My personal Take on Eugenics
Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2004 5:16 pm
Rules for Eugenics
Let me clear a thing: I like Eugenic heroes, I truly like them. Dislike many, included Wayne, I don't think they are so overpowered. I don't think they are more powerful than cyborgs and Robots
Psionic powers apart, nothing of eugenic heroes could be considered too unbalancing. Now I don't want say "I’m right and you are wrong" ,I first admit that some things are missing . As example there should be some side effect to compensate the fact that at huge budgets they tend to have really freaky powers(one personal note all the eugenic abilities with offensive effect and with chimera word attached to them, tend to cost A LOT!!!!). Remember the golden rules, the more power the less humanlike you are. And loss of humankind could be a source for great role-playing.
Now this are some rules that I adopt for Eugenic heroes/villains
- For Each 1d4 million spent on chimera eugenic power, the character had to choose 1d4 Animal Vestigial trait, generally that fit the chimera eugenic feature
- For Each Brain modification roll for one random insanity(the eugenic hero was not born with the Psionic powers, so he/she never learned to control or deal with them)
- Armour Rating beyond 10 begin to appear obvious, like scaly skin, heavy plate, crab like armour, armadillo like armour, turtle shell , bone like armour and so on (reduce PB by 1 for each increment above 10, so an AR of 17 means a penalty of -6 to PB)
- For each 5 millions of budget roll for 1d4 random mutant trait, but the eugenic heroes does not get any SDC or PS bonus from it, in case of tail and prehensile feet, they are considered vestigial, unless the full cost for it is paid
The following table is optional
01%-30% Extreme feeding need. need to consume 2d6 times his/her weight in food, or risk starvation
31%-40% Genetical collapse - in stressful physical condition the body risk to collapse (a stressful physical condition is anything that hurt Hit point): if this happen roll vs. coma/death and hope for good, otherwise, well there is another pink gooey pool near Spiderman clone's one.
41%-50% Limited life span(not compatible with longevity trait): after awhile the monster will just burn out: 2d4+5 years of life
51%-70% Genetic Flaws that manifest after 1d4 levels after the first:
reduce 2 Attribute of choice by 1d6+1 and consider yourself lucky!
71%-80% Genetical regression: the character is slowly devolving into a mindless beast: At third level the character begin to lose 1d4 point from MA get a partial human posture and develop more animalistic beahviour,-5% to all civilized skills(i.e. non domestic, physical or wilderness)
at sixth level reduce by 1 IQ and human hands begin to devolve into partial, begin to forget most human like skills, -5% to all civilized skills(i.e. non domestic, physical or wilderness)
at 9th level IQ drop of another point and develop instinctive compulsions, like howling at the moon, chasing moving object, hunting the prey(now is interesting asking WHO is the prey...) and so on -5% to civilized skills,
at 15 level, hands are merely thumb less paws, legs and posture almost completely quadruped, intelligence is animalistic, any skill apart from physical and wilderness are too complex to use.
81%-90% Limited powers: each use of his/her powers will make the Eugenic hero tired a roll vs. PE is needed to use the power, failure means the character cannot use the power and can try again only after a melee round of rest (ideal for offensive powers)
91%-00% Mute. Unable to express any sound, absolutely none. Better learn sign language
It was a better looking version of my posting about alternative rules
Expect more on this theme
Hope you like
Let me clear a thing: I like Eugenic heroes, I truly like them. Dislike many, included Wayne, I don't think they are so overpowered. I don't think they are more powerful than cyborgs and Robots
Psionic powers apart, nothing of eugenic heroes could be considered too unbalancing. Now I don't want say "I’m right and you are wrong" ,I first admit that some things are missing . As example there should be some side effect to compensate the fact that at huge budgets they tend to have really freaky powers(one personal note all the eugenic abilities with offensive effect and with chimera word attached to them, tend to cost A LOT!!!!). Remember the golden rules, the more power the less humanlike you are. And loss of humankind could be a source for great role-playing.
Now this are some rules that I adopt for Eugenic heroes/villains
- For Each 1d4 million spent on chimera eugenic power, the character had to choose 1d4 Animal Vestigial trait, generally that fit the chimera eugenic feature
- For Each Brain modification roll for one random insanity(the eugenic hero was not born with the Psionic powers, so he/she never learned to control or deal with them)
- Armour Rating beyond 10 begin to appear obvious, like scaly skin, heavy plate, crab like armour, armadillo like armour, turtle shell , bone like armour and so on (reduce PB by 1 for each increment above 10, so an AR of 17 means a penalty of -6 to PB)
- For each 5 millions of budget roll for 1d4 random mutant trait, but the eugenic heroes does not get any SDC or PS bonus from it, in case of tail and prehensile feet, they are considered vestigial, unless the full cost for it is paid
The following table is optional
01%-30% Extreme feeding need. need to consume 2d6 times his/her weight in food, or risk starvation
31%-40% Genetical collapse - in stressful physical condition the body risk to collapse (a stressful physical condition is anything that hurt Hit point): if this happen roll vs. coma/death and hope for good, otherwise, well there is another pink gooey pool near Spiderman clone's one.
41%-50% Limited life span(not compatible with longevity trait): after awhile the monster will just burn out: 2d4+5 years of life
51%-70% Genetic Flaws that manifest after 1d4 levels after the first:
reduce 2 Attribute of choice by 1d6+1 and consider yourself lucky!
71%-80% Genetical regression: the character is slowly devolving into a mindless beast: At third level the character begin to lose 1d4 point from MA get a partial human posture and develop more animalistic beahviour,-5% to all civilized skills(i.e. non domestic, physical or wilderness)
at sixth level reduce by 1 IQ and human hands begin to devolve into partial, begin to forget most human like skills, -5% to all civilized skills(i.e. non domestic, physical or wilderness)
at 9th level IQ drop of another point and develop instinctive compulsions, like howling at the moon, chasing moving object, hunting the prey(now is interesting asking WHO is the prey...) and so on -5% to civilized skills,
at 15 level, hands are merely thumb less paws, legs and posture almost completely quadruped, intelligence is animalistic, any skill apart from physical and wilderness are too complex to use.
81%-90% Limited powers: each use of his/her powers will make the Eugenic hero tired a roll vs. PE is needed to use the power, failure means the character cannot use the power and can try again only after a melee round of rest (ideal for offensive powers)
91%-00% Mute. Unable to express any sound, absolutely none. Better learn sign language
It was a better looking version of my posting about alternative rules
Expect more on this theme
Hope you like