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What should happen next on rifts earth?

Posted: Fri May 19, 2006 1:37 am
by runebeo
what direction would you like?

Posted: Fri May 19, 2006 2:07 am
by grandmaster z0b
I went with Xiticix, probably because I have Xiticix on the brain from the Xiticix/Holmes thread, however I could also go with CS civil war.

Posted: Fri May 19, 2006 2:16 am
by runebeo
grandmaster z0b wrote:I went with Xiticix, probably because I have Xiticix on the brain from the Xiticix/Holmes thread, however I could also go with CS civil war.

How far do u think Xiticix would get to?

Posted: Fri May 19, 2006 2:22 am
by grandmaster z0b
As far as the CS forces holding Tolkeen, depending on how successful the Lazlo Queen strike is/was.

Posted: Fri May 19, 2006 2:29 am
by runebeo
grandmaster z0b wrote:As far as the CS forces holding Tolkeen, depending on how successful the Lazlo Queen strike is/was.

I think atlantis may aid north america because its the best slave stock and if they get to florida its just a jump over there.

Re: What should happen next on rifts earth?

Posted: Fri May 19, 2006 3:07 am
by Toc Rat
runebeo wrote:what direction would you like?

I chose Emperor Prosek dies. Then Joe can take the throne. Maybe change some of the stupider, short sighted, self defeating policies.

Posted: Fri May 19, 2006 6:00 am
by Mech-Viper Prime
warkat wrote:This Post actually had me thinking about the warnings in Sourcebook 2 Pg9. But I would like to see more on Erin.
yup but more of the quick drop and short stop type thing

Posted: Fri May 19, 2006 7:46 am
by chaserone
With a war between North America vs Splugorth Atlantis, we all know that the Naruni would get involved with supplying the anti splugorth factions. And would the Sunaj make their move? How bout the Atlanteans who have formed the underground? I could see the Elysariuns, with the help of some barbarian clans, spearheading a counterstrike on the splugorth also.

An invasion force from vampire kingdoms would be interesting, however Ihavent gotten a copy of arzno for further research so I need to get that.

Xiticix would be interesting to see, it reminds me of the Invid invasion in robotech.

A CS civil war would be likely if Joseph Prosek succeeded Karl. As we have seen in alot of the books, Joseph may be the head of propaganda, however, he has been in contact with magic users (IE The Vanguard). If news of that got out, we would definitely have some backlash on him and a nation who would feel betrayed by the very man who heads the propoganda to do away with the evils from the rifts.

What about the Nxla? Does psyscape defeat them or will the nxla get out of hand and become a major player in the troubles of the world?

Mechanoid invasion? Rifts Earth would lose... If it was a small invasion force, maybe we could win, but if the main force came, no contest, Earth couldn't stop the numbers, let alone the destructive capabilities of them...

Maybe the Brodkil and Gargoyles, with the help of the Pheonix Empire, overrun NGR, causing the Free Quebec to be called in for help.

It's interesting because one event could change the course of things all over the planet. With the destruction of Tolkeen, its suprising that there weren't more changes besides the alliance between free quebec and the CS and Naruni trying to gain a favorable market without being noticed.

Posted: Fri May 19, 2006 8:06 am
by cornholioprime

Nxla should emerge and force the entire region to come together to stop him.


Posted: Fri May 19, 2006 9:48 am
by Mech-Viper Prime
yeah right we'll get FOM vs CS part II

Posted: Fri May 19, 2006 10:27 am
by Greyaxe
Lets go Bug Hunting. CS Rules

Posted: Fri May 19, 2006 10:43 am
by Mech-Viper Prime
Cyberwatt wrote:
Mech-Viper wrote:yeah right we'll get FOM vs CS part II

Not exactly. It would be more complicated than that. Emperor Prosek may be a magic-hating fascist, but I suspect he has his pragmatic side too. Even Hitler, whom Prosek admires, forged an alliance with Russia (a nation espousing a political system he despised) in order to take pressure off of his eastern front and allow him to focus on the primary threat from the western allies. The Xiticix, with their unmistakably united front, would quite likely be perceived as the greater threat and might force a temporary alliance, which neither power would have the slightest inclination to honor once their mutual foe was vanquished.

Just some thoughts,
Sorry nothing there but hate for each other kidnap a man's wife and kill his baby son, somehow i dont think any alliances will come about

Posted: Fri May 19, 2006 11:08 am
by Killer Cyborg
Cyberwatt wrote: Even Hitler, whom Prosek admires, forged an alliance with Russia (a nation espousing a political system he despised) in order to take pressure off of his eastern front and allow him to focus on the primary threat from the western allies.

Remind me: how'd that alliance end? :)

Posted: Fri May 19, 2006 12:10 pm
by runebeo
Would Erin Tarn have a chance of getting off if the people rally behind her? Would her chances improve if Prosek was dead?

Posted: Fri May 19, 2006 12:16 pm
by runebeo
Would Atlantis cut and run if their profits dried up and the CS offered more resistance than expected? How many True Atlantean would show up to help regain their home land?

Posted: Fri May 19, 2006 12:43 pm
by Dead Boy
I'd got for the assassination of Karl Prosek (you read that right) so Jojo can step in and make the Coalition even better. This would lead to all sorts of political in-fighting and maybe even a minor shooting skirmish (but I wouldn't call it an out right Civil War). In this time of turmoil while the Coalition's attention is diverted inwards the continent could get a taste of what things would be like if the CS weren't there to keep things under control, hammering home the concepts of the lesser of may evils, and a necessary evil.

Posted: Fri May 19, 2006 8:29 pm
by BookWyrm
The CS takes on the Xiti--Zee-eye--*gah*--the bug-men of the north & reduces them to "managable" numbers.

The Vampire Intelligences try to push north, only to get slapped hard by the combined forces of some CS forces, magic from the remaining FoM, and some Cyber-Knights. This leads to the 'patching' of the fractured Cyber-Knight factions.

The Mechanoids return, but not just with the latest tech, but a new infiltration & destruction plan. Beware.

Erin Tarn names her successor, then goes into retirement on some far-off paradise world.

Posted: Fri May 19, 2006 8:36 pm
by BookWyrm

Posted: Sun May 21, 2006 3:15 pm
by Toc Rat
Zachary The First wrote:I'd like to see more on Erin Tarn. When Kev mentioned that possible manga, it got the ideas going.

KS mentioned a possible manga with Erin Tarn in it? When and where was this?

next in Rifts

Posted: Wed May 24, 2006 7:47 pm
by Captain Shiva
How about renewed hostilities from the Federation of Magic?With the CS weakened from the Tolkeen war,they might view this as the perfect time to strike. :demon:

Posted: Wed May 24, 2006 8:22 pm
by Hannibal
I'm surprised by the number of votes for CS Civil War? Now that Free Quebec is out of the picture, and the CS is basking in the victory over Tolkeen, why would there be a civil war? What's such a huge issue for them at the moment that's not just "politics as usual?"

I voted for the Xiticix, but I agree with the poster who pointed out that it's more b/c of the Lazlo and CS actions against them than an acute xiticix onslaught coming southward.

Two other events I would place in my "Rifts World" as bigger metaplot events of consequence would involve the Calgary Rift and some NGR action. Or maybe Myrlyyn finally getting Artur to lead the non-Myrlyyn friendly knoghts on a crusade in France (as one book once suggested was a Myrlyyn-inspired plot). Finally, I see the Coalition definitely participating against the Xiticix, but also working on establishing more border presences in line with their 20-year plan as laid out by Prosek. I really hate to say it, but Kingsdale's gonna' be on the chop block in the next 3 years or so.

Ok, so one final thought... I also see Dunscon pushing really, really hard to unite more of the FOM, and him wanting really really badly to strike the CS while they're recupping from the Tolkeen war, but he'd be too paranoid of Dweomer to actually use all his resources in an assault vs. the CS right now.

Posted: Thu May 25, 2006 5:26 pm
by Dead Boy
Mr Prosek wrote:Everyone wants me Dead!?!? :nh: :thwak:

Some one needs a hug! :hug: There ya go.
*coos* Now who's my favorite little dictator? You are, aren't you! :D

Re: next in Rifts

Posted: Thu May 25, 2006 5:31 pm
by Dead Boy
Captain Shiva wrote:How about renewed hostilities from the Federation of Magic?With the CS weakened from the Tolkeen war,they might view this as the perfect time to strike. :demon:

No way. They may be going into a rebuilding year, but the CS came out badder than ever after the Tolkeen War. The FoM's greatest assest was the Coalition's lack of experience in combating magic on a large diverse scale. All that's changed now. They have vets who know every anti-magic trick in the book now and have killed every kind of supernatural or magic using menace that's ever walked, slithered or teleported. If the FoM isn't shaking in it's boots these days, they be smart if they started now.

Posted: Thu May 25, 2006 5:52 pm
by Rimmerdal
Voted a CS Civil, I'm in Blue vs. Grey sort of mood. Vibro Sabres and C-18's all around!!!!

(to the tune Metalica's "Whisky in the Jar" cover...)

Posted: Thu May 25, 2006 9:01 pm
by grandmaster z0b
Mr Prosek wrote:Everyone wants me Dead!?!? :nh: :thwak:
Yes! Take this! :thwak: and this! :thwak: and some more of this! :thwak:

Re: next in Rifts

Posted: Thu May 25, 2006 9:12 pm
by Mech-Viper Prime
Dead Boy wrote:
Captain Shiva wrote:How about renewed hostilities from the Federation of Magic?With the CS weakened from the Tolkeen war,they might view this as the perfect time to strike. :demon:

No way. They may be going into a rebuilding year, but the CS came out badder than ever after the Tolkeen War. The FoM's greatest assest was the Coalition's lack of experience in combating magic on a large diverse scale. All that's changed now. They have vets who know every anti-magic trick in the book now and have killed every kind of supernatural or magic using menace that's ever walked, slithered or teleported. If the FoM isn't shaking in it's boots these days, they be smart if they started now.
i think FOM has it's target sights set on CS El Dorado.

Posted: Thu May 25, 2006 10:35 pm
by grandmaster z0b
Mr Prosek wrote:
grandmaster z0b wrote:
Mr Prosek wrote:Everyone wants me Dead!?!? :nh: :thwak:
Yes! Take this! :thwak: and this! :thwak: and some more of this! :thwak:

Maybe I will just blindly conquer another innocent community. Hmmm Melbourne looks nice.. :x

Posted: Fri May 26, 2006 12:08 pm
by RainOfSteel
I didn't see an option for a complete revision of the milieu metaplot from PA 105-109. That's were my vote goes.

Oops, that wasn't "next".


I want more sourcebooks and worldbooks set in a single non-advancing era. PA 100 or PA 109. Less metaplot, more metacrunch.
  1. Rifts Earth Atlas (Hiqh Quality Professional Maps*)
  2. WB: Lazlo
  3. WB: Chi-Town
  4. WB: Tolkeen**
  5. WB: Sol System (A complete non-TMNT solar system setting***)
  6. WB: Iron Heart
  7. WB: Coalition States (Other states and general info.)
  8. WB: Northern Gun/Manistique Imperium
  9. WB: Western North America (New West Revised****)
  10. WB: Eastern North America
  11. Sourcebook: Techno Wizardry
  12. Sourcebook: Demon Seas
  13. Sourcebook: Wastelands
  14. Sourcebook: Super Nexus Points
  15. Sourcebook: Psyscape, The City
  16. Sourcebook: Kingsdale, Redux
  17. WB: Atlantic Ocean*****
  18. WB: Pacific Ocean***** (or at least, South Pacific)
  19. WB: Indian Ocean*****
  20. WB: Africa, Revised
  21. WB: Europe
  22. WB: Scandinavia
  23. WB: India
  24. WB: Asia Minor
  25. WB: Middle East
  26. WB: Arctic Zones

* Via Campaign Cartographer, or similar program.
** Before it was destroyed, without its leadership having turned to evil.
*** With a superior explanation for the "Orbital Denial System" around Earth.
**** Hoiw about a non-cowboy, non-cliche approach?
***** Expansion/Revision of Underseas.

Re: next in Rifts

Posted: Fri May 26, 2006 2:06 pm
by Dead Boy
Mech-Viper wrote:
Dead Boy wrote:
Captain Shiva wrote:How about renewed hostilities from the Federation of Magic?With the CS weakened from the Tolkeen war,they might view this as the perfect time to strike. :demon:

No way. They may be going into a rebuilding year, but the CS came out badder than ever after the Tolkeen War. The FoM's greatest assest was the Coalition's lack of experience in combating magic on a large diverse scale. All that's changed now. They have vets who know every anti-magic trick in the book now and have killed every kind of supernatural or magic using menace that's ever walked, slithered or teleported. If the FoM isn't shaking in it's boots these days, they be smart if they started now.
i think FOM has it's target sights set on CS El Dorado.

Hit 'em while they're young and weak? Yea, that's a working strategy. You could be right.

Posted: Fri May 26, 2006 2:44 pm
by Shorty Lickens
My first choice wasnt available: NGR and the Gargoyles have a full-scale war. Maybe Mindwerks joining in the fun. Heck, even the Brodkil could have a blast here.

But on the list my pick was invasion of the Mechanoids, mostly because my current campaign involves the group clearing them from Aberdeen.
That would be a great start to an even bigger campaign against them.

Posted: Sat May 27, 2006 11:18 am
by runebeo
RainOfSteel wrote:I didn't see an option for a complete revision of the milieu metaplot from PA 105-109. That's were my vote goes.

Oops, that wasn't "next".

You been thinking and what a list i want all of them. I like the idea of earler dated books everone should play out Tolkeen war and visit Wormwood. i need another wormwood book done with more back story.
I want more sourcebooks and worldbooks set in a single non-advancing era. PA 100 or PA 109. Less metaplot, more metacrunch.
  1. Rifts Earth Atlas (Hiqh Quality Professional Maps*)
  2. WB: Lazlo
  3. WB: Chi-Town
  4. WB: Tolkeen**
  5. WB: Sol System (A complete non-TMNT solar system setting***)
  6. WB: Iron Heart
  7. WB: Coalition States (Other states and general info.)
  8. WB: Northern Gun/Manistique Imperium
  9. WB: Western North America (New West Revised****)
  10. WB: Eastern North America
  11. Sourcebook: Techno Wizardry
  12. Sourcebook: Demon Seas
  13. Sourcebook: Wastelands
  14. Sourcebook: Super Nexus Points
  15. Sourcebook: Psyscape, The City
  16. Sourcebook: Kingsdale, Redux
  17. WB: Atlantic Ocean*****
  18. WB: Pacific Ocean***** (or at least, South Pacific)
  19. WB: Indian Ocean*****
  20. WB: Africa, Revised
  21. WB: Europe
  22. WB: Scandinavia
  23. WB: India
  24. WB: Asia Minor
  25. WB: Middle East
  26. WB: Arctic Zones

* Via Campaign Cartographer, or similar program.
** Before it was destroyed, without its leadership having turned to evil.
*** With a superior explanation for the "Orbital Denial System" around Earth.
**** Hoiw about a non-cowboy, non-cliche approach?
***** Expansion/Revision of Underseas.

Posted: Sat May 27, 2006 11:33 am
by runebeo
Shorty Lickens wrote:My first choice wasnt available: NGR and the Gargoyles have a full-scale war. Maybe Mindwerks joining in the fun. Heck, even the Brodkil could have a blast here.

But on the list my pick was invasion of the Mechanoids, mostly because my current campaign involves the group clearing them from Aberdeen.
That would be a great start to an even bigger campaign against them.

What if a shifter open a portal to bring in a fifty thousand mechanoids or so in to the hive lands of southern canada might weaken the bugs a fair bit and make for a interesting quest. How cauld this go wrong lol!

Posted: Sat May 27, 2006 11:35 am
by runebeo
With a new mechanoid book coming out i think it should tie in.

Posted: Sat May 27, 2006 1:54 pm
by Phadeout
Kikkoman wrote:Ideally, if I could do anything-
freeze everything, do a 2nd edition and streamline it all. Rifts is chocked full of goodness already. Maybe too full. It doesn't seem like such a Grim and Dark Scary Post Apocalypse when the world seems to be crawling with super powered mystic cyborg commando human kingdoms.

Yes, I say Rifts Timeline needs a freeze. Period. Keep the books coming, but stop advancing the timeline with them.

It makes everything lose consistency.

Posted: Sun May 28, 2006 1:49 pm
by RainOfSteel
runebeo wrote:
RainOfSteel wrote:I didn't see [...]

A full text quote with no response at all?
Tell us what you really think. ;)

Posted: Sun May 28, 2006 9:50 pm
by grandmaster z0b
RainOfSteel wrote:I didn't see an option for a complete revision of the milieu metaplot from PA 105-109. That's were my vote goes.

Oops, that wasn't "next".


I want more sourcebooks and worldbooks set in a single non-advancing era. PA 100 or PA 109. Less metaplot, more metacrunch.
  1. Rifts Earth Atlas (Hiqh Quality Professional Maps*)
  2. WB: Lazlo
  3. WB: Chi-Town
  4. WB: Tolkeen**
  5. WB: Sol System (A complete non-TMNT solar system setting***)
  6. WB: Iron Heart
  7. WB: Coalition States (Other states and general info.)
  8. WB: Northern Gun/Manistique Imperium
  9. WB: Western North America (New West Revised****)
  10. WB: Eastern North America
  11. Sourcebook: Techno Wizardry
  12. Sourcebook: Demon Seas
  13. Sourcebook: Wastelands
  14. Sourcebook: Super Nexus Points
  15. Sourcebook: Psyscape, The City
  16. Sourcebook: Kingsdale, Redux
  17. WB: Atlantic Ocean*****
  18. WB: Pacific Ocean***** (or at least, South Pacific)
  19. WB: Indian Ocean*****
  20. WB: Africa, Revised
  21. WB: Europe
  22. WB: Scandinavia
  23. WB: India
  24. WB: Asia Minor
  25. WB: Middle East
  26. WB: Arctic Zones

* Via Campaign Cartographer, or similar program.
** Before it was destroyed, without its leadership having turned to evil.
*** With a superior explanation for the "Orbital Denial System" around Earth.
**** Hoiw about a non-cowboy, non-cliche approach?
***** Expansion/Revision of Underseas.
I like a lot of these ideas, especially an Atlas, Chi-Town, Lazlo etc.

I don't agree with a lot of it though as well, I don't think any of the following are necessary yet; Sol System, Sourcebook: Techno Wizardry, Demon Seas, Wastelands, Super Nexus Points, Psyscape The City, Kingsdale, Atlantic Ocean, Pacific Ocean, Indian Ocean, Arctic areas and New West Revised. I would prefer Palladium fix England and Africa first, then release Chi-Town and Lazlo.

I couldn't give a flying fish about underseas - has anyone really used that book for any length of time?

I like New West, I do think it's a bit cliched but it depends on how you play it. My west is full of psi-stalkers, simvan, borgs, juicers, d-bees, mages, freaks, vampires etc. not just cowboys and indians. It gives it a very particular feel- there are still saloons and shoot outs but I avoid the super cliches like show downs at dawn and everbody wearing 10gallon hats and spurs.