House Branton OCC: The Gore Monger
Moderators: Immortals, Supreme Beings, Old Ones
- Guy_LeDouche
- Megaversal® Ambassador
- Posts: 829
- Joined: Tue Feb 22, 2005 12:29 pm
- Location: Charleston, SC
House Branton OCC: The Gore Monger
Another finished product I felt the urge to pose after seeing an earlier topic on Splicer fan projects. As with the B.O.S.S., the Gore Monger is unique to House Branton, an idea that never quite got fully fleshed out; a house composed of fanatics and extremists.
Though we never quite fleshed it all out, we did get a pretty good amount of stuff done. Here's another one of Branton's unique OCCs, the "Gore Monger" and its a creation I'm pretty proud of. Between this and the B.O.S.S. ( ), I think it gives a good idea as to the direction our House was going. The intro is the same as the B.O.S.S. post, so feel free to skip it.
As always, constructive criticism is always welcome:
“We are the true saviors of humanity; for only we have the will to do what must be done.”
An unknown House until almost five years ago, House Branton has entered the fray, intent on smashing N.E.X.U.S. and saving mankind. Though not an overt threat to humanity, Branton remains somewhat dangerous to other members of the Resistance because of their extreme views and culture. To say that Branton is committed to victory is a bit of an understatement; the entire House is completely obsessed with defeating the Machine and ensuring the survival of the human race.
Members of House Branton are true fanatics and cult-like in their thoughts and actions; everything is done for “the greater good” of the race. Individuality is discouraged, frowned upon and even punished. Most, if not all, of their plans and actions are to ensure survival of the race as a whole. Branton is committed to the survival of humanity as a whole, and shows little concerns for individuals. To their thinking, all humans should be willing to sacrifice their lives to ensure the human race will survive.
To complicate their relations with other Houses, the citizens of Branton worship the Engineers, Librarians, and even Scarecrows as living gods and the saviors of humanity.
As a minor House and somewhat limited in resources, Branton is willing to take actions other Houses would frown upon or outlaw entirely. Violating a somewhat unwritten law of the Resistance, Branton willing manipulates and, in some cases, completely rewrites the human DNA code; creating some unique and monstrous troops.
Though House Branton is willing to work with other Houses, their fanaticism and ghoulish sub-human troops makes others very wary.
Gore Monger O.C.C.
Using the concept of Biotics as a stepping stone, the Librarians and Engineers of House Branton took genetic modifications to extreme limits in the creation of the Gore Monger. The Gore Monger is one of the House’s most dangerous creations; human beings remade into monstrous living weapons with a lust for combat. Part Biotic, part walking tank, all destruction, the Gore Mongers are designed to be large, robot pounding brutes capable of absorbing tremendous damage and unleashing devastating force.
Unlike Biotics, few Gore Mongers are crooks and lowlifes; the vast majority are also from the mentally or physically handicapped. For the parents of House Branton, few things are as honorable or noble as offering a misshapen child for the good of the House. Regardless of their origins, all who “volunteer” for the process are taken to the Librarian, their memories and personalities wiped out; their bodies mutated into a form so extreme that many have questioned if they should still be referred to as “human”.
With an average height of 9 feet and weighing in at a ton or more, Gore Mongers are tough, armored, and always ready for a fight. Covered in skin as hard as armor plate, often sporting dangerous claws, horns, and teeth, the Gore Monger is a fearsome sight. A Gore Monger’s basic form resembles that of a giant, hunched humanoid, their limbs and torsos knotted with thick, corded muscles. Many will lope on all fours, rising to their hind legs when entering combat, similar to a bear or an ape. Whatever hair they may have is usually wild and untamed. When unleashed in full force, the Mongers gladly take on the heaviest enemy units, defenses or troops. They love nothing more than ramming their way through enemy lines, stomping robots, and hammering foes into oblivion. Even with their size, Gore Mongers fight like a whirlwind, battering their opponents until they retreat or are smashed. Despite often having ranged weapons, these brutes prefer hand to hand combat; the harder the fight, the more they seem to enjoy it.
For reasons unknown even to the Librarians, all Gore Mongers have a constantly changing and evolving genetic structure. It can truly be said no two Gore Mongers are alike. As the Gore Monger ages, its genetics are constantly mutating, giving these brutes an unpredictable and ever changing array of abilities. Many within the House speculate that the Librarians are unconcerned about these mutations; after all, they serve to make the Gore Mongers that much more fearsome.
Dangerous in the extreme, Gore Mongers pose a threat even to their own house. Like Biotics, Gore Mongers are plagued by mental instabilities and insanities. Despite their best efforts, the Librarians of House Branton have yet to solve this problem. Their great physical power and volatility, combined with the host of mental troubles, creates a huge potential threat to the House and its population; a single rogue Gore Monger could cause serious damage. To manage the great giants, the House experimented with several ways to ensure loyalty or to put a quick end to dangerous Monger. Poisons and drugs were often counteracted by the Monger’s natural resistance, and their superior regeneration healed most damage. However, the House Librarian Gatraphon, came up with an ingenious idea.
The Librarians have inserted a flawed gene into the Gore Monger’s DNA sequence. This defect keeps the Gore Monger from being able to produce an enzyme called arginine, an amino acid essential in the healing of injuries and operation of the immune system. Unless provided with supplemental arginine by the House, a Gore Monger will begin to lose its great strength and endurance, and not be able to heal wounds or fight off infections and diseases. This creates a dependency on the House and helps to control and reduce the chances of a Gore Monger going “rogue”.
Despite the hazards and dangers, most Gore Mongers serve House Branton well. Unlike Biotics, Gore Mongers are not relegated to “slave warrior” status. Though not equal with “pure” humans, they are treated with affection and even a measure of respect, much like a favored pet or prize-winning animal. This treatment, more than most anything else, has kept many Gore Mongers in line and gives them a powerful sense of purpose.
Alignment: Typically Anarchist (30%) or Aberrant (30%), but the other 40% are other alignments, including evil. Despite alignments, all Gore Mongers are dangerous and prone to aggressive behavior; to their limited thinking, few problems can’t be solved through violence. However, most Gore Mongers, even evil ones, remain fairly loyal to the human race (in general) and despise the robots. The worst of the lot, however, go rogue and may prey upon fellow humans, even Resistance fighters.
Attributes: Due to the complete bio-reconstruction received, Gore Mongers do not roll attributes as normal. Instead, use the following to determine the attributes:
I.Q.: 1D4+6 (low to average, brutish and insane), M.E. 1D6, M.A.: 1D6+5, P.S. 3D6+32, P.P.: 1D6+15, P.E.: 2D6+22, P.B.: 1D6, Spd: 3D6+30 running.
O.C.C. Bonuses: +2 attacks per melee round, +1 on initiative, +4 to strike, +1 to parry and dodge, +3 to roll with impact, +5 save vs. Horror Factor, +3 to save vs. poison, toxins, drugs and disease. Bonuses are in addition to attributes and other abilities.
Base S.D.C.: Not applicable, see the Gore Monger’s Altered Body.
Gore Monger O.C.C. Abilities
1. Gore Monger’s Altered Body & M.D.C.: The bio-reconstruction turns the character into a Mega-Damage being, with the P.E. attribute number x5 +3D4x100 as the starting M.D.C. The Gore Monger gains an additional 3D6x10 M.D. per level of experience, starting at level two. In addition, a Gore Monger’s entire body and metabolism is geared to combat and physical stress. Gore Mongers bio-regenerate an amazing 1D6x10 per melee round; they can regrow any lost appendages and even eyes with enough time. Gore Mongers posses Supernatural Strength, can run and fight non-stop without the slightest sign of fatigue or exhaustion for up to 72 hours, require only three hours of sleep every other day to feel rested, leap up to 40 feet high and lengthwise (increase distance 50% with a running start), swim at the same speed as running, and even survive depths of up to one mile unaided.
2. Superior Vision: All Gore Mongers can see like a hawk in daylight and posses polarized vision.
3. Massive Size: The Gore Monger stands 8 feet +1D4 feet tall and weighs 1+1
D6 tons. Due to their immense size and frightening appearance, Gore Mongers have a Horror Factor of 13.
4. Advanced Magnetoreception: All Gore Mongers have the ability to detect changes in natural electromagnetic energy and magnetic fields. Much like a homing pigeon, Gore Mongers can sense electromagnetic fields and signatures and use them like beacons, signposts, and trails by which to navigate. A Gore Monger can find its way back to House Branton, even over extremely long distances, at a proficiency of 79%+2% per level. This ability also grants a one-time bonus of +20% to Land Navigation, or grants the Land Navigation skill at 55% if it is not known.
5. Unstable Genetic Code: For reasons unknown to even the Librarians, Gore Mongers exhibit an ever changing genetic structure that produces a host of monstrosities; it can truly be said no two Gore Mongers are alike. If a Gore Monger survives long enough, it will continue to change and mutate, developing new, and sometimes frightening abilities.
At first level, the Gore Monger rolls four times on the mutation table below. At each level of advancement, make an additional roll, ignoring any repeat mutations (the character’s structure is strangely stable, for now.) GM’s may add or substitute to this list as they see fit. Note that any pre-requisites must be met before enhancements are chosen.
01%-04% Choice: Choose one Eye & Vision Enhancement and one Biological Defense.
05%-10%Tri-Fingers: The fingers fuse into two large fingers and a thick thumb, adding an additional 1D6 M.D. to punch damage. Unfortunately, this also imposes a -5% on any skills requiring manual dexterity.
11%-15% Additional Eye: The Gore Monger grows an extra eye on its head. The eye can see the infrared spectrums of light, including deat signature and infrared beams.
16%-21% Speed Burst: Loping on all fours, the Gore Monger can run at 60 mph in a short burst lasting 1D4 minutes, before returning to its normal speed. This speed burst can be performed twice per hour, with an additional burst for each level of experience.
22%-26% Tough exoskeleton: The Gore Monger has an unusually thick, chitinous exoskeleton that grants +100 M.D.C. However, the character’s P.P. and Spd are reduced by 1D6. Skills requiring dexterity, such as Acrobatics, Gymnastics, Prowl, etc. suffer a -10% penalty.
27%-30% Overdeveloped Legs: The Gore Monger develops large, overly muscled legs, granting a bonus of +1D6x10 additional points to the Monger’s running speed. In addition, the Monger can jump an additional 30 feet high or 60 feet lengthwise and inflicts and extra +1D8 M.D. to kicking damage.
31%-35% Flame proof hide: The Gore Monger’s skin becomes thick and lumpy, making the character impervious to normal heat and fire. The character only takes ½ damage from M.D. fire or plasma. In addition, the Gore Monger receives an additional 50 M.D.C. on its main body.
36%-39% Choice: Choose one enhancement from either Eyes & Vision or Other Sensory Enhancements and one enhancement from Ranged Bio Weapons.
40%-44% Tail: The Gore Monger now has a large, heavy, dragon-like tail; as long as it is tall. Though not prehensile, the tail can bend, twist, and lash out to strike an opponent. The tail has 4D6x10 M.D. When used in combat, the Monger gains an extra attack with the tail; the tail inflicts 5D8 M.D., but with no P.S. bonus. Instead of the usual combat bonuses, the tail receives its own bonuses of +4 to strike and +2 to parry, dodge, and disarm.
45%-48% Elongated Arms: The Gore Monger’s arms are unnaturally elongated and oversized, providing an extra 1D4 feet in reach and bonus of +2 to parry, disarm, and entangle.
49%-52% Single large horn: The Gore Monger grows a single large horn from its head. The horn adds +3D6 M.D. to head butt damage, and +3 to parry using the head/horns.
53%-56% Acid Spit: At will, the Gore Monger can spit a highly corrosive, acidic spray. The acid does 3D8 M.D. per melee round to inorganic materials but is relatively harmless to human flesh and most organic materials (only 1D4 S.D.C. per melee.) The acid burns for one minute (4 melee rounds) or until washed off. The Gore Monger can spit the acid up to 30 feet.
57%-61% Large fangs: The Gore Monger now has a pair of large, protruding tusks or saber teeth. These fangs add an additional 3D8 M.D. to bite damage.
62%-64% Choice: Choose two enhancements. The enhancements must be from the following categories: Additional Limbs & Enhanced Arms & Hands, Legs & Feet, Prehensile Appendages or Tail Appendages
65%-68% Antennae: The Gore Monger develops a pair of sensitive sensory antennae. The antennae are so highly tuned that the character can identify odors (70%+2% per level), recognize the scent of specific people and animals (50%+2% per level) and track by smell alone (40%+2% per level.)
69%-72% Claws: The Gore Monger develops razor sharp claws on each fingertip. These claws add an additional 2D6 M.D. to punch damage.
73%-77% Nightvision Eyes: The Gore Monger now posses Nightvision with a 2000ft. range.
78%-81% Breathe Fire: The Gore Monger now has Fire Breath, identical to the Host Armor power of the same name (Splicers Main Rulebook, pg. 101.)
82%-86% Organic Rockets: The Gore Monger now posses 2D4+4 Organic Rockets, identical to the Host Armor power of the same name (Splicers Main Rulebook, pg. 103)
87%-90% Poisonous Bite: The Gore Monger forms a series of venom sacs in its jaw, allowing it to deliver a powerful poison filled bite. In addition to the regular bite damage, the poison inflicts an additional 2D6 M.D., plus the victim begins to feel a creeping numbness working its way through the body. The victim must roll a save vs. Non-Lethal Poison (15 or higher) each time they are bit. A failed roll means the victim is partially paralyzed. The paralysis begins one melee after the bite. The victim’s limbs will stiffen and become unresponsive, imposing a -3 penalty on all combat rolls. The poison is so potent, it will even damage and affect War Mounts and Host Armor (though not the pilot, unless they are specifically targeted or the Host Armor is somehow breached.) The effect is temporary, and lasts for only 1D4 melee rounds. Additional bites will merely increase the duration, but not impose any additionally penalties. Unfortunately, the poison has no effect on non-organic life forms.
91%-95% Energy Resistance: This mutation makes the Gore Monger extremely resistant to all energy-based attacks, including lasers, electricity, light cell weapons, bio-energy, and other forms of pure energy. The Gore Monger takes no damage from the first 20 points of energy attack damage in a melee round. Energy attacks beyond the first 20 do only half damage. This mutation has no effect on radiation or kinetic attacks.
96%-99% Powerful Build: The Gore Monger becomes a huge, hulking, muscle-bound monstrosity! The Monger adds 1D4 feet to height, with an additional 100lbs of weight for every foot. Add 3D6x10 to M.D.C. and +1 to P.S. and P.E. Penalties: The fingers and hands are large and thick, so there is a -20% skill penalty on any skill that requires a delicate touch or dexterity. However, they also add 1D6 M.D. to punch damage.
100% Arginine Independent!: The Gore Monger no longer needs to receive supplemental arginine from the House! It can now live and function normally.
6. Weakness: Arginine Deficiency: In order to keep the Gore Mongers under control, the Librarians have inserted a faulty gene into the character’s DNA sequence. This faulty gene keeps the Gore Monger from being able to produce arginine and makes it dependent on the House. Unless supplied with arginine, a Gore Monger will weaken and eventually die. This helps to control and reduce the chances of a Gore Monger going “rogue”.
Gore Mongers can survive without supplemental arginine for half of the P.E. attribute (rounded up)+1D4 days. As time runs down, the Gore Monger will begin to feel an instinctive urge to return to the House. When only four days are left, the urge will be utterly irresistible and the Gore Monger will do whatever it takes to return to the House; this includes suddenly leaving combat or simply abandoning missions. Nothing short of physical restraint or complete incapacitation will keep the Gore Monger from heading directly to its House.
Failure to receive the necessary supplements will cause the Gore Monger to lose 4D6x10 M.D.C. and 4 P.S. and P.E. point every day until it becomes too weak to move (either of the attribute falls under 8.) In this state, the Gore Monger can only survive for 3D6+6 hours before it will die. In addition, the Gore Mongers no longer posses their regenerative powers, nor will any injuries heal, even with advanced medical aid. The only way to restore the character to full health is administer the necessary arginine supplement.
If the Gore Monger is suffering and receives the arginine, they will be back to full health and abilities within 1D6+6 hours.
Gore Monger Biological Enhancement: A Gore Monger is genetically restructured and is able to select Bio-Enhancements in much the same way as Host Armor, only skip right to Step Four and make your selection of Biological Enhancements. The Gore Monger has 1D4x10+25 Bio-E points available for enhancements at level one. This is usually all the enhancements a Gore Monger will receive; additional enhancements are only added at the request of the Warlord or House Lord. Such bonus augmentation seldom exceeds 2d10+25 Bio-E points at any given time, and is reserved only for Gore Mongers who have repeatedly proven themselves in combat (i.e., destroyed a large number of the enemy and/or have proven extremely loyal and/or have proven to be a true asset), but even then, a Gore Monger rarely gets more than two upgrades. The Gore Monger is limited to the following categories: Eyes & Vision Enhancement, Biological Defenses, Additional Limbs & Enhanced Arms & Hands, Legs & Feet, Splicer Bio-Weapons & Defense for Host Armor, Ranged Bio-Weapons, and Ranged Weapon Upgrades.
Common Skills: Standard, but with a -10% penalty to each.
O.C.C. Skill Program: Basic Military (+5%), Infantryman (+5%) and two skill programs of choice (except for Cowboy, Field Medic, Host Pilot, Language Specialist, Martial Artist, Medical Doctor, Medical Coroner, Science, Veterinary, War Mount Rider or Wingman.)
Elective Skills: Select three Elective skills from the following list at first level plus one new Elective Skill at levels 3, 6, 9, and 12. All new skills start at level one proficiency.
Communications: Any
Domestic: Any
Espionage: Detect Ambush, Interrogation, Tracking, or Wilderness Survival only (+5%).
Medical: First Aid only.
Military: Any (+5%)
Physical: Any (+10% where applicable).
Rogue: Find Contraband only.
Science: None
Technical: Any
Transportation: Any, except Pilot Wing Pack, Host Armor Combat, and War Mount Combat.
Wilderness: Any
W.P.s: Any
Secondary Skills: The character gets to select three Secondary Skills at level one. These are additional areas of knowledge that do not receive any special O.C.C. bonuses. The character may not select more Secondary Skills in the future.
M.D.C. Living Body Armor: None, the character’s large size prevents the use of any living body armor. They must rely on their natural M.D.C.
Standard Equipment: The clothes on his back, an extra set of clothes, one weapon for each W.P. and appropriate ammunition, backpack, water skin and emergency rations (two week supply.)
Money: Only has 4D6 credits, but another 2D6x10 credits worth of trinkets and items picked up along the way. Money can be spent now on additional equipment or saved for later. Gore Mongers live for combat and action and rarely save any money.
The Upside: You’re one of the most powerful beings in the Resistance and you know it. Unlike others who use Host Armor or War Mounts, you don’t need either to take the fight to your enemies. You’re a living weapon who can take out a squad of Robots with your bare hands and hardly break a sweat.
The Downside: You are so violent and mentally unstable your own House doesn’t completely trust you and keeps you on fairly short and lethal leash. Not only that, you struggle daily to deal with your insanities. Your size is as much a liability as it is an asset, making stealth and surprise difficult, if not impossible.
Gore Monger Insanities: A result of the complete reworking of their genetic structures, Gore Mongers suffer from a number of mental and emotional problems. All Gore Mongers suffer from an obsessive urge to fight and compete; they love it! Gore Mongers are always eager to jump into combat and almost all will go out of their way to turn even a minor dispute into violence.
In addition, at levels 2, 5, 10, and 15, the Gore Monger must roll on the following table; re-roll any duplicate results. The Game Master may suggest an additional roll or two through the course of the gaming experience that might arise from deeply traumatic experiences.
01-10% Delusional: Super Hero. The character thinks he is a great warrior or even a super-hero. Sees the Machine and her stockpile of “evil robots and machines” as his arch nemesis, and is always quick to action and takes crazy risks, especially to protect ordinary, powerless humans.
11-20% Childlike. A good fighter who follows orders well and is loyal to friends and allies, but has the mind of a six year old (if that). The character never really understands what exactly is going on or why, thinks in very simple terms and has trouble making decisions (“Lt. said never to retreat. I can’t retreat without the Lt. saying it was ok.”) They are also afraid of the dark and cry if left alone.
21-30% Obsession: Self-Loathing. Sees himself as a monster. Hates himself and those responsible for turning him into a hideous freak-the Scarecrows, Engineers and Librarians-and he distrusts and hates them as much as the robots of the Machine. The character is short-tempered and angry all the time, imposing a -10% skill penalty. The Gore Monger takes most of it out on robots, but will take a swing at anyone who bothers him too much and will certainly jump at the chance to take down a Scarecrow, Engineer, or even a Librarian.
31-40% Mania. The character is highly motivated, positive about himself, and admires his abilities and capabilities. He is endlessly energetic, but ignores his own limits and makes rash, impulsive decisions. Becomes very irate when criticized and blames others for his mistakes and shortfalls. The character is -10% on skill performance (easily distracted and bored) but is +1 on initiative and +1 to dodge.
41-50% Paranoid: The character has a general suspicion that everybody is out to get them, so therefore, nobody can be truly trusted. The character is secretive and careful about what he says in front of whom, and keeps to himself. Only trusts very close or long term friends.
51-60% Obsession: Robots. Hates them more than anything and lives to fight and destroy all mechanisms that serve the Machine. Dislikes and is suspicious of all things high-tech, including Techno-Jackers. This hatred extends even to non-metal guns and gear, and avoids using them (organic items don’t count), preferring to rely on his own powers and abilities.
61-70% Manic Depressive. Severe depression one week (-15% and reduce combat bonuses by half), followed by manic episode the next week (+10% on all skills, +2 on initiative and all bonuses are normal.)
71-80% Phobia: Biotics. When facing Biotics or Dreadguard (especially ones who look powerful, nasty or mean) the character becomes humble, servile, and frightened. There is a 01-60% likelihood of the phobic Gore Monger surrendering or running away without a fight.
81-90% Kleptomaniac. A compulsion to steal, even if a good alignment. Items taken are likely to be nothing of great monetary value, but things that may matter to comrades nonetheless; food, candy, booze, trinkets, a gun or knife, an ancient artifact (from a worthless bauble to something of value) and souvenirs/trophies from battles (which might include something the Machine could track or want back.) Considering the character’s size, they are not often successful.
91-100% Obsession: Bio-Technology. Hates it!! Organic reconstruction is what ruined his life and made him a monster. He will take vengeance upon anyone who uses or promotes it; even members of his own House are seen as likely enemies. Though violent, the character is also crafty and cunning, and will secretly attack and kill others, even Dreadguard, if they feel they can get away with it.
Though we never quite fleshed it all out, we did get a pretty good amount of stuff done. Here's another one of Branton's unique OCCs, the "Gore Monger" and its a creation I'm pretty proud of. Between this and the B.O.S.S. ( ), I think it gives a good idea as to the direction our House was going. The intro is the same as the B.O.S.S. post, so feel free to skip it.
As always, constructive criticism is always welcome:
“We are the true saviors of humanity; for only we have the will to do what must be done.”
An unknown House until almost five years ago, House Branton has entered the fray, intent on smashing N.E.X.U.S. and saving mankind. Though not an overt threat to humanity, Branton remains somewhat dangerous to other members of the Resistance because of their extreme views and culture. To say that Branton is committed to victory is a bit of an understatement; the entire House is completely obsessed with defeating the Machine and ensuring the survival of the human race.
Members of House Branton are true fanatics and cult-like in their thoughts and actions; everything is done for “the greater good” of the race. Individuality is discouraged, frowned upon and even punished. Most, if not all, of their plans and actions are to ensure survival of the race as a whole. Branton is committed to the survival of humanity as a whole, and shows little concerns for individuals. To their thinking, all humans should be willing to sacrifice their lives to ensure the human race will survive.
To complicate their relations with other Houses, the citizens of Branton worship the Engineers, Librarians, and even Scarecrows as living gods and the saviors of humanity.
As a minor House and somewhat limited in resources, Branton is willing to take actions other Houses would frown upon or outlaw entirely. Violating a somewhat unwritten law of the Resistance, Branton willing manipulates and, in some cases, completely rewrites the human DNA code; creating some unique and monstrous troops.
Though House Branton is willing to work with other Houses, their fanaticism and ghoulish sub-human troops makes others very wary.
Gore Monger O.C.C.
Using the concept of Biotics as a stepping stone, the Librarians and Engineers of House Branton took genetic modifications to extreme limits in the creation of the Gore Monger. The Gore Monger is one of the House’s most dangerous creations; human beings remade into monstrous living weapons with a lust for combat. Part Biotic, part walking tank, all destruction, the Gore Mongers are designed to be large, robot pounding brutes capable of absorbing tremendous damage and unleashing devastating force.
Unlike Biotics, few Gore Mongers are crooks and lowlifes; the vast majority are also from the mentally or physically handicapped. For the parents of House Branton, few things are as honorable or noble as offering a misshapen child for the good of the House. Regardless of their origins, all who “volunteer” for the process are taken to the Librarian, their memories and personalities wiped out; their bodies mutated into a form so extreme that many have questioned if they should still be referred to as “human”.
With an average height of 9 feet and weighing in at a ton or more, Gore Mongers are tough, armored, and always ready for a fight. Covered in skin as hard as armor plate, often sporting dangerous claws, horns, and teeth, the Gore Monger is a fearsome sight. A Gore Monger’s basic form resembles that of a giant, hunched humanoid, their limbs and torsos knotted with thick, corded muscles. Many will lope on all fours, rising to their hind legs when entering combat, similar to a bear or an ape. Whatever hair they may have is usually wild and untamed. When unleashed in full force, the Mongers gladly take on the heaviest enemy units, defenses or troops. They love nothing more than ramming their way through enemy lines, stomping robots, and hammering foes into oblivion. Even with their size, Gore Mongers fight like a whirlwind, battering their opponents until they retreat or are smashed. Despite often having ranged weapons, these brutes prefer hand to hand combat; the harder the fight, the more they seem to enjoy it.
For reasons unknown even to the Librarians, all Gore Mongers have a constantly changing and evolving genetic structure. It can truly be said no two Gore Mongers are alike. As the Gore Monger ages, its genetics are constantly mutating, giving these brutes an unpredictable and ever changing array of abilities. Many within the House speculate that the Librarians are unconcerned about these mutations; after all, they serve to make the Gore Mongers that much more fearsome.
Dangerous in the extreme, Gore Mongers pose a threat even to their own house. Like Biotics, Gore Mongers are plagued by mental instabilities and insanities. Despite their best efforts, the Librarians of House Branton have yet to solve this problem. Their great physical power and volatility, combined with the host of mental troubles, creates a huge potential threat to the House and its population; a single rogue Gore Monger could cause serious damage. To manage the great giants, the House experimented with several ways to ensure loyalty or to put a quick end to dangerous Monger. Poisons and drugs were often counteracted by the Monger’s natural resistance, and their superior regeneration healed most damage. However, the House Librarian Gatraphon, came up with an ingenious idea.
The Librarians have inserted a flawed gene into the Gore Monger’s DNA sequence. This defect keeps the Gore Monger from being able to produce an enzyme called arginine, an amino acid essential in the healing of injuries and operation of the immune system. Unless provided with supplemental arginine by the House, a Gore Monger will begin to lose its great strength and endurance, and not be able to heal wounds or fight off infections and diseases. This creates a dependency on the House and helps to control and reduce the chances of a Gore Monger going “rogue”.
Despite the hazards and dangers, most Gore Mongers serve House Branton well. Unlike Biotics, Gore Mongers are not relegated to “slave warrior” status. Though not equal with “pure” humans, they are treated with affection and even a measure of respect, much like a favored pet or prize-winning animal. This treatment, more than most anything else, has kept many Gore Mongers in line and gives them a powerful sense of purpose.
Alignment: Typically Anarchist (30%) or Aberrant (30%), but the other 40% are other alignments, including evil. Despite alignments, all Gore Mongers are dangerous and prone to aggressive behavior; to their limited thinking, few problems can’t be solved through violence. However, most Gore Mongers, even evil ones, remain fairly loyal to the human race (in general) and despise the robots. The worst of the lot, however, go rogue and may prey upon fellow humans, even Resistance fighters.
Attributes: Due to the complete bio-reconstruction received, Gore Mongers do not roll attributes as normal. Instead, use the following to determine the attributes:
I.Q.: 1D4+6 (low to average, brutish and insane), M.E. 1D6, M.A.: 1D6+5, P.S. 3D6+32, P.P.: 1D6+15, P.E.: 2D6+22, P.B.: 1D6, Spd: 3D6+30 running.
O.C.C. Bonuses: +2 attacks per melee round, +1 on initiative, +4 to strike, +1 to parry and dodge, +3 to roll with impact, +5 save vs. Horror Factor, +3 to save vs. poison, toxins, drugs and disease. Bonuses are in addition to attributes and other abilities.
Base S.D.C.: Not applicable, see the Gore Monger’s Altered Body.
Gore Monger O.C.C. Abilities
1. Gore Monger’s Altered Body & M.D.C.: The bio-reconstruction turns the character into a Mega-Damage being, with the P.E. attribute number x5 +3D4x100 as the starting M.D.C. The Gore Monger gains an additional 3D6x10 M.D. per level of experience, starting at level two. In addition, a Gore Monger’s entire body and metabolism is geared to combat and physical stress. Gore Mongers bio-regenerate an amazing 1D6x10 per melee round; they can regrow any lost appendages and even eyes with enough time. Gore Mongers posses Supernatural Strength, can run and fight non-stop without the slightest sign of fatigue or exhaustion for up to 72 hours, require only three hours of sleep every other day to feel rested, leap up to 40 feet high and lengthwise (increase distance 50% with a running start), swim at the same speed as running, and even survive depths of up to one mile unaided.
2. Superior Vision: All Gore Mongers can see like a hawk in daylight and posses polarized vision.
3. Massive Size: The Gore Monger stands 8 feet +1D4 feet tall and weighs 1+1
D6 tons. Due to their immense size and frightening appearance, Gore Mongers have a Horror Factor of 13.
4. Advanced Magnetoreception: All Gore Mongers have the ability to detect changes in natural electromagnetic energy and magnetic fields. Much like a homing pigeon, Gore Mongers can sense electromagnetic fields and signatures and use them like beacons, signposts, and trails by which to navigate. A Gore Monger can find its way back to House Branton, even over extremely long distances, at a proficiency of 79%+2% per level. This ability also grants a one-time bonus of +20% to Land Navigation, or grants the Land Navigation skill at 55% if it is not known.
5. Unstable Genetic Code: For reasons unknown to even the Librarians, Gore Mongers exhibit an ever changing genetic structure that produces a host of monstrosities; it can truly be said no two Gore Mongers are alike. If a Gore Monger survives long enough, it will continue to change and mutate, developing new, and sometimes frightening abilities.
At first level, the Gore Monger rolls four times on the mutation table below. At each level of advancement, make an additional roll, ignoring any repeat mutations (the character’s structure is strangely stable, for now.) GM’s may add or substitute to this list as they see fit. Note that any pre-requisites must be met before enhancements are chosen.
01%-04% Choice: Choose one Eye & Vision Enhancement and one Biological Defense.
05%-10%Tri-Fingers: The fingers fuse into two large fingers and a thick thumb, adding an additional 1D6 M.D. to punch damage. Unfortunately, this also imposes a -5% on any skills requiring manual dexterity.
11%-15% Additional Eye: The Gore Monger grows an extra eye on its head. The eye can see the infrared spectrums of light, including deat signature and infrared beams.
16%-21% Speed Burst: Loping on all fours, the Gore Monger can run at 60 mph in a short burst lasting 1D4 minutes, before returning to its normal speed. This speed burst can be performed twice per hour, with an additional burst for each level of experience.
22%-26% Tough exoskeleton: The Gore Monger has an unusually thick, chitinous exoskeleton that grants +100 M.D.C. However, the character’s P.P. and Spd are reduced by 1D6. Skills requiring dexterity, such as Acrobatics, Gymnastics, Prowl, etc. suffer a -10% penalty.
27%-30% Overdeveloped Legs: The Gore Monger develops large, overly muscled legs, granting a bonus of +1D6x10 additional points to the Monger’s running speed. In addition, the Monger can jump an additional 30 feet high or 60 feet lengthwise and inflicts and extra +1D8 M.D. to kicking damage.
31%-35% Flame proof hide: The Gore Monger’s skin becomes thick and lumpy, making the character impervious to normal heat and fire. The character only takes ½ damage from M.D. fire or plasma. In addition, the Gore Monger receives an additional 50 M.D.C. on its main body.
36%-39% Choice: Choose one enhancement from either Eyes & Vision or Other Sensory Enhancements and one enhancement from Ranged Bio Weapons.
40%-44% Tail: The Gore Monger now has a large, heavy, dragon-like tail; as long as it is tall. Though not prehensile, the tail can bend, twist, and lash out to strike an opponent. The tail has 4D6x10 M.D. When used in combat, the Monger gains an extra attack with the tail; the tail inflicts 5D8 M.D., but with no P.S. bonus. Instead of the usual combat bonuses, the tail receives its own bonuses of +4 to strike and +2 to parry, dodge, and disarm.
45%-48% Elongated Arms: The Gore Monger’s arms are unnaturally elongated and oversized, providing an extra 1D4 feet in reach and bonus of +2 to parry, disarm, and entangle.
49%-52% Single large horn: The Gore Monger grows a single large horn from its head. The horn adds +3D6 M.D. to head butt damage, and +3 to parry using the head/horns.
53%-56% Acid Spit: At will, the Gore Monger can spit a highly corrosive, acidic spray. The acid does 3D8 M.D. per melee round to inorganic materials but is relatively harmless to human flesh and most organic materials (only 1D4 S.D.C. per melee.) The acid burns for one minute (4 melee rounds) or until washed off. The Gore Monger can spit the acid up to 30 feet.
57%-61% Large fangs: The Gore Monger now has a pair of large, protruding tusks or saber teeth. These fangs add an additional 3D8 M.D. to bite damage.
62%-64% Choice: Choose two enhancements. The enhancements must be from the following categories: Additional Limbs & Enhanced Arms & Hands, Legs & Feet, Prehensile Appendages or Tail Appendages
65%-68% Antennae: The Gore Monger develops a pair of sensitive sensory antennae. The antennae are so highly tuned that the character can identify odors (70%+2% per level), recognize the scent of specific people and animals (50%+2% per level) and track by smell alone (40%+2% per level.)
69%-72% Claws: The Gore Monger develops razor sharp claws on each fingertip. These claws add an additional 2D6 M.D. to punch damage.
73%-77% Nightvision Eyes: The Gore Monger now posses Nightvision with a 2000ft. range.
78%-81% Breathe Fire: The Gore Monger now has Fire Breath, identical to the Host Armor power of the same name (Splicers Main Rulebook, pg. 101.)
82%-86% Organic Rockets: The Gore Monger now posses 2D4+4 Organic Rockets, identical to the Host Armor power of the same name (Splicers Main Rulebook, pg. 103)
87%-90% Poisonous Bite: The Gore Monger forms a series of venom sacs in its jaw, allowing it to deliver a powerful poison filled bite. In addition to the regular bite damage, the poison inflicts an additional 2D6 M.D., plus the victim begins to feel a creeping numbness working its way through the body. The victim must roll a save vs. Non-Lethal Poison (15 or higher) each time they are bit. A failed roll means the victim is partially paralyzed. The paralysis begins one melee after the bite. The victim’s limbs will stiffen and become unresponsive, imposing a -3 penalty on all combat rolls. The poison is so potent, it will even damage and affect War Mounts and Host Armor (though not the pilot, unless they are specifically targeted or the Host Armor is somehow breached.) The effect is temporary, and lasts for only 1D4 melee rounds. Additional bites will merely increase the duration, but not impose any additionally penalties. Unfortunately, the poison has no effect on non-organic life forms.
91%-95% Energy Resistance: This mutation makes the Gore Monger extremely resistant to all energy-based attacks, including lasers, electricity, light cell weapons, bio-energy, and other forms of pure energy. The Gore Monger takes no damage from the first 20 points of energy attack damage in a melee round. Energy attacks beyond the first 20 do only half damage. This mutation has no effect on radiation or kinetic attacks.
96%-99% Powerful Build: The Gore Monger becomes a huge, hulking, muscle-bound monstrosity! The Monger adds 1D4 feet to height, with an additional 100lbs of weight for every foot. Add 3D6x10 to M.D.C. and +1 to P.S. and P.E. Penalties: The fingers and hands are large and thick, so there is a -20% skill penalty on any skill that requires a delicate touch or dexterity. However, they also add 1D6 M.D. to punch damage.
100% Arginine Independent!: The Gore Monger no longer needs to receive supplemental arginine from the House! It can now live and function normally.
6. Weakness: Arginine Deficiency: In order to keep the Gore Mongers under control, the Librarians have inserted a faulty gene into the character’s DNA sequence. This faulty gene keeps the Gore Monger from being able to produce arginine and makes it dependent on the House. Unless supplied with arginine, a Gore Monger will weaken and eventually die. This helps to control and reduce the chances of a Gore Monger going “rogue”.
Gore Mongers can survive without supplemental arginine for half of the P.E. attribute (rounded up)+1D4 days. As time runs down, the Gore Monger will begin to feel an instinctive urge to return to the House. When only four days are left, the urge will be utterly irresistible and the Gore Monger will do whatever it takes to return to the House; this includes suddenly leaving combat or simply abandoning missions. Nothing short of physical restraint or complete incapacitation will keep the Gore Monger from heading directly to its House.
Failure to receive the necessary supplements will cause the Gore Monger to lose 4D6x10 M.D.C. and 4 P.S. and P.E. point every day until it becomes too weak to move (either of the attribute falls under 8.) In this state, the Gore Monger can only survive for 3D6+6 hours before it will die. In addition, the Gore Mongers no longer posses their regenerative powers, nor will any injuries heal, even with advanced medical aid. The only way to restore the character to full health is administer the necessary arginine supplement.
If the Gore Monger is suffering and receives the arginine, they will be back to full health and abilities within 1D6+6 hours.
Gore Monger Biological Enhancement: A Gore Monger is genetically restructured and is able to select Bio-Enhancements in much the same way as Host Armor, only skip right to Step Four and make your selection of Biological Enhancements. The Gore Monger has 1D4x10+25 Bio-E points available for enhancements at level one. This is usually all the enhancements a Gore Monger will receive; additional enhancements are only added at the request of the Warlord or House Lord. Such bonus augmentation seldom exceeds 2d10+25 Bio-E points at any given time, and is reserved only for Gore Mongers who have repeatedly proven themselves in combat (i.e., destroyed a large number of the enemy and/or have proven extremely loyal and/or have proven to be a true asset), but even then, a Gore Monger rarely gets more than two upgrades. The Gore Monger is limited to the following categories: Eyes & Vision Enhancement, Biological Defenses, Additional Limbs & Enhanced Arms & Hands, Legs & Feet, Splicer Bio-Weapons & Defense for Host Armor, Ranged Bio-Weapons, and Ranged Weapon Upgrades.
Common Skills: Standard, but with a -10% penalty to each.
O.C.C. Skill Program: Basic Military (+5%), Infantryman (+5%) and two skill programs of choice (except for Cowboy, Field Medic, Host Pilot, Language Specialist, Martial Artist, Medical Doctor, Medical Coroner, Science, Veterinary, War Mount Rider or Wingman.)
Elective Skills: Select three Elective skills from the following list at first level plus one new Elective Skill at levels 3, 6, 9, and 12. All new skills start at level one proficiency.
Communications: Any
Domestic: Any
Espionage: Detect Ambush, Interrogation, Tracking, or Wilderness Survival only (+5%).
Medical: First Aid only.
Military: Any (+5%)
Physical: Any (+10% where applicable).
Rogue: Find Contraband only.
Science: None
Technical: Any
Transportation: Any, except Pilot Wing Pack, Host Armor Combat, and War Mount Combat.
Wilderness: Any
W.P.s: Any
Secondary Skills: The character gets to select three Secondary Skills at level one. These are additional areas of knowledge that do not receive any special O.C.C. bonuses. The character may not select more Secondary Skills in the future.
M.D.C. Living Body Armor: None, the character’s large size prevents the use of any living body armor. They must rely on their natural M.D.C.
Standard Equipment: The clothes on his back, an extra set of clothes, one weapon for each W.P. and appropriate ammunition, backpack, water skin and emergency rations (two week supply.)
Money: Only has 4D6 credits, but another 2D6x10 credits worth of trinkets and items picked up along the way. Money can be spent now on additional equipment or saved for later. Gore Mongers live for combat and action and rarely save any money.
The Upside: You’re one of the most powerful beings in the Resistance and you know it. Unlike others who use Host Armor or War Mounts, you don’t need either to take the fight to your enemies. You’re a living weapon who can take out a squad of Robots with your bare hands and hardly break a sweat.
The Downside: You are so violent and mentally unstable your own House doesn’t completely trust you and keeps you on fairly short and lethal leash. Not only that, you struggle daily to deal with your insanities. Your size is as much a liability as it is an asset, making stealth and surprise difficult, if not impossible.
Gore Monger Insanities: A result of the complete reworking of their genetic structures, Gore Mongers suffer from a number of mental and emotional problems. All Gore Mongers suffer from an obsessive urge to fight and compete; they love it! Gore Mongers are always eager to jump into combat and almost all will go out of their way to turn even a minor dispute into violence.
In addition, at levels 2, 5, 10, and 15, the Gore Monger must roll on the following table; re-roll any duplicate results. The Game Master may suggest an additional roll or two through the course of the gaming experience that might arise from deeply traumatic experiences.
01-10% Delusional: Super Hero. The character thinks he is a great warrior or even a super-hero. Sees the Machine and her stockpile of “evil robots and machines” as his arch nemesis, and is always quick to action and takes crazy risks, especially to protect ordinary, powerless humans.
11-20% Childlike. A good fighter who follows orders well and is loyal to friends and allies, but has the mind of a six year old (if that). The character never really understands what exactly is going on or why, thinks in very simple terms and has trouble making decisions (“Lt. said never to retreat. I can’t retreat without the Lt. saying it was ok.”) They are also afraid of the dark and cry if left alone.
21-30% Obsession: Self-Loathing. Sees himself as a monster. Hates himself and those responsible for turning him into a hideous freak-the Scarecrows, Engineers and Librarians-and he distrusts and hates them as much as the robots of the Machine. The character is short-tempered and angry all the time, imposing a -10% skill penalty. The Gore Monger takes most of it out on robots, but will take a swing at anyone who bothers him too much and will certainly jump at the chance to take down a Scarecrow, Engineer, or even a Librarian.
31-40% Mania. The character is highly motivated, positive about himself, and admires his abilities and capabilities. He is endlessly energetic, but ignores his own limits and makes rash, impulsive decisions. Becomes very irate when criticized and blames others for his mistakes and shortfalls. The character is -10% on skill performance (easily distracted and bored) but is +1 on initiative and +1 to dodge.
41-50% Paranoid: The character has a general suspicion that everybody is out to get them, so therefore, nobody can be truly trusted. The character is secretive and careful about what he says in front of whom, and keeps to himself. Only trusts very close or long term friends.
51-60% Obsession: Robots. Hates them more than anything and lives to fight and destroy all mechanisms that serve the Machine. Dislikes and is suspicious of all things high-tech, including Techno-Jackers. This hatred extends even to non-metal guns and gear, and avoids using them (organic items don’t count), preferring to rely on his own powers and abilities.
61-70% Manic Depressive. Severe depression one week (-15% and reduce combat bonuses by half), followed by manic episode the next week (+10% on all skills, +2 on initiative and all bonuses are normal.)
71-80% Phobia: Biotics. When facing Biotics or Dreadguard (especially ones who look powerful, nasty or mean) the character becomes humble, servile, and frightened. There is a 01-60% likelihood of the phobic Gore Monger surrendering or running away without a fight.
81-90% Kleptomaniac. A compulsion to steal, even if a good alignment. Items taken are likely to be nothing of great monetary value, but things that may matter to comrades nonetheless; food, candy, booze, trinkets, a gun or knife, an ancient artifact (from a worthless bauble to something of value) and souvenirs/trophies from battles (which might include something the Machine could track or want back.) Considering the character’s size, they are not often successful.
91-100% Obsession: Bio-Technology. Hates it!! Organic reconstruction is what ruined his life and made him a monster. He will take vengeance upon anyone who uses or promotes it; even members of his own House are seen as likely enemies. Though violent, the character is also crafty and cunning, and will secretly attack and kill others, even Dreadguard, if they feel they can get away with it.
Fairy tales begin with "Once upon a time". Southern fairy tales begin with "Y'all ain't gonna believe this s**t!!"
XBL Gamertag: Guy L3D0uch3
If Keanu Reeves had played Thulsa Doom, he would have told Conan to contemplate on the Tree of Whoa..
XBL Gamertag: Guy L3D0uch3
If Keanu Reeves had played Thulsa Doom, he would have told Conan to contemplate on the Tree of Whoa..
- Knight
- Posts: 4098
- Joined: Mon Jul 14, 2008 5:02 pm
- Comment: NEVER QUIT..... I got lucky
- Location: new york
Re: House Branton OCC: The Gore Monger
how would he look like? got a picture? 

let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
- Guy_LeDouche
- Megaversal® Ambassador
- Posts: 829
- Joined: Tue Feb 22, 2005 12:29 pm
- Location: Charleston, SC
Re: House Branton OCC: The Gore Monger
ZINO wrote:how would he look like? got a picture?
I wish. Sadly, no picture; I can't draw worth a flip.

Mutations aside, I was thinking of these with the basic body shape:
Fairy tales begin with "Once upon a time". Southern fairy tales begin with "Y'all ain't gonna believe this s**t!!"
XBL Gamertag: Guy L3D0uch3
If Keanu Reeves had played Thulsa Doom, he would have told Conan to contemplate on the Tree of Whoa..
XBL Gamertag: Guy L3D0uch3
If Keanu Reeves had played Thulsa Doom, he would have told Conan to contemplate on the Tree of Whoa..
- Aramanthus
- Monk
- Posts: 18712
- Joined: Tue Feb 21, 2006 5:18 am
- Location: Racine, WI
Re: House Branton OCC: The Gore Monger
That is a scary creation! It's probably a bad thing that the machine's forces are immune to emotions. That might put the fear of God into them in a fight.
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"
"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."
"As you will it, your Grace."
"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."
"As you will it, your Grace."
- The Baron of chaos
- Champion
- Posts: 2298
- Joined: Sun Nov 05, 2000 2:01 am
- Location: Dark Dimension
Re: House Branton OCC: The Gore Monger
Niice...Too bad is scary bad guy. Oh well, is splicer earth after all, sincerely Principled alignment is a luxury here.
"The baron is made of raw win. Search your feelings, you know it to be true."
- Aramanthus
- Monk
- Posts: 18712
- Joined: Tue Feb 21, 2006 5:18 am
- Location: Racine, WI
Re: House Branton OCC: The Gore Monger
Hey at least they are still killing machines most of the time!
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"
"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."
"As you will it, your Grace."
"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."
"As you will it, your Grace."
- Guy_LeDouche
- Megaversal® Ambassador
- Posts: 829
- Joined: Tue Feb 22, 2005 12:29 pm
- Location: Charleston, SC
Re: House Branton OCC: The Gore Monger
The Baron of chaos wrote:Niice...Too bad is scary bad guy. Oh well, is splicer earth after all, sincerely Principled alignment is a luxury here.
Partially my fault; I have a thing for really wacky, "off the wall" characters.
You're right though, it would be extremely hard (if not downright impossible) to be a true Principled PC in Splicers.
Fairy tales begin with "Once upon a time". Southern fairy tales begin with "Y'all ain't gonna believe this s**t!!"
XBL Gamertag: Guy L3D0uch3
If Keanu Reeves had played Thulsa Doom, he would have told Conan to contemplate on the Tree of Whoa..
XBL Gamertag: Guy L3D0uch3
If Keanu Reeves had played Thulsa Doom, he would have told Conan to contemplate on the Tree of Whoa..
- Knight
- Posts: 4098
- Joined: Mon Jul 14, 2008 5:02 pm
- Comment: NEVER QUIT..... I got lucky
- Location: new york
Re: House Branton OCC: The Gore Monger
ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! monster
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
- Aramanthus
- Monk
- Posts: 18712
- Joined: Tue Feb 21, 2006 5:18 am
- Location: Racine, WI
Re: House Branton OCC: The Gore Monger
Hopefully we get to see more new stuff soon!
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"
"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."
"As you will it, your Grace."
"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."
"As you will it, your Grace."