Rifts® Chaos Earth™ Sourcebook One: Creatures of Chaos™

Rifts® Chaos Earth™ Sourcebook 1:
Creatures of Chaos™
Creatures of Chaos™ holds a collection of other-worldy creatures that will give players nightmares. Each one is dripping with malice, terror, and bizzare attributes that will make you want to hide the book from your Game Master.
Game Masters will love pitting these supernatural menaces against their parties and players will love to find out what exactly awaits them on the other side of the rift!
Highlights Include:
- An incredible world filled with demons, monsters and aliens waiting for you to make a wrong step.
- N.E.M.A.'s tactics for combating and managing the Demon Plagues
- Dynamic, insane mad men who serve these demonic powers
- Background setting, missions and adventure ideas galore.
- Cat No. 661
- Page Count: 64 pages.
- Cover by: Mark Evans.
- Interior art: Williams, Dubisch and others.
- Written by: Kevin Siembieda.