Megaverse® Insider – Northern Gun™ Two
New Megaverse® Insider Opportunity – Rifts® Northern Gun™ TWO – July 12-30, 2012
The Megaverse® Insider crowdfunding offer for Rifts® Northern Gun™ Two enables you to get unique products and help fund Palladium projects at the same time. That’s right, for the limited two week or so period of the crowdfunding offer, you can purchase special collectible products like a PDF version of the book, a hardcover edition, a collectors’ hardcover “foil edition,” original artwork by Chuck Walton and other opportunities not available to the general public. This is the LAST crowdfunding offer of the year. Now through July 30, 2012, so take advantage of it.
What is crowdfunding?
In February, Palladium joined a growing number of companies using something called “crowdsource funding” to raise the funds to produce products. Our first venture into this type of funding, popularized by companies like “Kickstarter,” was for Rifts® Lemuria and it was a huge success. So was our second, for Rifts® Northern Gun™ One. In fact, both exceeded our goal and you have seen the results. Many out of print titles back in print, more advertising, paying down of debt, etc. All of which are making us stronger every day! We call such crowdfunding Megaverse® Insider offers, because you get the “inside” track to products and services not normally made available to the public.
The basic idea behind crowdfunding goes something like this: You make a presentation for the project you want to fund, you provide a variety of levels of participation from a few dollars to hundreds, even thousands of dollars, each level provides a benefit or product(s), you set a realistic target goal, and you let the public know about it. If you get a couple hundred to several hundred people contributing (we had 359 for the Rifts® Lemuria Megaverse® Insider offer), you can meet or exceed – sometimes vastly exceed – your goal. It’s called “crowdfunding” because rather than get one or a few investors, you raise much smaller amounts of money from hundreds of people who get a quick and tangible reward for their participation.
I want Palladium’s version of crowdfunding to be more fun than a simple business offer. And I want clear, tangible products for you to purchase, so I came up with the “Megaverse Insider” idea.
You are a Megaverse® Insider by just being you and purchasing any of the items or “opportunities” being offered below.
● ALL of these items are only available during the short TWO and a HALF WEEKS that we are offering them. Most will NEVER BE OFFERED AGAIN for that product. THIS IS YOUR ONLY CHANCE TO GET THEM.
● Why limited availability? Because I want to make these “opportunities” truly special, rare, valuable and AVAILABLE ONLY TO YOU. That includes super-limited and rare, one-time-only collector editions and opportunities for you – our “Insiders.”
● The window of opportunity is small. Miss it now and you are out of luck.
● Remember, the purpose is “crowdfunding” – to raise working capital to produce and print a particular book as well as to provide Palladium with greater financial resources. Thus, while there are many fun, cool things to purchase, they are not at discounted prices. Ah, but most will never be offered again (none anytime soon). They are exclusive to Megaverse® Insiders. That’s what makes you an “Insider.” NOTE: Money made above and beyond our projected goals for the specific project is used to pay off debt, do more advertising and marketing, produce other new products, reprint old titles and to grow Palladium Books.
● Many of the higher priced items, like the hardcover editions, should become instant collectibles worth more than what you paid for them. Why? Because if we sell 230 copies, or 105, or even as few as 35 copies, then that (plus a few dozen for staff, friends and special promotion) is ALL we are EVER PRINTING of these collector editions. There are no more to sell in the months to come. There are no reprints planned. This is it. And ONLY those of you who buy one or two (+ a few dozen extra for Palladium’s own use) have a copy of this super-rare, super-limited, first printing of the book.
How cool is that?! You cannot find something more “limited” than print to order and never again. Only Megaverse Insiders have one, making you a true “insider” and the item rare and special. That also means the “real value” of the book is whatever someone will pay for it. Since there are so few, the resale market value should be instantly more than what you paid for it. The Palladium RPG® Crimson Hardcover and the original Rifts® Gold Hardcover sell for $300-$500 on the collectors’ market, and they had press runs of 500 and 600 copies. (FYI: The Rifts® Ultimate Gold Edition had a press run of 1,500 copies and it still regularly commands more than the original selling price.) The Rifts® Lemuria Emerald Hardcover edition saw fewer than 200 copies ordered and the Rifts® Lemuria Color Hardcover edition approximately 200. Both are rare, both are selling for 30-50% more than the purchase price only a few months after their release; if you can even find one.
● You make a difference by giving Palladium Books a shot in the arm, and you benefit with unique items and opportunities, acknowledgment in print and knowing you helped make it possible for us to make more of the books you love! That’s the cool thing about “crowdfunding,” it’s a win-win situation and everyone benefits from it.
● Your purchases help us fund the development and production of the designated new release – in this case, Northern Gun™ TWO. Money made above and beyond our projected goals for the specific project is used to pay off debt, do more advertising and marketing, and to produce other new products.
● We expect this product to be released in September, 6-8 weeks after its crowdfunding ends, but there could be delays of an additional 1-3 months. We don’t expect that to be the case, but you never know.
NOTE: If for any reason the book or items you purchase as part of this Megaverse® Insider offer are not released, you will get a refund. If we fall short of our goal amount, but we are still able to provide you the items and services you have purchased as part of the crowdfunding offer, you will receive those items. You are, after all, purchasing products, just special products.
Our Insider Goal for Rifts® Northern Gun™ Two
We want to raise at least $18,000 to help cover the cost of production, printing, art, shipping and advertising.
Our hope is to exceed our goal amount. If we should be so fortunate, money made from the sale of Megaverse® Insider products above and beyond our goal will be put to good use to pay off debt, do more advertising and marketing, produce other new products, reprint old titles and grow Palladium Books.
Daily Progress Updates: At least once or twice a day, we will countdown and let you know the current number of “Insiders” (people who have made a purchase), the amount to date (including sales that exceed our goal of $18,000) and the time you have left to make your purchase. Offer ends July 30, 2012.
The Megaverse Insider crowdfunding is still new for us. As such, there may be some bumps and glitches, so please bear with us. We learn more every time we do one of these and you should see improvements with each new offer. For example, we intend to post, online, ALL the names to be listed as Insiders prior to publication to correct spelling and catch mistakes and missing names. Regrettably, a handful of names were listed incorrectly in Rifts® Lemuria. We’ll be making those corrections with the next printing of the book, but we want to avoid this problem in the future.
Though some have requested it, we are not in a position to provide an exact release date for Northern Gun Two. Our plan is to get it finished and in your hands as soon as possible. However, as always, we want these very special books to be the best they can be, which may mean delays and rescheduling. Right now, Palladium’s target is to have NG-1 released in August (or September at the latest) and NG-2 a short month or two afterward. We had hoped to have at least one out by Gen Con, but that’s not possible. We hope you understand. Also note that we may be expanding the page counts of one or both of these books, but any subsequent price increase will NOT affect Megaverse Insiders.
Please spread the word about this unique opportunity to your gaming friends and post about it online wherever you can think of. We are advertising this only to YOU – our Palladium fans and Insiders – and the offer is for a very short time: July 12-30, 2012.
IMPORTANT NOTE: This current Megaverse Insider® offer is for Rifts® Northern Gun™ TWO only. And it is the LAST Megaverse® Insider crowdfunding for the year. Our next Megaverse® Insider offer will not be till 2013.
Why were these two Northern Gun™ offers a month apart? We had originally planned to do the Rifts® Northern Gun crowdfunding as one offer. However, after we made that announcement, many gamers asked us to split the one offer in two, a month apart. The reason was, many people could not afford to order “both” PDFs and hardcover books if they were offered together at the same time. And they did want both. A large number of gamers asked that we make two separate offers to enable them to save the money to get both. Otherwise, many would have to miss out on one or the other. We aim to please so two related books, two separate crowdfunding offers a month apart. As a result, we will NOT be doing another crowdfunding offer until next year, 2013. As announced in the past, Palladium plans to do only 3-4 Megaverse® Insider crowdfunding offers a year, spread out 3-4 months apart. Northern Gun™ One and Two are a special case.
– Kevin Siembieda, Publisher and Your Inside Man
Megaverse® Insider Opportunities for Rifts® World Book 34: Northern Gun™ TWO
Available only from July 12-30, 2012
Project Title: “First Printing” of Rifts® World Book 34: Northern Gun TWO
Target Goal: $18,000.00 or more.
Current Insider Sales: $23,535.
Number of Megaverse® Insiders: 284 (that’s every purchase, large or small).
Goal Achieved: 131%.
Time Remaining: Offer has ended!
Project Title Description: By now, all of you know all about Rifts® World Book 34: Northern Gun TWO. It is nearing completion and should go to the printer in the next 8-10 weeks, and ship a few weeks after that. If you are not familiar with this title, you can find the description in the Palladium store and in Weekly Updates. So without further ado, let’s get right into it.
You can order items offered by the Rifts® Northern Gun TWO Megaverse Insider exactly the same way you would place an online order for a game or sourcebook from our store. Each item has its own catalog number, price and page in the store. Telephone orders call 734-721-2903 (order line only).
You can order as many different items as you’d like, and you can place multiple orders for the same item. Spread the word so other gamers can take advantage of the special offer.
PLEASE NOTE these Important Details:
1. The regular softcover edition of Rifts® Northern Gun TWO is NOT one of the items available in the Rifts® Northern Gun TWO Megaverse Insider Offer, because it has been and will continue to be offered all the time at cover price. Only Megaverse® Insider items are available through this limited time offer. If you want the softcover, place your order as usual.
2. Rifts® Northern Gun TWO “Softcover” Pre-Orders: Many of you have already pre-ordered a copy of the mass market, softcover edition of Rifts® Northern Gun TWO. That is awesome and we are counting on those sales. If your purchase of an Insider Item means you intend to cancel your pre-order (and we hope you don’t), PLEASE contact us by email or telephone to let us know before July 30, 2012. Otherwise, ALL pre-orders will be processed and charged to the credit card on file as usual when the book is ready to ship in a few weeks. Thank you.
3. Credit Card Processing. As a fundraiser, all purchases will be charged to your card as soon as the order is placed. HOWEVER, it may be a few months before your purchase arrives.
4. Product Shipping. Many items, such as the limited edition hardcover editions, will not ship until a few weeks (2-4) after the regular, mass market, softcover edition ships. (It takes longer to print and “bind” hardcover books.)
Insider items purchased as a “package” – meaning they include several items for the price – will not ship until ALL items are available.
We will ship everything as quickly as possible. We cannot provide an exact ship date for this book at this time but it should be in 8-12 weeks after this offer ends. Note: The regular softcover edition is not part of the Megaverse Insider offer and it will ship as soon as it arrives in the Palladium warehouse.
5. Shipping Costs: As usual, the purchaser pays shipping. Cost varies per the method you choose. We recommend UPS for those in the US because you can track the package and it is insured against loss. Media Mail is NOT advised.
6. Items lost in the mail is YOUR risk. Since many of the items are being “made to order,” there are few additional copies to replace any that might be lost or damaged in the mail. Use a reliable shipping method. Likewise, original art and other one-of-a-kind items, or few-of-a-kind-items, may be impossible to replace. Note: Palladium Books will NOT refund any order nor replace any product lost or damaged when shipped via “Media Mail” – the purchaser assumes ALL risk. Media Mail is the least expensive method of shipping but is also the least reliable, it cannot be traced, and it takes the longest time to arrive (5-15 days).
Palladium has found UPS Ground to be the most reliable method of shipping. It is automatically insured for $100, takes 2-5 days to arrive (does not include weekends) and can be traced every step of the way. For customers in the United States, it is worth the extra few dollars. Parcel Post and First Class Mail are also reasonably reliable.
Insider Opportunities for Rifts® Northern Gun™ TWO
Inside Help: $5
Cat. No. 12021
Inside Help gets your name listed under “Inside Help” in the Insider Acknowledgment section of the book. The Purchaser can list his or her own name or submit the name of a fellow player, Game Master, friend, child, sibling, spouse, parent, or loved one he or she would like to acknowledge. EACH name is a separate purchase and costs $5. “Real names” only, and it must be the first and last name, e.g. Joe Gamer. Note: You do NOT get a copy of the book with this purchase. The book is a separate purchase. All listings of Insider names shall remain in print for the life of the book, including reprints, for at least as long as Kevin Siembieda is the owner and publisher of Palladium Books. (Which we anticipate to be decades.) There is no shipping cost for this item.
In Memoriam: $5
Cat. No. 12022
You can list the name of a loved one who has passed away recently or long ago, but whom you’d like to acknowledge. This can be a fallen friend, Game Master, player, parent, sibling or other loved one. Their name gets listed under “In Memoriam” in the Insider Acknowledgment section of the book.
As an Insider, we trust that you will respect the sanctity of this category and not list the living nor submit the name of fictitious characters as a practical joke. It is impossible for Palladium to verify the truth of this submission, so we are trusting the sincerity and truthfulness of the purchaser. Do not list the name of characters you wish were dead. Offenders will be banned from future purchases of ANY Insider Opportunities. Note: You do not get a copy of the book with this purchase. The book is a separate purchase. There is no shipping cost for this item.
A “Real” Character Tribute: $10
Cat. No. 12023
The name says it all. You can list the name of one of YOUR favorite fictional RPG characters (not a literary character from a book, comic or film – but a fictional game character) you have played or one of your fellow gamers has played that you’d like acknowledged. Your character’s name will get listed under “A Real Character Tribute” in the Insider Acknowledgment section of the book. Note: You do NOT get a copy of the book with this purchase. The book is a separate purchase.
There is no shipping cost for this item.
Cyber-Insider (PDF of book only): $15.00
Cat. No. 12024
You get your name listed under “Cyber-Insiders” in the Insider Acknowledgment section of the book and a PDF copy (not the print copy) 10-14 days after the physical book has shipped from the Palladium warehouse. There is no shipping cost for this item.
ONLY INSIDERS have the opportunity to get the PDF of this book. It is not being made available as a PDF by any other means, nor elsewhere, anytime soon. This is the only way to get a PDF of this new release from Palladium Books, and the offer is only available for a limited period of time as part of the Megaverse® Insider fund-raising offer. After that point, the PDF is no longer available. Note: This is one of the things that makes you an “Insider” – you have the opportunity to get stuff not available to the average gamer, during a limited window of time while we are raising funds.
Please, we ask that you do NOT share, distribute or post the Insider PDF anywhere, as it defeats the whole purpose of being a Megaverse® Insider and it can hurt, rather than help, Palladium. Thank you.
Remember, ONE: This PDF is only available for a limited time during this Insider fund-raising opportunity. TWO: The whole idea is to help Palladium raise money to produce and promote the item being offered and grow the company. Thank you, so much for your support!
Palladium Insider: $50 (Hardcover Edition)
Cat. No. 12025
You get your name listed under “Palladium Insiders” in the Insider Acknowledgment section of the book and you get this limited edition hardcover of Rifts® Northern Gun™ TWO.
The $50 hardcover edition has the same, color cover art as the softcover and the same interior. It is likely to ship 2-4 weeks after the softcover as it takes longer to get hardcover editions printed.
Collector’s Item/Super-Limited Edition: What makes this hardcover edition truly special is that we print only what you order (plus a few dozen extra for staff and promotion). That means if we get 151 orders (like we did with the Lemuria offer), we only print 151 copies of this book (+48 additional for Palladium staff, friends, resale and special promotions). If the number is 135 we print 135 (plus a four dozen extra). It’s hard to get much more LIMITED and special than this. And because you’re a Palladium Insider, you own one of the very few in existence. This book is only available via this Megaverse® Insider offer. When the offer ends after July 30, 2012, no new ones will be printed. Note: This book is NOT numbered or signed.
Steel Insider: $75 (Steel Blue Collector’s Hardcover Edition)
Cat. No. 12026
You get the following:
- Your name listed under “Steel Insiders” in the Insider Acknowledgment section of the book.
- The limited edition “Steel Blue” collector’s foil hardcover of the book.
The “Steel Blue” Collector’s Hardcover Edition has a different cover. It is black leatherette with “blue” foil printing on the front cover and spine that matches Northern Gun One. (Think gold edition printed in a metallic blue foil instead of gold.) Otherwise, the book has the exact same interior as the softcover. It is likely to ship 2-4 weeks after the softcover as it takes longer to get hardcover editions printed.
Rare and Super-Limited Edition: First, only Insiders who pay $75 or more get this book which should keep the number printed very low. Second, we print only what you order (plus two dozen extra for staff and promotions). That means if we get 70 orders, we only print 70 copies of this book +24 for Palladium staff, friends, resale and special promotions. If the number is 35 we print 35 (+24 extra). It doesn’t get more LIMITED than this. And you own one of the very, very few Steel Blue Editions in existence because you’re a Megaverse Insider. This book is available only via this Megaverse Insider offer. When the offer ends after July 30, 2012, no new ones will be printed. Note: This book is NOT numbered or signed.
Steel-Plus Insider: $90 (Steel Blue Edition + PDF)
Cat. No. 12027
You get the following:
- Your name listed under “Steel-Plus Insiders” in the Insider Acknowledgment section of the book.
- The Limited Edition “Steel Blue” foil collector’s hardcover.
- The PDF version of Rifts® Northern Gun™ TWO.
- The book is autographed by Kevin Siembieda and available Palladium staff (and possibly a few freelancers).
- A Megaverse® Insider I.D. card.
The Steel Blue Collector’s Hardcover Edition has a different cover. It is black leatherette with “blue” foil printing on the front cover and spine (think gold edition printed in steel blue foil instead of gold). Otherwise, the book has the exact same interior as the softcover. It is likely to ship 2-4 weeks after the softcover as it takes longer to get hardcover editions printed.
Remember, First, only Insiders who pay $75 or more get this book, keeping the number printed low. Second, we print only what you order (+24 extra for staff, etc.). That means if we get 70 orders, we only print 70 copies of this book (+24 for Palladium staff, friends and special promotions). If the number is 35 we print 35 (+24 extra). And you own one of the very, very few in existence because you’re a Megaverse Insider. This book is available only via this Megaverse Insider offer. When the offer ends after July 30, 2012, no new ones will be printed. Note: Steel Blue Foil Edition for the “Steel-Plus” purchase is signed by Siembieda and others, but is NOT numbered.
Top Insider: $145
Cat. No. 12028
You get the following:
- Your name listed under “Top Insiders” in the Insider Acknowledgment section of the book.
- The PDF version of Rifts® Northern Gun TWO.
- The $50 hardcover edition with the color cover.
- The $75 Limited Edition “Steel Blue” Collector’s Hardcover.
- Both hardcover books autographed by Kevin Siembieda and available Palladium staff (and possibly a few freelancers).
- Kevin Siembieda will draw a small, dragon head sketch inside the Steel Blue Foil Edition.
- A signed and numbered, limited edition, color, art print of the wrap-around cover of Northern Gun TWO, signed by authors Kevin Siembieda and Matthew Clements. Final size not yet determined, but probably 17 x 11 inches.
- A Megaverse® Insider I.D. card.

Ultimate Insider: $250
Cat. No. 12029
You get the following:
- Your name listed under “Ultimate Insiders” in the Insider Acknowledgment section of the book.
- The PDF version of Rifts® Northern Gun TWO.
- The hardcover edition with the color cover.
- The Limited Edition Steel Blue “Foil” Collector’s Hardcover.
- Both hardcover books are autographed by Kevin Siembieda and available Palladium staff (and possibly a few freelancers), but they are NOT numbered.
- A Northern Gun ONE print/poster of the wrap-around cover; not signed, not numbered.
- A signed and numbered, limited edition, color art print of the wrap-around cover of Northern Gun TWO, signed by authors Kevin Siembieda and Matthew Clements. Final size not yet determined, but probably 17 x 11 inches.
- Four prints of as yet “unseen” artwork for an upcoming book, signed by Publisher Kevin Siembieda. May be reproductions of finished illustrations or concept art.
- A brief (20 minutes) telephone call from Kevin Siembieda to chat about whatever you would like.
- A Megaverse® Insider I.D. card.
Benefactor: $500
Cat. No. 12030
You get the following:
- Your name listed under “Benefactors” in the Insider Acknowledgment section of the book.
- The PDF version of Rifts® Northern Gun TWO.
- The hardcover edition with the color cover.
- The Limited Edition Steel Blue “Foil” Hardcover of the book.
- Both hardcover books are autographed by Kevin Siembieda and available Palladium staff (and possibly a few freelancers).
- Kevin Siembieda will draw a large dragon head sketch (black and white) on a separate sheet of 8½ x 11 inch paper.
- A signed and numbered, limited edition, color art print of the wrap-around cover of Northern Gun TWO, signed by authors Kevin Siembieda and Matthew Clements (we’ll see if we can get John Zeleznik to sign them also). Final size not yet determined, but probably 17 x 11 inches. Note: This print is likely to be made available to the public, but you get the lowest numbers, starting with Number 2.
- A signed and numbered, limited edition print of the “final pencil concept drawing” for the cover of Northern Gun™ TWO, signed by authors Kevin Siembieda and Matthew Clements; 8½ x 11 inch size, black and white. PLUS a Northern Gun ONE print/poster of the wrap-around cover; not signed, not numbered.
- Eight or more prints of as yet “unseen” artwork for an upcoming release, signed by Publisher Kevin Siembieda. May be reproductions of finished illustrations or concept art.
- Top Secret: An unfinished, unedited, advance excerpt from an upcoming new Rifts® book – for Your Eyes Only!
- A telephone call from Kevin Siembieda to chat about whatever you’d like to ask, including plans for upcoming projects, game theory, and so on.
- Benefactor Bonus Art: One original piece of Rifts® Northern Gun TWO or Northern Gun ONE artwork by Chuck Walton that EITHER actually appeared in the book, or is a piece of unpublished concept art for one of the designs that appeared in the books. Signed by Chuck Walton. This is a finished pencil illustration or concept drawing. Art that saw print in the book will be assigned first (in the sequence in which we receive your order), then from Northern Gun One or concept art from either. There are at least 20 finished pieces of art available plus concept art. All are very nice to gorgeous. All are pencil art by Chuck Walton, signed. All are on 11 x 17 inch sheets of paper. All have a value of $125-$175.
- A Megaverse® Insider I.D. card.
Ultimate Benefactor: $1,200 (Limited to ONE)
Cat. No. NG-UB2
There can be only one. Which means you get all the items in the Benefactor’s package, PLUS the color concept art for the cover by John Zeleznik. AND MORE! Read Numbers 8, 12, 13, 14 and 15 for the details.
- Your name listed under “Ultimate Benefactor” in the Insider Acknowledgment section of the book.
- The PDF version of Rifts® Northern Gun TWO.
- The hardcover edition with the color cover.
- The Limited Edition Steel Blue “Foil” Hardcover of the book.
- Both hardcover books are autographed by Kevin Siembieda and available Palladium staff (and possibly a few freelancers).
- Kevin Siembieda will draw a large dragon head sketch (black and white) on a separate sheet of 8½ x 11 inch paper.
- Number One of the signed and numbered, limited edition, color art print of the wrap-around cover of Northern Gun TWO, signed by authors Kevin Siembieda and Matthew Clements (we’ll see if we can get John Zeleznik to sign it also). Final size not yet determined, but probably 17 x 11 inches. Note: This print is likely to be made available to the public, but you get the lowest numbers, starting with Number 2.
- A signed and numbered, limited edition print of the “final pencil concept drawing” for the cover of Northern Gun™ TWO, signed by authors Kevin Siembieda and Matthew Clements; 8½ x 11 inch size, black and white. PLUS a Northern Gun ONE print/poster of the wrap around cover; not signed, not numbered.
- Eight or more prints of as yet “unseen” artwork for an upcoming release, signed by Publisher Kevin Siembieda. May be reproductions of finished illustrations or concept art.
- Top Secret: An unfinished, unedited, advance excerpt from an upcoming new Rifts® book – for Your Eyes Only!
- A telephone call from Kevin Siembieda to chat about whatever you’d like to ask, including plans for upcoming projects, game theory, and so on.
- Ultimate Benefactor Color NG-2 Artwork: You get the watercolor concept illustration of the Rifts® Northern Gun TWO cover by artist John Zeleznik. We’re not sure of the size, but think it is 8 1/2 x 11 inches; may be smaller. Estimated value is $100-$200.
- 13. One pencil drawing by Chuck Walton, signed by Chuck Walton, from Northern Gun One or Two.
- Name an NG Vehicle. You – yes, you – get to name one of the vehicles that appears in the book. Of course, the name must be original and cannot infringe on existing copyrights and trademarks. A name that is similar to someone else’s I.P. may be tweaked, or we may require you to come up with a new name.
- Plus, your real name will be used in the description of the robot you name as the lead engineer of the design team and appear in the book, making you a fictional character. Something like, “Michael I. Gamer was the mastermind behind the design for this combat vehicle.
- A Megaverse® Insider I.D. card.
© Copyright 2012 Palladium Books Inc. All rights reserved.
Rifts®, The Rifter®, RECON®, Splicers®, Palladium Books®, The Palladium Fantasy Role-Playing Game®, Phase World®, Nightbane®, Megaverse®, The Mechanoids®, The Mechanoid Invasion®, Coalition Wars® and After the Bomb® are Registered Trademarks of Palladium Books Inc. Beyond the Supernatural™, Chaos Earth, Coalition States, Dead Reign, Heroes Unlimited, Ninjas & Superspies, Minion War, Mysteries of Magic, SAMAS, Thundercloud Galaxy, Three Galaxies, Vampire Kingdoms, Warpath, and other published book titles, names, slogans and likenesses are trademarks of Palladium Books Inc., and Kevin Siembieda.
Robotech® and Robotech® The Shadow Chronicles® are Registered Trademarks of Harmony Gold USA, Inc.
This Megaverse® Insider offer may be reprinted, reposted, linked and shared for the sole purpose of advertising, promotion and sales solicitation.