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Re: Catatonic Strike on Xy the Old One?

Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2012 9:40 pm
by Arthemus
No, it wouldn't. And the mortal foolish enough to touch him and make psionic contact would be reduced to a blubbering mass of quivering, wimpering mush, constantly whispering something about "the tentacles... the tentacles......"

Just my opinion, though. Nothing official. :wink:

Re: Catatonic Strike on Xy the Old One?

Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2012 10:51 pm
by Nightmask
So how does someone summon Xy when he was transformed into Thoth, complete with total mindwipe?

Re: Catatonic Strike on Xy the Old One?

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2012 4:25 am
by Cinos
grubtubs wrote:
Nightmask wrote:So how does someone summon Xy when he was transformed into Thoth, complete with total mindwipe?

Obviously, that is canon in The Book of Old Ones. The book simply serves as a guideline and I decided to use my own discretion in creating the story.

Despite all this, I'm still looking for an answer as to whether or not this would affect an Old One. :?

You're willing to re-write setting but not figure out a rule that will set no precedent and has no in game precedent? Old Ones do what they want, Xy more then others. Does he want to be affected by Catatonic Strike? Just pick.

Re: Catatonic Strike on Xy the Old One?

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2012 10:04 am
by Reagren Wright
G.M.s have the right to create and view the rules in their own games as see fit (Kevin's view).
That being said, if you go buy the standard rules. Old Ones are even more powerful then an Alien
Intelligences and the standard is 2D4+2 master psychic. Which means making a saving throw at
10. They come with +1D4 on all saving throws. There M.E. attribute is 10+4D6. So at a minimum
they get 14. That means a possible +1 to +12 to save vs. psionics. Now that's an alien
intelligence. Back in 1st edition, Old Ones had several thousand I.S.P. Yablix I believe had 30,000.
Did separate the psychic powers back then just major or minor. Still more than likely master
psychics. So would the catatonic strike work, in theory.... :roll: yes but very unrealistic. Kind of
like taking out one of the gods with a poison apple that puts them to sleep. Unrealistic but based
on game rules...possible :roll: . Again you the G.M. make the world as you see fit. Just make
sure your players are aware of it and okay with it. Hey Carmen Bellaire had supernatural P.S.
ripping carpet of adhesion spells like their where tissue paper in his open house game. You pick up
a car and toss it and it did the same damage as a punch. So a 1000 lbs car thrown by a guy with
a P.S. of 20 did 1D4+5 :-? :?: . But it was Carmen's game and Carmen's rules. We kicked his
butt anyway.

Re: Catatonic Strike on Xy the Old One?

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2012 1:01 pm
by The Dark Elf
If you want to fight Xy as an Old One you can. GM perogative to twist canon or ignore it.

Unless you really twisted the stats or nerfed a conversion from first edition it probably doesnt matter if it worked or not so I would say let the MM have his strike.

Re: Catatonic Strike on Xy the Old One?

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2012 9:00 pm
by St. Evil
See if Uncle Remus has something useful. :D

Re: Catatonic Strike on Xy the Old One?

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2012 11:12 am
by JuliusCreed
St. Evil wrote:See if Uncle Remus has something useful. :D

Thank you for the shameless plug, my friend... and I just MIGHT have a little something that may help stashed in a dark and dusty corner somewhere... but, there IS this thing I need, first..... :twisted:

Re: Catatonic Strike on Xy the Old One?

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2012 9:05 pm
by cornholioprime
grubtubs wrote:The group of heroes in my campaign are facing Xy, the Old One ( summoned by ritual ).

One player of the group, a Mind Mage, used Super Psionic Ability; Catatonic Strike.

He was able to pass the AR, and the save on behalf of Xy was unsuccessful vs Psionics.

Does a Catatonic Strike work on an Old One?

Book of Old Ones states that he is a being of flesh, and a being based on energy and magic.

So would it only affect his physical being?

Also, if he were to fall into a coma, according to the P.E. per hour conversion, he would be out cold for a day at least.
Let's see....

It took an army made up of legions so vast even Morgoth would say "damn!!" ......
....and decades? months? centuries? of warfare........
....and three of the all-time very best Mages in the Megaverse, wielding their very best magicks which haven't even come close to being duplicated or replicated before or since......

.....JUST to put them to sleep.

I would really, really, really, really rule against a single measly Psychic wielding a single psionic attack, from being able to lay low even Thoth, much less him in his fully-powered Xy form.

Some creatures just shouldn't be summoned by player characters, much less fought, unless maybe your name begins with "Lict" or "Kym-Nark....."

Re: Catatonic Strike on Xy the Old One?

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2012 12:41 pm
by PhellaOne
grubtubs wrote:The group of heroes in my campaign are facing Xy, the Old One ( summoned by ritual ).

One player of the group, a Mind Mage, used Super Psionic Ability; Catatonic Strike.

He was able to pass the AR, and the save on behalf of Xy was unsuccessful vs Psionics.

Does a Catatonic Strike work on an Old One?

Book of Old Ones states that he is a being of flesh, and a being based on energy and magic.

So would it only affect his physical being?

Also, if he were to fall into a coma, according to the P.E. per hour conversion, he would be out cold for a day at least.

Really?! This is a serious question? :roll: