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Re: Land of the south Winds, Palladium Orient.

Posted: Thu May 14, 2009 5:47 pm
by Vidynn
I always played the LoSW like a Palladium-version of Northern Africa / Arabia. But China/India would make a nice reference too. I sure hope that when (if!) PB finally gets a sourcebook on the LoSW out, they make it less "fantasy generic" than say Timiro.

Re: Land of the south Winds, Palladium Orient.

Posted: Thu May 14, 2009 5:50 pm
by Library Ogre
I've long had it as being somewhat like SE Asia.

Re: Land of the south Winds, Palladium Orient.

Posted: Thu May 14, 2009 9:31 pm
by Library Ogre
Ninjabunny wrote:Kind of like a Vietnam Thailand Korea feel?

I like a handful of large independent kingdoms. The PF main book says the land is swampy and flat land, so it's not hard to think of the "Lands of the south winds" To be divided up into smaller kingdoms.

Vietnam/Thailand, not Korea (substantially north of there).

Basically, it's holiday in Cambodia. Don't forget to pack a wife.

Re: Land of the south Winds, Palladium Orient.

Posted: Fri May 15, 2009 1:11 pm
by The Dark Elf
I also play it like vietnam type and with huts on stilts and raised stone roads, lots of marsh and swampland too.

Re: Land of the south Winds, Palladium Orient.

Posted: Fri May 15, 2009 1:19 pm
by Greg Diaczyk
After the article I was talking with Kevin a little bit about it (and Julius confirmed as much at the Open House) that the Land of the South Winds was actually an Indian like society (as in East Indian/Asia, not North American), who were heavy into snake worshipping.

I also left the artcle kind of vague cause I know many people have a different opinion on what the Orient should be like.

Personally though I thought the name Land of the South Wind sounded more Japanesish and I found that the Japanese feudal system sounded like a little bit better model to play with for the country's government (and did so in my play testing campaign). But the "China" element did bear alot of weight on the more mystical/magical aspects of the Orient and thus the blending of the two in the article.

In summary I wanted anyone to take any type of oriental character or sterotype and be able to play them using the rules from Ninja's and Superspies/Mystic China and Rifts Japan in their Palladium Fatasy Campaign.