, I had no idea that Shawn and Robyn were working on YSJ. In fact, I don't think they started YSJ until after I finished the first draft of MoM.

Correct we only started on YSJ in 2007.

Re: What from Rifter do you want to see in Mysteries of Magic?

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2009 1:09 pm
by Library Ogre
Shawn Merrow wrote:
Mark Hall wrote:
Vidynn wrote:
Mark Hall wrote:
Northern Ranger wrote:To ammend that last post... I believe I read somewhere that Mark re-wrote the Undead Hunter for possible publication in this book. While not exactly original, I would be happy with this too, as it's needed to be done for quite some time and the Gods alone know when Yin Sloth 2E will come out!

I included 2nd edition versions of the Holy Crusader, Beastmaster, Witch Hunter and Undead Hunter, along with a few new things.

good thing, great OCCs, but what about YSJ 2nd ed? please PB, make sure that those arent in two books in the end.

When I was writing, I had no idea that Shawn and Robyn were working on YSJ. In fact, I don't think they started YSJ until after I finished the first draft of MoM.

Correct we only started on YSJ in 2007.

And I did the second draft of MoM in fall of 2006.