Mutants in Avalon

Mutants in Avalon cover

King Arthur is back! And he's a mutant!

The island of England is mapped and described. Much has changed after the bomb struck. Human life is nearly extinct and Britain is now divided into eight kingdoms, all ruled by intelligent mutant animals. But all is not well. Feuding between the kingdoms promises civil war, then there are the rumors about a human army invading the Waste Lands. The realm needs a leader. A man (or mutant) who can unite the people and restore a nation; King Arthur!

This one has it all. New mutant animals, and insects, new character classes and skills, being British, a new human villain, the treachery of the evil Morgana, Merlin, and magic available to druid player characters!

  • 19 new mutant animals.
  • Eight mutant insect monsters, not to mention giant, monster snails and slugs.
  • Druid player characters and new magic powers (this is different than the Palladium Fantasy RPG druid magic).
  • Earth magic and the evil of Morgana.
  • The SAECSNs, a new, militant army of humans more savage than the Empire of Humanity.
  • The new Britain, described and mapped.
  • King Arthur, Merlin, and the Knights of the Round Table.
  • Adventures and more.

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