Palladium Books - Weekly Update - April 26, 2024


Happy Friday, Palladium Fans!



Rebuilding My Collection


Hey Palladium,

I wanted to let you know these books I received are some of the finest quality I have ever been sent in orders from stores, Amazon, or directly from other game companies.


In the early days of the War on Terror, I was set to enter the military but my then fiancée and I needed some funds.  At the time I needed to sell what had been an impressive collection, many of which were Palladium books (I did keep the Robotech ones, The Sentinels and Invid Invasion weren't going anywhere, although I did lose the out-of-print TMNT core book.)


My Rifts collection of over 20 books was sold as part of that, a particular favorite game as Robotech and Rifts were my first RPGs and later during his time writing South America and Underseas, C.J. Carella had written to me on a pair of occasions, I believe it was on AOL at the time!


A friend last year informed me all of those books were still in print and I could buy them off the official Palladium site, which led to this purchase, however post-service I am clinically OCD and the quality of a book purchased new is something I am EXTREMELY sensitive to (Amazon hates me as they handle things so poorly I return about 1 in 4 to 1 in 5 books).


I really want to call out the EXCEPTIONAL quality of the books you sent me and as this was a trial run to find out what that quality would be if I ordered from Palladium, I can assure you in the very near future I will continue to be re-purchasing my collection, probably starting with Mutants in Orbit. (When I was an early teenager and that book came out, I was actually living with my family at a now-closed Air Force Base, where my father was an instructor at Undergraduate Space Training and many of his fellow officers were gamers, so I was able to enjoy that book along with people who literally operated military satellites).

Anyway, I want to say Thank You once more for doing such an amazing job with these books you and Palladium have sent in helping me restore my collection.

Thank you for all your time in this.


– A Palladium Fan


Yin-Sloth Jungles™ Expanded and Revised

Get it at PalladiumBooks

Rifts® Titan Robotics™ Sourcebook


The Wheels on the Bus Go Round and Round


Howdy Y’all


Things are going pretty well here at Palladium. Kevin is back in the office more days than not, and the rest of the team is taking care of business and getting their jobs done. It’s a good thing to see.


This past weekend Kevin and I took up Rick’s invitation to attend Chaosium Con, held just 20 minutes down the road from the Palladium Books studio on the way to Ann Arbor. Rick Meints is the President of Chaosium, and we had a grand time hanging out with a bunch of the Chaosium dudes and chatting with talented creators including J.M. DeFoggi as well as artist Tom Sullivan. Tom does art for Call of Cthulhu, and also happens to be the guy that did the special effects on Evil Dead 2 — yes, I got to hold the actual Necronomicon! Overall a very positive experience, and it’s always enlightening to chat with Rick, compare notes, and swap some friendly business advice.


On Tuesday we had a VIP delegation visit from TransPerfect Gaming. Our trusted friend and their local marketing guy Ryan McDaniel was joined by his boss Alex (in charge of sales and outreach) as well as Nicholas Kay (global art director). They brought some 3D printed prototypes of the TMNT miniatures, including a massive Leonardo which you can see in a photo at the top of this newsletter. We chatted about strategic stuff they are helping us with and multiple exciting future projects that I can’t divulge anything about yet, but Kevin isn’t joking when he says we have big plans cooking behind the scenes.


As for me, I’ve been cranking away on the TMNT & Other Strangeness redux edition editing work, and I can already tell you that you’re getting a few more bonus mutant animals than we officially announced — I know, I know, you can thank me later.

This is a pretty simple update without any core uplifting message except to let you know that we are hard at work making the things that
you, our loyal fans, have asked us for to come true. That really is the core of our business and always will be, because we are gamers just like all of you. Thanks again for tuning in.

– Sean Owen Roberson, Writer, Designer, Adventurer

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