Rifts® and the Megaverse® - Collector's Masterwork Limited Edition

Rifts® and the Megaverse®

Collector's Masterwork Limited Edition

Zeleznik Art Book Collectors Masterwork Edition

This is the most unbelievable deal we have ever heard. In fact, we don't think anybody has EVER done anything like this before, and it's all John Zeleznik's idea.

Each copy of the Collector's Masterwork Limited Edition includes an original piece of artwork by John Zeleznik! Most are concept sketches tipped (glued) into the book itself, by hand, done personally by Kevin Siembieda. That's right, YOU will have an original sketch/drawing/concept artwork from one of John Zeleznik's paintings or illustrations that appears in this very book!

"I've never heard of anything like this," said Publisher, Kevin Siembieda. "It's remarkable. A true collectible and piece of art and Palladium history all rolled into one. This is a deal of a lifetime. And because John is such a great guy, he wants us to keep the price low so Palladium fans can afford one. I was dumbstruck when he made the offer. I still am."

Highlights Include:

  • Limited to approximately 100-180 copies (the total number is yet to be determined based on the availability of original art).
  • Signed by John Zeleznik and Kevin Siembieda.
  • All the same color art as the regular edition.
  • An original pencil drawing/sketch from John Zeleznik's private archives.
  • $125.00 each plus $15 in the USA, $20 in Canada, or $35 overseas for shipping and handling so it can be shipped quickly and via a method that is safe and traceable.
  • 128 pages - color - hardcover - Cat. No. 2510-CML.
  • The ultimate collectible!

Examples of original sketches:

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Rifts®, The Rifter®, RECON®, Splicers®, Powers Unlimited®, Palladium Books®, The Palladium Fantasy Role-Playing Game®, Phase World®, Nightbane®, Megaverse®, The Mechanoids®, The Mechanoid Invasion®, Coalition Wars®, Chaos Earth®, Dead Reign®, and After the Bomb® are Registered Trademarks of Palladium Books Inc. RPG Tactics™, Beyond the Supernatural, Coalition States, Heroes Unlimited, Ninjas & Superspies, Minion War, Mysteries of Magic, SAMAS, Thundercloud Galaxy, Three Galaxies, Vampire Kingdoms, and other published book titles, names, slogans and likenesses are trademarks of Palladium Books Inc., and Kevin Siembieda.

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