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Coalition prisons

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2008 4:21 pm
by Chad
Are there any prisons in the fortress cities, or does everyone just get their citizenship revoked? :?

Re: Coalition prisons

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2008 4:25 pm
by Dustin Fireblade
CS prisons are mentioned under the "Coalition Law" section of WB 11, pg 28.

Re: Coalition prisons

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2008 4:36 pm
by Chad
Dustin Fireblade wrote:CS prisons are mentioned under the "Coalition Law" section of WB 11, pg 28.

Found it- Thanks! :ok:
I'll assume a City Rat who was busted on carrying a weapon with out a permit does his time and can go back to his life?

Re: Coalition prisons

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2008 8:20 pm
by csbioborg
The CS needs penal leigon like they did in Russia China and other countries.

Hook him up with as much combat drugs as possible and good bye dbees

Better yet do like they do in the forever war and hypno condition them to go beserk with a mentl prompt.

Re: Coalition prisons

Posted: Tue Jul 08, 2008 10:42 am
by Temporalmage
Chad wrote:
Dustin Fireblade wrote:CS prisons are mentioned under the "Coalition Law" section of WB 11, pg 28.

Found it- Thanks! :ok:
I'll assume a City Rat who was busted on carrying a weapon with out a permit does his time and can go back to his life?

Not really able to "get back to his life"; the CS will constantly be watching him, monitering who he's with, where he goes, and what he's doing as long as the city-rat is inside the CS city. And any time he returns, if he leaves, he'd be subjected to random searches of his person as well as his home and buisness. Basically, unless he could bribe some officer somplace, the City-Rat would have a black mark on his record that would follow him around forever. And any time there would be trouble within a mile of him the CS would round him up for a 24 hour marathon of questioning to make sure he had nothing to do with it.
Carrying a weapon with out a permit could look like he's a smuggler, assasion, spy, or at worst an anti-CS rabble rouser. It would take years to get that kinda mark off your record, if you ever could.

Re: Coalition prisons

Posted: Tue Jul 08, 2008 4:27 pm
by LostOne
I don't remember anything from the books, but how we do it in our games:

CS citizens stand trial and if convicted get sent to what is basically a secure resort with many perks over prisons seen in today's world.

Non-CS Humans get sent to barebones prisons.

D-Bees get executed if convicted, unless they exhibit interesting genetic traits then they are sent to LoneStar for experimentation (dead or alive, depending on how dangerous/cooperative they are).

Re: Coalition prisons

Posted: Tue Jul 08, 2008 4:39 pm
by talmor
I've always questioned the idea of prisons, as we understand them, in the world of Rifts. Given what a waste of manpower and resources a prison is, I would imagine that nothing resembling a modern day penal system would exists in Rifts Earth, even in the Coalition. I imagine that fines, forced labor, corporal punishment, executions, and exile would all be far more common punishments than spending time in prison. Obviously social status and race would have a huge influence on the punishment (I can see a D-Bee executed for manslaughter, a human sent to work camp, while a wealthy citizen might be exiled for 10 years, or maybe even just fined).

Is there a book that deals with this in detail? Maybe the 'Burbs sourcebook?

Re: Coalition prisons

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 10:36 am
by Temporalmage
talmor wrote:I've always questioned the idea of prisons, as we understand them, in the world of Rifts. Given what a waste of manpower and resources a prison is, I would imagine that nothing resembling a modern day penal system would exists in Rifts Earth, even in the Coalition. I imagine that fines, forced labor, corporal punishment, executions, and exile would all be far more common punishments than spending time in prison. Obviously social status and race would have a huge influence on the punishment (I can see a D-Bee executed for manslaughter, a human sent to work camp, while a wealthy citizen might be exiled for 10 years, or maybe even just fined).

Is there a book that deals with this in detail? Maybe the 'Burbs sourcebook?

I think if the CS exiles you, it's permenant.

I don't recall seeing anything detailed in any of the books. Touches on it a bit in the CS War Campaign book.

Re: Coalition prisons

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 12:08 pm
by talmor
Temporalmage wrote:
I think if the CS exiles you, it's permenant.

Eh, I tend to operate under the assumption that in the CS, it's not what you DO, but who you ARE. Just seems like the approach a corrupt fascist state would apply, though that's mainly because I'm not aware of any definitive answers.

Re: Coalition prisons

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 12:42 pm
by Natasha
Exiles have not always been permanent. Although I guess the majority of exiles just have to wait for the dictator to die to have a chance.

The true use of the exile to feed the gulag.