Rifts® Game Master Guide
Rifts® Game Master Guide

No Game Master should be without the Rifts® Game Master Guide! Everything you need from World Books 1-23, Sourcebooks 1-4, and·Siege on Tolkeen 1-6 has been carefully compiled into one tome!
This book focuses each of the above Rifts® books' technology, armor, equipment, power armor, robots, and vehicles. We even threw in Psionic powers, maps, skills, indexes, experience tables and more! You can't beat this one-stop shop for all your GMing needs!
Highlights Include:
- 503 weapons, including explosives, plus E-Clips and ammo notes.
- 300 skills listed and described.
- 290 pieces of equipment.
- 104 suits of body armor.
- 182 vehicles.
- 86 suit of power armor.
- 58 robots.
- Optional combat rules and examples of play.
- Comprehensive index of O.C.C.s, R.C.C.s, P.C.C.s, and monsters.
- Experience tables for scores of character classes.
- Designer notes, rules clarifications and reference notes.
- Game Master tips and hints for running Rifts®.
- Maps, adventure ideas, and a lexicon of terms.
- Cover by David Dorman. Interior art by Perez, Wilson & others.
- 352 pages - Cat. No. 845.