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Re: Blargh

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2009 11:55 am
by Balabanto
WuTang Mushroom wrote:Maybe a terribly easy answer to all of these questions

Delta Green
Rocks Fall

and a quick question:
Can a magic user cast Astral hole whilst he is subject to a bottomless pit spell?

Yes. However, where he winds up is totally at the GM's discretion, and if he winds up in a world where gravity is four or five times normal...well...SPLAT.


Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2009 5:55 pm
by Elthbert
cornholioprime wrote:If you launch a Palladium Books/Rifts™ Vampire (in a sealed, lightproof coffin with soil of the homeland in it, of course) into orbit around the sun, would it sleep forever WITHOUT going hungry and insane??

No, vampires don't need to sleep in space at all. There is no "daylight" in space. In order for there to be "daylight" you need an atmosphere to defuse the light. Vampires are scary as hell in space. But i would agree that there should be some sort of limit to how long they could go without food, even with the mystical link between day and night and feeding, there should be a limit.

Re: Re:

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2009 8:45 am
by Dog_O_War
Elthbert wrote:
cornholioprime wrote:If you launch a Palladium Books/Rifts™ Vampire (in a sealed, lightproof coffin with soil of the homeland in it, of course) into orbit around the sun, would it sleep forever WITHOUT going hungry and insane??

No, vampires don't need to sleep in space at all. There is no "daylight" in space. In order for there to be "daylight" you need an atmosphere to defuse the light. Vampires are scary as hell in space. But i would agree that there should be some sort of limit to how long they could go without food, even with the mystical link between day and night and feeding, there should be a limit.

Given that vampires are affected by Sunlight, I disagree.

Re: Re:

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2009 1:42 pm
by Elthbert
Dog_O_War wrote:
Elthbert wrote:
cornholioprime wrote:If you launch a Palladium Books/Rifts™ Vampire (in a sealed, lightproof coffin with soil of the homeland in it, of course) into orbit around the sun, would it sleep forever WITHOUT going hungry and insane??

No, vampires don't need to sleep in space at all. There is no "daylight" in space. In order for there to be "daylight" you need an atmosphere to defuse the light. Vampires are scary as hell in space. But i would agree that there should be some sort of limit to how long they could go without food, even with the mystical link between day and night and feeding, there should be a limit.

Given that vampires are affected by Sunlight, I disagree.

Sunlight can be interpreted in two ways. Either it means the light generated by a star after it hits an atmosphere and defuses into the all encompassing daylight. Or it means the light of Sun/Sol anywhere, which means that Vampires are not endangered anywhere in the megaverse other than in the Solar System ie. our star system. It cannot be any other, because starlight does not hurt them. In space Sun's light is no differant than any other star's, So unless they fear starlight, that cannot be a viable interpretation. For that matter the light of the moon is Sunlight and vampires do not fear it. Therefore it must be a mystical effect tied to the light of DAY, not based on starlight from Sun/Sol or not.

Re: The Rifts™ Difiicult/Weird Questions Thread

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2009 2:59 pm
by Qev
That's an interesting question, now that I think about it. "Day" really is just a function of the Earth, and not of the Sun. So from that point of view, it makes perfect sense that vampires in space wouldn't need to sleep, as there is no such thing as "Day" or "Night" when you're away from a planet's surface.

It's not unreasonable to consider it "continual daytime" in space, though, in which case vampires are screwed. You could say that vampires can only operate in the shadows of natural bodies that are spherical due to their own gravity (ie. planets, moons, really big asteroids), which is a fairly general description of the "Day/Night" phenomenon, and even works for tidally locked bodies. Maybe there's something magical about natural spheres; circles are kind of the antithesis of the rectilinear cross-shape, and are well-known in magic. :) This situation also renders unshadowed space very much like an ocean, in the traditional vampire sense.

You'd have to define some sort of threshold where sunlight becomes weak enough that it counts as general nighttime, otherwise you run into the starlight problem. I'd just apply the inverse-square law to the damage, and make the cut-off the point where sunlight does less than a maximum of 1/2 HP per melee (which would be a little ways past Saturn's orbits). This would lead to a really creepy situation of vampires lurking in the dark gulfs between stars, preying on unsuspecting outer system and interstellar travel. :D

That said, it must really suck to be a vampire on a planet in a binary star system. :lol:

Re: The Rifts™ Difiicult/Weird Questions Thread

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2009 3:05 pm
by cornholioprime
Qev wrote:That's an interesting question, now that I think about it. "Day" really is just a function of the Earth, and not of the Sun. So from that point of view, it makes perfect sense that vampires in space wouldn't need to sleep, as there is no such thing as "Day" or "Night" when you're away from a planet's surface.

It's not unreasonable to consider it "continual daytime" in space, though, in which case vampires are screwed. You could say that vampires can only operate in the shadows of natural bodies that are spherical due to their own gravity (ie. planets, moons, really big asteroids), which is a fairly general description of the "Day/Night" phenomenon, and even works for tidally locked bodies. Maybe there's something magical about natural spheres; circles are kind of the antithesis of the rectilinear cross-shape, and are well-known in magic. :) This situation also renders unshadowed space very much like an ocean, in the traditional vampire sense.

You'd have to define some sort of threshold where sunlight becomes weak enough that it counts as general nighttime, otherwise you run into the starlight problem. I'd just apply the inverse-square law to the damage, and make the cut-off the point where sunlight does less than a maximum of 1/2 HP per melee (which would be a little ways past Saturn's orbits). This would lead to a really creepy situation of vampires lurking in the dark gulfs between stars, preying on unsuspecting outer system and interstellar travel. :D

That said, it must really suck to be a vampire on a planet in a binary star system. :lol:
Agreed on most points, and following along those same lines I assume that to a Vampire on Pluto, the Sun might be nothing more than "just" another star, and he could stay awake there indefinitely (which reminds me of an old Sci-Fi short story in which a supervillain finds a way to turn himself, and eventually ends up on Neptune or Pluto in an eternal state of bottomless hunger, spending the rest of his eternal days lusting for death by sunlight).

Re: Re:

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2009 8:11 pm
by Qev
Sarael wrote:
Damian Magecraft wrote:cute...
but somehow i think not...
I already resolved this conundrum...
Iwas just curious what others think...

The silver rune is a specific rune, which renders it and the page indestructible. The ink magically disappears from a scroll though, it's not destroyed, it's magically removed to cast the spell from it.

I'm pretty sure any runes (but only of the set of 'true' runes) written on paper using silver render the page (and runes) indestructible. Personally, I'd allow the creation of such a scroll... but it'd be useless, the spell permanently trapped in the now-indestructible page. Read it all you want, nothing will happen. It'd be a cruel way to tease adventurers, leaving high-level spell scrolls laying around that were created in this fashion. :D

Re: The Rifts™ Difiicult/Weird Questions Thread

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2009 12:24 am
by Elthbert
Qev wrote:That's an interesting question, now that I think about it. "Day" really is just a function of the Earth, and not of the Sun. So from that point of view, it makes perfect sense that vampires in space wouldn't need to sleep, as there is no such thing as "Day" or "Night" when you're away from a planet's surface.

It's not unreasonable to consider it "continual daytime" in space, though, in which case vampires are screwed. You could say that vampires can only operate in the shadows of natural bodies that are spherical due to their own gravity (ie. planets, moons, really big asteroids), which is a fairly general description of the "Day/Night" phenomenon, and even works for tidally locked bodies. Maybe there's something magical about natural spheres; circles are kind of the antithesis of the rectilinear cross-shape, and are well-known in magic. :) This situation also renders unshadowed space very much like an ocean, in the traditional vampire sense.

You'd have to define some sort of threshold where sunlight becomes weak enough that it counts as general nighttime, otherwise you run into the starlight problem. I'd just apply the inverse-square law to the damage, and make the cut-off the point where sunlight does less than a maximum of 1/2 HP per melee (which would be a little ways past Saturn's orbits). This would lead to a really creepy situation of vampires lurking in the dark gulfs between stars, preying on unsuspecting outer system and interstellar travel. :D

That said, it must really suck to be a vampire on a planet in a binary star system. :lol:

Do you allow people to use UV lights to hit a vampire and hurt them? Or does it have to be actual sunlight? If it has to be actual sunlight then it is not a scientific reaction but a mystical one. It is for this reason that I contend it is only sunlight in an atmosphere, outside of an atmosphere it is starlight, the sun does not "light up" space like it does the Earth. I simply see no reason why they would be effected in space at all. While you might argue that it is always day in spae you could just as easily argue it is always night. In fact, I think the idea that it is always night has more merit, precisely because space is not lit inthe same way as an atmosphere bearing body is.

Re: Re:

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2009 8:55 am
by Dog_O_War
Elthbert wrote:
Dog_O_War wrote:Given that vampires are affected by Sunlight, I disagree.

Sunlight can be interpreted in two ways. Either it means the light generated by a star after it hits an atmosphere and defuses into the all encompassing daylight. Or it means the light of Sun/Sol anywhere, which means that Vampires are not endangered anywhere in the megaverse other than in the Solar System ie. our star system. It cannot be any other, because starlight does not hurt them. In space Sun's light is no differant than any other star's, So unless they fear starlight, that cannot be a viable interpretation. For that matter the light of the moon is Sunlight and vampires do not fear it. Therefore it must be a mystical effect tied to the light of DAY, not based on starlight from Sun/Sol or not.

That's foolish. Also, FIREBALL! Because you're applying real-world science to an element of fantasy.
Vampires were invented when people had many misconceptions about the Earth, the Sun, and space itself. That said, it's been traditionally "Sunlight". Since our star is the only one we call "the Sun", I really don't see how this could be confusing.

Besides this, vampires have a great many things to fear in space - no food, for example. No respite from our Sun for as long as there are no intervening objects. Being frozen solid. Beheading. Drifting aimlessly because they lack a means of propulsion. Space-Vampire-Slayers.

Re: Re:

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2009 11:54 am
by Elthbert
Dog_O_War wrote:
Elthbert wrote:
Dog_O_War wrote:Given that vampires are affected by Sunlight, I disagree.

Sunlight can be interpreted in two ways. Either it means the light generated by a star after it hits an atmosphere and defuses into the all encompassing daylight. Or it means the light of Sun/Sol anywhere, which means that Vampires are not endangered anywhere in the megaverse other than in the Solar System ie. our star system. It cannot be any other, because starlight does not hurt them. In space Sun's light is no differant than any other star's, So unless they fear starlight, that cannot be a viable interpretation. For that matter the light of the moon is Sunlight and vampires do not fear it. Therefore it must be a mystical effect tied to the light of DAY, not based on starlight from Sun/Sol or not.

That's foolish. Also, FIREBALL! Because you're applying real-world science to an element of fantasy.
Vampires were invented when people had many misconceptions about the Earth, the Sun, and space itself. That said, it's been traditionally "Sunlight". Since our star is the only one we call "the Sun", I really don't see how this could be confusing.

Besides this, vampires have a great many things to fear in space - no food, for example. No respite from our Sun for as long as there are no intervening objects. Being frozen solid. Beheading. Drifting aimlessly because they lack a means of propulsion. Space-Vampire-Slayers.

Actually NO, you should read my pot before this one and after this one. I am notthe one placing science on the vampire, infact quite the opposite. I am arguing that it is NOT a scientific reaction to the light of the sun buta mystical one. One that requires an atmopsphere to exist because simply put, space is not lit like the Earth or asimilar atmosphered body is.

More than that, we are not discussing vampire legends but palladium vampires which break from vampires of legend in many many ways.... super soakers are scary to them, find me a vampire degend where they would be a fraid of a bucket of water?

Re: The Rifts™ Difiicult/Weird Questions Thread

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2009 4:11 pm
by Qev
Elthbert wrote:Do you allow people to use UV lights to hit a vampire and hurt them? Or does it have to be actual sunlight? If it has to be actual sunlight then it is not a scientific reaction but a mystical one. It is for this reason that I contend it is only sunlight in an atmosphere, outside of an atmosphere it is starlight, the sun does not "light up" space like it does the Earth. I simply see no reason why they would be effected in space at all. While you might argue that it is always day in spae you could just as easily argue it is always night. In fact, I think the idea that it is always night has more merit, precisely because space is not lit inthe same way as an atmosphere bearing body is.

I generally go the "direct sunlight or daylight of sufficient intensity" route, myself, and besides, it's a magical effect, so UV lights and lasers and suchlike are out. Moonlight wouldn't hurt vampires under my setup, either, since it falls below the brightness threshold by a decent margin, and well... it's moonlight. :)

I guess we're just coming at it from different philosophical viewpoints. Yours is that the atmosphere is what makes sunlight special, and mine is that night is special because it doesn't exist without planets (or a great deal of distance :)). It could be something as simple as that a planet is massive enough to block the magical emanations of its sun, whereas a less substantial barrier won't. Could be an interesting plot hook to discover a group of vampires trying to engineer a work-around to this problem, scientifically or magitechnically. :D

One problem I could see with space always being considered night is... well... there wouldn't be any other space-faring civilizations, because they'd all have been promptly overrun by the vast ravening hordes of sunlight-unfettered space vampires. :lol:

Re: The Rifts™ Difiicult/Weird Questions Thread

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2009 4:29 pm
by Elthbert
Qev wrote:
Elthbert wrote:Do you allow people to use UV lights to hit a vampire and hurt them? Or does it have to be actual sunlight? If it has to be actual sunlight then it is not a scientific reaction but a mystical one. It is for this reason that I contend it is only sunlight in an atmosphere, outside of an atmosphere it is starlight, the sun does not "light up" space like it does the Earth. I simply see no reason why they would be effected in space at all. While you might argue that it is always day in spae you could just as easily argue it is always night. In fact, I think the idea that it is always night has more merit, precisely because space is not lit inthe same way as an atmosphere bearing body is.

I generally go the "direct sunlight or daylight of sufficient intensity" route, myself, and besides, it's a magical effect, so UV lights and lasers and suchlike are out. Moonlight wouldn't hurt vampires under my setup, either, since it falls below the brightness threshold by a decent margin, and well... it's moonlight. :)

I guess we're just coming at it from different philosophical viewpoints. Yours is that the atmosphere is what makes sunlight special, and mine is that night is special because it doesn't exist without planets (or a great deal of distance :)). It could be something as simple as that a planet is massive enough to block the magical emanations of its sun, whereas a less substantial barrier won't. Could be an interesting plot hook to discover a group of vampires trying to engineer a work-around to this problem, scientifically or magitechnically. :D

One problem I could see with space always being considered night is... well... there wouldn't be any other space-faring civilizations, because they'd all have been promptly overrun by the vast ravening hordes of sunlight-unfettered space vampires. :lol:

Unless, like me, you have a limit to the number of vampire intellegances running around. Also, and I think significantly, vampires should have some trouble say, grabbing on to a ship moving at FTL speeds and ripping a hole in it. But ships full of secondary vampires acting as essentially blood pirates could certianly create a problem. Until people caught on and started carrying anti vampire weapons on ship.

All of that said I have had Vampires rip through the hull of a ship in a star system in my game as the party was searching planets for a particular signal. The look on my players faces was priceless.

Re: The Rifts™ Difiicult/Weird Questions Thread

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2009 1:50 pm
by cornholioprime
Elthbert wrote:
Qev wrote:That's an interesting question, now that I think about it. "Day" really is just a function of the Earth, and not of the Sun. So from that point of view, it makes perfect sense that vampires in space wouldn't need to sleep, as there is no such thing as "Day" or "Night" when you're away from a planet's surface.

It's not unreasonable to consider it "continual daytime" in space, though, in which case vampires are screwed. You could say that vampires can only operate in the shadows of natural bodies that are spherical due to their own gravity (ie. planets, moons, really big asteroids), which is a fairly general description of the "Day/Night" phenomenon, and even works for tidally locked bodies. Maybe there's something magical about natural spheres; circles are kind of the antithesis of the rectilinear cross-shape, and are well-known in magic. :) This situation also renders unshadowed space very much like an ocean, in the traditional vampire sense.

You'd have to define some sort of threshold where sunlight becomes weak enough that it counts as general nighttime, otherwise you run into the starlight problem. I'd just apply the inverse-square law to the damage, and make the cut-off the point where sunlight does less than a maximum of 1/2 HP per melee (which would be a little ways past Saturn's orbits). This would lead to a really creepy situation of vampires lurking in the dark gulfs between stars, preying on unsuspecting outer system and interstellar travel. :D

That said, it must really suck to be a vampire on a planet in a binary star system. :lol:

The Palladium Vampire's vulnerability to Sunlight is mystical, not physical; he is therefore vulnerable to the rays of the Sun wherever he encounters them (and is vulnerable to the light of the Sun on other worlds, too, not just Sol).

In one of the Phase World supplemental Books, there is a HLS that involves a Vampire on a planetary colony on an airless world; the Players have to figure out how to defeat a Vampire on a world where the sun never rises and the creature and his minions never have to sleep (due to its constantly being in an orbit that always keeps it in the larger world's shadow).

We can therefore assume from the HLS put forth by the authors that Vampires don't need a starlight-diffusing atmosphere in order to suffer from the various effects of the Sun.

Re: The Rifts™ Difiicult/Weird Questions Thread

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2009 4:44 pm
by Qev
Elthbert wrote:All of that said I have had Vampires rip through the hull of a ship in a star system in my game as the party was searching planets for a particular signal. The look on my players faces was priceless.

Ahaha, eeeevil. Vampires really aren't the typical sort of thing you'd expect to get attacked by, in space. :D

cornholioprime wrote:The Palladium Vampire's vulnerability to Sunlight is mystical, not physical; he is therefore vulnerable to the rays of the Sun wherever he encounters them (and is vulnerable to the light of the Sun on other worlds, too, not just Sol).

In one of the Phase World supplemental Books, there is a HLS that involves a Vampire on a planetary colony on an airless world; the Players have to figure out how to defeat a Vampire on a world where the sun never rises and the creature and his minions never have to sleep (due to its constantly being in an orbit that always keeps it in the larger world's shadow).

We can therefore assume from the HLS put forth by the authors that Vampires don't need a starlight-diffusing atmosphere in order to suffer from the various effects of the Sun.

Space vampires are scary. :D

I could see a really dark variation on the Phase World setting, where all the 'civilized' races huddle around the warm light of bright stars, the only thing holding back the monsters lurking in the interstellar dark. Monsters that constantly try to sneak ships full of sleeping infiltrators into the dark sides of their worlds and moons. Interstellar travel would be desperate, risky dashes between the tiny pools of light that are their only safety. :D

Oh geez, I just had a horrible thought. I can't remember; are there any biological spacecraft in Phase World?

Re: The Rifts™ Difiicult/Weird Questions Thread

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2009 4:47 pm
by Library Ogre
Qev wrote:I could see a really dark variation on the Phase World setting, where all the 'civilized' races huddle around the warm light of bright stars, the only thing holding back the monsters lurking in the interstellar dark. Monsters that constantly try to sneak ships full of sleeping infiltrators into the dark sides of their worlds and moons. Interstellar travel would be desperate, risky dashes between the tiny pools of light that are their only safety. :D

This setting is called "Fading Suns"

Re: The Rifts™ Difiicult/Weird Questions Thread

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2009 8:01 pm
by Balabanto
Yes! It is! More points for Mr. Hall.

Re: The Rifts™ Difiicult/Weird Questions Thread

Posted: Sun Mar 22, 2009 12:58 pm
by Qev
Mark Hall wrote:This setting is called "Fading Suns"

Sweet, I'm going to have to find a copy of this. :lol:

Here's a silly question: if you have a Circle of Protection from (let's say) Demons, and there's a demon inside the circle when it's closed, is the demon then protected from demons ( :lol: ), or does it get expelled from the circle, or does it just not work?

Re: The Rifts™ Difiicult/Weird Questions Thread

Posted: Sun Mar 22, 2009 1:52 pm
by cornholioprime
Qev wrote:
Mark Hall wrote:This setting is called "Fading Suns"

Sweet, I'm going to have to find a copy of this. :lol:

Here's a silly question: if you have a Circle of Protection from (let's say) Demons, and there's a demon inside the circle when it's closed, is the demon then protected from demons (:lol:), or does it get expelled from the circle, or does it just not work?
That always seemed to me as if that thing just acted as a simple Barrier to them; to me, it would both keep the Demon in and keep other Demons out.

I'm not sure, but I could've sworn that in the Books there are multiple instances of Shifters deliberately summoning dangerous creatures inside those Circles for that very reason (just in case they fail the battle of wills).

Re: The Rifts™ Difiicult/Weird Questions Thread

Posted: Sun Mar 22, 2009 3:51 pm
by The Beast
[quote="cornholioprimeI'm not sure, but I could've sworn that in the Books there are multiple instances of Shifters deliberately summoning dangerous creatures inside those Circles for that very reason (just in case they fail the battle of wills).[/quote]

IIRC, it was the summoner inside the circle.

Re: The Rifts™ Difiicult/Weird Questions Thread

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2009 9:45 pm
by cornholioprime
I am, or rather was, a Tattooed Maxi-Man.

At some point in my life I, deciding to live as long as humanly possible, go Full Conversion 'Borg -as in, the kind where my brains and guts are all that remain of me.

After a long, long, long, long life of adventures as a 'Borg, I stumble across Rifts Japan, hook up with Ichto or the New Republic or whoever it is that gives out that illegal Cloning Treatment on the side, and have them use the DNA in my remaining body parts to clone me a brand-new body and place my brain back into it.

Do my Magic Tattoos eventually come back the same way that they would if I "only" lost a tattooed Arm or Leg and had them replaced with real flesh??

Re: The Rifts™ Difiicult/Weird Questions Thread

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2009 9:57 pm
by The Beast
cornholioprime wrote:I am, or rather was, a Tattooed Maxi-Man.

At some point in my life I, deciding to live as long as humanly possible, go Full Conversion 'Borg -as in, the kind where my brains and guts are all that remain of me.

After a long, long, long, long life of adventures as a 'Borg, I stumble across Rifts Japan, hook up with Ichto or the New Republic or whoever it is that gives out that illegal Cloning Treatment on the side, and have them use the DNA in my remaining body parts to clone me a brand-new body and place my brain back into it.

Do my Magic Tattoos eventually come back the same way that they would if I "only" lost a tattooed Arm or Leg and had them replaced with real flesh??

I think they do, due to the mystical nature magic tattooes are tattooed on your soul as well as you body, or something like that. We don't get too many tattooed freaks down here where I'm at, and when we do they tend to wind up on the menu... :twisted:

Re: The Rifts™ Difiicult/Weird Questions Thread

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2009 8:16 pm
by Library Ogre
All Floopers all the time wrote:What happens if you dump a whole lot of water on a Burster's flame aura? Like say, 1 cubic metre (1,000 kg) of water?

When playing a fire warlock, I had sheathed myself in flames. I did not do that on ship, because I didn't want to fall all the way to the bottom.

Re: The Rifts™ Difiicult/Weird Questions Thread

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2009 8:38 pm
by The Beast
They'd get put out, just like every superbeing with APS: Fire or APS: Plasma (may need more water with the latter though).

Re: The Rifts™ Difiicult/Weird Questions Thread

Posted: Sat Apr 04, 2009 12:57 pm
by cornholioprime
Psionic Energy is one of the few forms of Energy that can cause injury to a vampire -more or less the same as Wood and Silver.

If my Psi-Sword stabs a Vampire in the heart, will it be paralyzed/sent into stasis, or are the 'paralyzing' substances limited ONLY to Wood or Silver in the heart??

Re: The Rifts™ Difiicult/Weird Questions Thread

Posted: Sun Apr 05, 2009 12:26 am
by The Beast
cornholioprime wrote:Psionic Energy is one of the few forms of Energy that can cause injury to a vampire -more or less the same as Wood and Silver.

If my Psi-Sword stabs a Vampire in the heart, will it be paralyzed/sent into stasis, or are the 'paralyzing' substances limited ONLY to Wood or Silver in the heart??

I thought it was just wood...

Either way, I'd limit it to what can actually kill a vampire. Plus if a psi-sword could do it, that would kind of suck for the psychic impaling the vampire if that was the only thing he had to go against the vampire.

Re: The Rifts™ Difiicult/Weird Questions Thread

Posted: Sun Apr 05, 2009 8:55 am
by rat_bastard
cornholioprime wrote:Psionic Energy is one of the few forms of Energy that can cause injury to a vampire -more or less the same as Wood and Silver.

If my Psi-Sword stabs a Vampire in the heart, will it be paralyzed/sent into stasis, or are the 'paralyzing' substances limited ONLY to Wood or Silver in the heart??


Re: The Rifts™ Difiicult/Weird Questions Thread

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2009 2:25 am
by csbioborg
if you get enough rune weapons together can you destroy them by creating a black hole?

Re: The Rifts™ Difiicult/Weird Questions Thread

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2009 10:29 am
by Qev
csbioborg wrote:if you get enough rune weapons together can you destroy them by creating a black hole?

Being canonically indestructible, I doubt you could actually destroy them in this fashion. You could still make a black hole out of them, rendering them inaccessible, though... and creating the galaxy's first RUNE BLACK HOLE.

Re: The Rifts™ Difiicult/Weird Questions Thread

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2009 4:34 pm
by cornholioprime
Qev wrote:
csbioborg wrote:if you get enough rune weapons together can you destroy them by creating a black hole?

Being canonically indestructible, I doubt you could actually destroy them in this fashion. You could still make a black hole out of them, rendering them inaccessible, though... and creating the galaxy's first RUNE BLACK HOLE.
Tee Hee......which would NEVER evaporate.


Re: The Rifts™ Difiicult/Weird Questions Thread

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2009 5:13 pm
by csbioborg
cornholioprime wrote:
Qev wrote:
csbioborg wrote:if you get enough rune weapons together can you destroy them by creating a black hole?

Being canonically indestructible, I doubt you could actually destroy them in this fashion. You could still make a black hole out of them, rendering them inaccessible, though... and creating the galaxy's first RUNE BLACK HOLE.
Tee Hee......which would NEVER evaporate.


so would they colla[pse on itself or would the blackhole be the size of the original rune weapons?

Re: The Rifts™ Difiicult/Weird Questions Thread

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2009 8:22 pm
by Qev
cornholioprime wrote:
Qev wrote:Being canonically indestructible, I doubt you could actually destroy them in this fashion. You could still make a black hole out of them, rendering them inaccessible, though... and creating the galaxy's first RUNE BLACK HOLE.
Tee Hee......which would NEVER evaporate.


Yeah, thermodynamics would hate that particular black hole. :lol:

csbioborg wrote:so would they collapse on itself or would the blackhole be the size of the original rune weapons?

I'd guess they'd be even more incompressible than Zavor are, so you'd have an event horizon full of rune weapons, all in a big self-gravitating heap.

Though I daresay having them all collapse into a single, horribly powerful, soul-drinking, sentient RUNE SINGULARITY could make for a wonderful plot element. Maybe that's where duck-foot's black hole avatars come from. :D

Re: The Rifts™ Difiicult/Weird Questions Thread

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2009 2:28 am
by cornholioprime
I am either an Apok or a Sea Inquisitor (pick your choice).

At some point in my existence, the Republic of Japan Docs get me a biological clone body and place my brain into it.

Does my ability to cause Double Damage to the Supernatural/Supernatural Evil follow me into this new body??

Re: The Rifts™ Difiicult/Weird Questions Thread

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2009 7:41 am
by Balabanto
Yes. That's not really that hard. If the ability is granted to you by your class, then you get to keep it. If the ability is granted to you by your Race, and you are cloned, then you are still that race. So I really don't think that one's particularly complicated.

Here's one for you.

If your Battle Magus becomes an MDC creature, do they lose all of their class abilities?

Re: The Rifts™ Difiicult/Weird Questions Thread

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2009 11:23 am
by cornholioprime
Balabanto wrote:Yes. That's not really that hard. If the ability is granted to you by your class, then you get to keep it. If the ability is granted to you by your Race, and you are cloned, then you are still that race. So I really don't think that one's particularly complicated.
The reason why it's potentially "hard" is that, in other instances, if you lose your real arm and have it replaced with cybernetics or bio-systems, you lose some of your mystic powers supposedly because (IIRC) the saying went something along the lines of the PPE being linked to the body as a whole.

Therefore, the question becomes 'what happens if almost ALL of the new body that you now live in isn't your original one??

Here's one for you.

If your Battle Magus becomes an MDC creature, do they lose all of their class abilities?
I'm going to first look up what their 'class abilities' are before I answer that one.

(But off the top of my head, IIRC your requirements for being a Battle Magus is that you have to be an SDC creature; it would seem to me that just like any other Pact [the Three Lords are linked to the mystic Magi in much the same way as they are linked to the Automatons], if you break the 'rules of membership,' in this case Battle Magi and SDC creature, then your mystically-bestowed powers instantly vanish.)

Re: The Rifts™ Difiicult/Weird Questions Thread

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2009 11:22 pm
by The Beast
cornholioprime wrote:I am either an Apok or a Sea Inquisitor (pick your choice).

At some point in my existence, the Republic of Japan Docs get me a biological clone body and place my brain into it.

Does my ability to cause Double Damage to the Supernatural/Supernatural Evil follow me into this new body??

Can either one have "enhancements" given to them by gene splicers? If the answer is no, then I doubt they could be cloned as well.

Re: The Rifts™ Difiicult/Weird Questions Thread

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2009 12:17 pm
by Talavar
cornholioprime wrote:
Balabanto wrote:Yes. That's not really that hard. If the ability is granted to you by your class, then you get to keep it. If the ability is granted to you by your Race, and you are cloned, then you are still that race. So I really don't think that one's particularly complicated.
The reason why it's potentially "hard" is that, in other instances, if you lose your real arm and have it replaced with cybernetics or bio-systems, you lose some of your mystic powers supposedly because (IIRC) the saying went something along the lines of the PPE being linked to the body as a whole.

Therefore, the question becomes 'what happens if almost ALL of the new body that you now live in isn't your original one??

A clone shouldn't interfere with mystic abilities, because it's still all biological. The reason a cybernetic limb replacement interferes with magic isn't because you've lost your original arm, but because you've added technology.

Re: The Rifts™ Difiicult/Weird Questions Thread

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2009 12:18 pm
by Subjugator
Qev wrote:
csbioborg wrote:if you get enough rune weapons together can you destroy them by creating a black hole?

Being canonically indestructible, I doubt you could actually destroy them in this fashion. You could still make a black hole out of them, rendering them inaccessible, though... and creating the galaxy's first RUNE BLACK HOLE.

Rune weapons can be destroyed by the English druid's cauldron. There are other ways as well.


Re: The Rifts™ Difiicult/Weird Questions Thread

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2009 12:22 pm
by Subjugator
cornholioprime wrote:My opponent stands before me. greatly weakened, within a Anti-Magic Cloud.

I have no other means to get at him or effectively damage him (he's MDC), and my going into that cloud as a fellow Mage will put me at a distinct disadvantage due to the fact that he will still be able to function (he too is a Mage, and he cast the Cloud).

In a burst of 'insight,' I expend the necessary PPE energy to cast "Annihilation" and throw it into the Cloud (at the enemy mage); the description of the Spell states that the secondary spell affects cover an area of damage sufficient to catch the enemy mage within it (provided, of course, that I throw the Sphere in manner that allows it to be close enough to the enemy Mage before it makes contact with the Cloud).

The description of "Annihilate" also states that it is big ol' blob of antimatter, contained by Magic Forces.

If I throw the Sphere into the Cloud, does it go off 'normally' by dint of the Cloud prematurely canceling out the containment magic, or does the whole Sphere -summoned antimatter and all -disappear before it impacts with something solid, and without causing any damage???

If he's MDC due to magic and he fails his save, he is now SDC, and therefore quite vulnerable.


Re: Re:

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2009 12:24 pm
by Subjugator
Elthbert wrote:Sunlight can be interpreted in two ways. Either it means the light generated by a star after it hits an atmosphere and defuses into the all encompassing daylight. Or it means the light of Sun/Sol anywhere, which means that Vampires are not endangered anywhere in the megaverse other than in the Solar System ie. our star system. It cannot be any other, because starlight does not hurt them. In space Sun's light is no differant than any other star's, So unless they fear starlight, that cannot be a viable interpretation. For that matter the light of the moon is Sunlight and vampires do not fear it. Therefore it must be a mystical effect tied to the light of DAY, not based on starlight from Sun/Sol or not.

As vamps are vulnerable to sunlight in other spheres and on other planets, it is not restricted to terra. With that said, the light from the moon is reflected - that could cause it to lose effect. I say that direct (not reflected, et al) contact with the light of a sun is what matters.


Re: The Rifts™ Difiicult/Weird Questions Thread

Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2009 10:37 pm
by cornholioprime
Why can't a Mega-Juicer, constantly infused with and soaked with Psionic Energy from his head down to his toes (for those of you who don't know, they even explode in a massive, MDC explosion of Psionic Energy for their Last Call) able to damage True Supernatural Creatures with his bare hands the way that Psionic Energy does??

For that matter, Dogs can inflict damage to the supernatural under certain conditions**, so why can't Dog-Boys, who are genetically 100% dogs themselves??

**No, really. I forget which book it's in, but animals of various types can affect the supernatural -for example, the crow of a Rooster can temporarily disable some monsters. The blurb about Dogs is also in that section, but for the life of me I can't remember which Book it's in right now.

Re: The Rifts™ Difiicult/Weird Questions Thread

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 12:04 am
by csbioborg
cornholioprime wrote:Why can't a Mega-Juicer, constantly infused with and soaked with Psionic Energy from his head down to his toes (for those of you who don't know, they even explode in a massive, MDC explosion of Psionic Energy for their Last Call) able to damage True Supernatural Creatures with his bare hands the way that Psionic Energy does??

For that matter, Dogs can inflict damage to the supernatural under certain conditions**, so why can't Dog-Boys, who are genetically 100% dogs themselves??

**No, really. I forget which book it's in, but animals of various types can affect the supernatural -for example, the crow of a Rooster can temporarily disable some monsters. The blurb about Dogs is also in that section, but for the life of me I can't remember which Book it's in right now.

isn't that in Chaos Earth?

Re: The Rifts™ Difiicult/Weird Questions Thread

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 12:10 am
by cornholioprime
Reaper wrote:If you are a hero of light with a soul draining rune weapon, you slay evil and drain their souls into the blade, stronger and stronger souls, would the soul in the weapon, a good alignment soul, be over shadowed and the weapon become an evil one? Then would the weapon try to envoke its will upon the hero?
Rune Weapons are NOT changed in alignment by absorbing more souls; it is implied very strongly that only the soul(s) present at the weapon's creation determine "who" the weapon will be -not any subsequent ones.

It is not 100% clear whether or not those souls are totally, utterly destroyed, or if they are somehow sent on their way to the Afterlife -in neither event, though, are they added to the Rune Weapon's 'inventory,' and by no means does the weapon ever exchange one soul -or personality -for another.

Re: The Rifts™ Difiicult/Weird Questions Thread

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 10:29 am
by Greyaxe
cornholioprime wrote:
Reaper wrote:If you are a hero of light with a soul draining rune weapon, you slay evil and drain their souls into the blade, stronger and stronger souls, would the soul in the weapon, a good alignment soul, be over shadowed and the weapon become an evil one? Then would the weapon try to envoke its will upon the hero?
Rune Weapons are NOT changed in alignment by absorbing more souls; it is implied very strongly that only the soul(s) present at the weapon's creation determine "who" the weapon will be -not any subsequent ones.

It is not 100% clear whether or not those souls are totally, utterly destroyed, or if they are somehow sent on their way to the Afterlife -in neither event, though, are they added to the Rune Weapon's 'inventory,' and by no means does the weapon ever exchange one soul -or personality -for another.

It is very unlikley that you would have a goodly alligned "soul Drinker" Which in my opinion is an inheriently evil property of a weapon.

Re: The Rifts™ Difiicult/Weird Questions Thread

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 1:21 pm
by Elthbert
Greyaxe wrote:
cornholioprime wrote:
Reaper wrote:If you are a hero of light with a soul draining rune weapon, you slay evil and drain their souls into the blade, stronger and stronger souls, would the soul in the weapon, a good alignment soul, be over shadowed and the weapon become an evil one? Then would the weapon try to envoke its will upon the hero?
Rune Weapons are NOT changed in alignment by absorbing more souls; it is implied very strongly that only the soul(s) present at the weapon's creation determine "who" the weapon will be -not any subsequent ones.

It is not 100% clear whether or not those souls are totally, utterly destroyed, or if they are somehow sent on their way to the Afterlife -in neither event, though, are they added to the Rune Weapon's 'inventory,' and by no means does the weapon ever exchange one soul -or personality -for another.

It is very unlikley that you would have a goodly alligned "soul Drinker" Which in my opinion is an inheriently evil property of a weapon.

You said it before I could. A good aligned weapon would not be soul eater. I still stuggle with the idea htat there are good aligned rune weapons at all.

In my campaign holy weapons while using rune magic, do not have an entity trapped within them and regular rune weapons are only good under the strangest of circumstances.

Re: Re:

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 2:56 pm
by Elthbert
Subjugator wrote:
Elthbert wrote:Sunlight can be interpreted in two ways. Either it means the light generated by a star after it hits an atmosphere and defuses into the all encompassing daylight. Or it means the light of Sun/Sol anywhere, which means that Vampires are not endangered anywhere in the megaverse other than in the Solar System ie. our star system. It cannot be any other, because starlight does not hurt them. In space Sun's light is no differant than any other star's, So unless they fear starlight, that cannot be a viable interpretation. For that matter the light of the moon is Sunlight and vampires do not fear it. Therefore it must be a mystical effect tied to the light of DAY, not based on starlight from Sun/Sol or not.

As vamps are vulnerable to sunlight in other spheres and on other planets, it is not restricted to terra. With that said, the light from the moon is reflected - that could cause it to lose effect. I say that direct (not reflected, et al) contact with the light of a sun is what matters.


I know they are vulnerable to daylight on other planets, but when I used the word Daylight I got my hand slaped and told that it was "Sunlight" they were vulnerable to, well guys the only place there is Sun light in in the Solar system- Quite literally the system of Sol/Sun. So either Vampires only fear the light of Sol or it is infact not ssunlight thatthey fear but Daylight. Daylight does not occur in space in the way that it does on a planet. In space the light of a star is just like the light of any other star and starlight does not hurt them. It has to be a mystical connection to the turn of day and night on a planet, and I would contend the diffusion of light by said planets atmosphere, not the photons hitting them that just happen to be from a star, that do the damage.

Re: The Rifts™ Difiicult/Weird Questions Thread

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 4:38 pm
by cornholioprime
Elthbert wrote:
Greyaxe wrote:
cornholioprime wrote:
Reaper wrote:If you are a hero of light with a soul draining rune weapon, you slay evil and drain their souls into the blade, stronger and stronger souls, would the soul in the weapon, a good alignment soul, be over shadowed and the weapon become an evil one? Then would the weapon try to envoke its will upon the hero?
Rune Weapons are NOT changed in alignment by absorbing more souls; it is implied very strongly that only the soul(s) present at the weapon's creation determine "who" the weapon will be -not any subsequent ones.

It is not 100% clear whether or not those souls are totally, utterly destroyed, or if they are somehow sent on their way to the Afterlife -in neither event, though, are they added to the Rune Weapon's 'inventory,' and by no means does the weapon ever exchange one soul -or personality -for another.

It is very unlikley that you would have a goodly alligned "soul Drinker" Which in my opinion is an inheriently evil property of a weapon.

You said it before I could. A good aligned weapon would not be soul eater. I still stuggle with the idea htat there are good aligned rune weapons at all.

In my campaign holy weapons while using rune magic, do not have an entity trapped within them and regular rune weapons are only good under the strangest of circumstances.
There are TONS of them; just look in Pantheons of the Megaverse for a start.

Remember, Soul Drinking doesn't also imprison other souls within itself when it drinks them, it either utterly destroys them or sends them on their way. Either way nobody else gets imprisoned within the weapon itself.

So while Rune Weapon Creation is an undeniably evil act 99.9999999% of the time (yes there are a few examples of people who wanted to put themselves into a Rune Weapon), the act of Soul Drinking is no more or less 'evil' to an enemy than killing them in combat.

Re: The Rifts™ Difiicult/Weird Questions Thread

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 4:55 pm
by The Beast
cornholioprime wrote:So while Rune Weapon Creation is an undeniably evil act 99.9999999% of the time (yes there are a few examples of people who wanted to put themselves into a Rune Weapon), the act of Soul Drinking is no more or less 'evil' to an enemy than killing them in combat.

I did a quick check and none of the soul drinkers I found were from a good alignment, so they may be correct on this.

Re: The Rifts™ Difiicult/Weird Questions Thread

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 6:55 pm
by Greyaxe
The Beast wrote:
cornholioprime wrote:So while Rune Weapon Creation is an undeniably evil act 99.9999999% of the time (yes there are a few examples of people who wanted to put themselves into a Rune Weapon), the act of Soul Drinking is no more or less 'evil' to an enemy than killing them in combat.

I did a quick check and none of the soul drinkers I found were from a good alignment, so they may be correct on this.

Thank you for the research sir.

I dont have pantheons anymore.

Re: The Rifts™ Difiicult/Weird Questions Thread

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 8:37 pm
by Ziggurat the Eternal
csbioborg wrote:
cornholioprime wrote:Why can't a Mega-Juicer, constantly infused with and soaked with Psionic Energy from his head down to his toes (for those of you who don't know, they even explode in a massive, MDC explosion of Psionic Energy for their Last Call) able to damage True Supernatural Creatures with his bare hands the way that Psionic Energy does??

For that matter, Dogs can inflict damage to the supernatural under certain conditions**, so why can't Dog-Boys, who are genetically 100% dogs themselves??

**No, really. I forget which book it's in, but animals of various types can affect the supernatural -for example, the crow of a Rooster can temporarily disable some monsters. The blurb about Dogs is also in that section, but for the life of me I can't remember which Book it's in right now.

isn't that in Chaos Earth?

Mystic Russia!

Re: The Rifts™ Difiicult/Weird Questions Thread

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 8:46 pm
by Elthbert
cornholioprime wrote:
Elthbert wrote:
Greyaxe wrote:
cornholioprime wrote:
Reaper wrote:If you are a hero of light with a soul draining rune weapon, you slay evil and drain their souls into the blade, stronger and stronger souls, would the soul in the weapon, a good alignment soul, be over shadowed and the weapon become an evil one? Then would the weapon try to envoke its will upon the hero?
Rune Weapons are NOT changed in alignment by absorbing more souls; it is implied very strongly that only the soul(s) present at the weapon's creation determine "who" the weapon will be -not any subsequent ones.

It is not 100% clear whether or not those souls are totally, utterly destroyed, or if they are somehow sent on their way to the Afterlife -in neither event, though, are they added to the Rune Weapon's 'inventory,' and by no means does the weapon ever exchange one soul -or personality -for another.

It is very unlikley that you would have a goodly alligned "soul Drinker" Which in my opinion is an inheriently evil property of a weapon.

You said it before I could. A good aligned weapon would not be soul eater. I still stuggle with the idea htat there are good aligned rune weapons at all.

In my campaign holy weapons while using rune magic, do not have an entity trapped within them and regular rune weapons are only good under the strangest of circumstances.
There are TONS of them; just look in Pantheons of the Megaverse for a start.

Remember, Soul Drinking doesn't also imprison other souls within itself when it drinks them, it either utterly destroys them or sends them on their way. Either way nobody else gets imprisoned within the weapon itself.

So while Rune Weapon Creation is an undeniably evil act 99.9999999% of the time (yes there are a few examples of people who wanted to put themselves into a Rune Weapon), the act of Soul Drinking is no more or less 'evil' to an enemy than killing them in combat.

Well I do have pantheons, but it is currently MIA with about 80% of My RIFTS books.... that is another story.

Could you direct me to the TONS of them regardless.

ANd utterly destroying someones soul is significantly differant than simpley killing them.