In other words, I'll tell you what I can about the book but please understand I can't tell you anywhere close to everything about it. Anywho, here is some info to start things off:
Vidynn wrote:the Nightbane Survival Guide...from what we know right NOW (and thats not much), what do you / dont you like about this announced book, what sounds good, bad, ugly?
# Surviving the Hidden War; strategies and tactics.
could be interesting.
# The life of a Nightbane.
this could be VERY interesting!
# Creating Contacts, Creating Factions & Faction Recruiting.
well, well, it rings a bell. sounds a bit like some good old rules from BTS and N&SS.
# New factions and secret societies.
personally, Im not at all excited about new factions, there is plently already - I would be more interested in hearing how the existing ones develop as the timeline moves on (the timelines moves on in the new book, doesnt it?), or in factions merging, disappearing etc...THAT would create space for new factions.
new secret societies: bring 'em on! sounds good.
# New Nightbane Morphus Tables and new Talents.
*yaaaawn* thumbs down from me.
# New Nightbane Creation Guideline Tables by education & background.
uhm, skill-programs as in N&SS, SF or BTS-2? fine with me, though I wonder, why they didnt do it right from the start. and will it be possible to convert existing characters? will it be a pain in the uhm back to convert old characters and NPCs?
# Adventure ideas and world information.
this is what I want the most! I hope its not just 2 pages or so.
anyway: I buy it. I always buy stuff for Nightbane.
Thanks for the preliminary feedback, now let me see if I can put your mind at ease a little.
As far as "new factions" I can assure you that there are no huge "landscape changing" factions in our manuscript, nothing along the lines of any of the major factions so far. I think "factions" is really meant more as a generic term in this description (i.e. a group of individuals with a specific agenda). As far as the timeline moving? No, not really. Kev specifically asked us to flesh out more of what had already been put in place rather than charging ahead into a slew of unfamiliar material. So, we did our best to add depth to the setting rather than scope.
As far as the creation guidelines, I will assure you that I built on what was there rather than throwing the original out for something new. I felt that much more variety in skills was necessary given the broad range of potential backgrounds for a Nightbane. If it stays how I crafted it, conversion of old characters would probably be optional but not necessary (and would be left to the players and GMs to decide whether or not to do). Although, I imagine NPCs in future source material will probably make use of these rules.
The adventure stuff is definitely more than two pages. Kev wanted a book that made it easier (i.e. gave more material) to
run an adventure/campaign in the Nightbane setting. So, we tried to seed many of the sections with several adventure/plot hooks for GMs to draw on when running Nightbane (without writing a massive meta-plot). Irvin also wrote a full-fledged optional adventure for the book (ala: Rifts Mercenaries and Sourcebook 1), but whether or not that will be part of the 160 pages I don't know.
At any rate, thanks for your vote of confidence. Here's hoping you enjoy reading/using our material even more than we enjoyed writing it.