Century Station™

Century Station™ cover

City, Villain & Heroes Sourcebook for Heroes Unlimited RPG

Century Station™ is a compelling cityscape described and mapped. It is a great location to base a Heroes Unlimited™ campaign or a place to visit. The 51 superhuman villains, some of whom are members of villain teams, provide instant antagonists that can be dropped into any game at any time. Likewise, the 40 dynamic heroes can be used as NPCs (Non-Player Characters) or as pre-generated player characters, plus there are weapons, equipment and adventure ideas galore. All ready for you to incorporate into your campaign in an instant.

Each villain and hero provides Game Masters with ideas for adventure, because each description presents the villain's or hero's origin, motivation and goals. Century Station™ and Villains Unlimited™ are both excellent resources for gadgets, weapons and inspiration for creating your own heroes, villains and conflicts.

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