Rifts® Dimension Book™ Thirteen: Fleets of the Three Galaxies™

Rifts® Dimension Book™ 13:

Fleets of the Three Galaxies™

Rifts Dimension Book 13: Phase World Fleets of the Three Galaxies

Fleets is so much more than a book of spaceships.

Not only are there descriptions of nearly two dozen new spacecraft, there is a discussion on space fighters, a time-line for the Three Galaxies, insight and history about some of the key races and their technology, their phobias, hints at upcoming events and potential dangers, notable figures for each race, notable ship-building or high-tech locations, ranks for each fleet, and much more.

Of course, there is also a large selection of new spacecraft from fighters to dreadnoughts, ship creation guidelines, damage tables, additional space gear, discussions about Faster-Than-Light speed, FTL combat, planet-side sieges, strategies, tactics and more.

This is another great sourcebook that is going to wow and please fans. A must for anyone who loves Phase World®, the Three Galaxies™, or space opera and can be dropped into Robotech® without any modification whatsoever; plug and play.

Highlights Include:

  • 17 new major spacecraft from fighters to dreadnoughts.
  • Space tugs, lifeboats and special gear.
  • Missiles and weapon systems.
  • Classification of ships and common features.
  • Spaceship creation guidelines.
  • Common strategies and tactics.
  • Random ship damage table.
  • History and insight to key fleets and races.
  • Fleet ranks, background and notable figures.
  • Three Galaxies time-line.
  • Fleet formations and notable spacecraft of theConsortium (CCW), Imperial Armada (TGE), the Warlock Navy (UWW), the Altess Armoria, the Republikan Argosy, Splugorth, and others. More than 20 different spacecraft, from fighters to cruisers and battleships.
  • And an un-advertised surprise by Kevin Siembieda.
  • A stand-alone Dimension Book suitable for use with Phase World® and other Dimension Books set in the Three Galaxies™.
  • Artwork by Mike Mumah, Mike Majestic, Brian Manning, Allen Manning, Nick Maradin and others.
  • Michael Majestic cover painting.
  • Written by Braden Campbell with additional text by Jason Marker and Kevin Siembieda.
  • 128 pages - Cat. No. 880.

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