A.W. in Mountain Grove, Missouri, writes (in part): ... I have purchased 6 of these Surprise Packages to date and they are an amazing value! The retail cost of the books I’ve received, not counting shipping, is an average of $124 per package. That’s over double the actual $60! Meaning I was able to get all those books for 52% off on new, autographed, books for less than used book prices! For that I’d like to extend a truly heartfelt thank you to everyone at Palladium Books for all you do for us fans ... I wish you a happy and prosperous 2025.
[You are very welcome A.W., and you send great Wish Lists. As I have said many times, 1. I love Christmas and the spirit of giving. 2. I love you, our fans, you are the best in the entire world, and I mean that with my whole heart. 3. The Surprise Package is our way of saying thank you to our fans and giving back some of the love you show us all year long. So thank you, A.W., for being one of Palladium’s many wonderful fans. Happy New Year. May it be filled with good health, prosperity, and joy for us all. – Kevin]
R.S. in Tucson, Arizona, writes: [The Surprise Package is] always a treat for myself this time of year.
[Awesome, R.S., enjoy. – Kevin]
B.A. in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, writes: Favorites: Palladium Fantasy RPG mostly with hybridized characters from Rifts®. Love them all. We have 70 books! We’re ready for the new Fantasy sourcebooks.
[Hey, B.A., that Fantasy/Rifts® combo sounds fun. Glad you enjoy our games so much. New Fantasy sourcebooks are coming, B.A. Keep an eye out for them and keep that imagination burning bright. – Kevin]
J.N. in Springfield, Missouri, writes: Old school Palladium and quickly becoming a huge fan of the Dead Reign® series. Fan of everything Palladium Books.
[J.N., we are happy, flattered and humbled by such high regard for our work. Thank you and Happy New Year. – Kevin]
C.F. in Conway, Arizona, writes: I got back into Palladium Books a few years ago because of Legion of Myth. They’ve inspired me to collect all Rifters®, in and out of print.
[As you are discovering, C.F., The Rifter® issues are a fun and useful resource and offer a wealth of ideas whether the articles and source material are official or not. Enjoy them and welcome back to the Megaverse®. – Kevin]
A.C. in Ronkonkoma, New York, writes: I used to play a lot, a long time ago. The late 1980s and early 1990s were filled with all-night gaming sessions with my best buds. I’m the last of us, sadly, but I saw someone post about the Surprise Package thing and it brought back so many good memories. This will make a nice gift for myself.
[Reading your comment made me smile, A.C., and brought back memories of my own all-night gaming sessions, throughout the 1980s and into the 1990s. Great times. Great friends. Great memories. I hope you enjoyed your Surprise Package. Here’s to new memories. – Kevin]
I.X.S. in Rumford, Rhode Island, writes: Always look forward to Palladium’s X-Mas Grab Bag! Gives me a chance to fill any holes in my collections. Keep up the good work guys.
[Will do I.X.S., it was great seeing you at Granite State Comic Con. – Kevin]
M.C. in Casper, Wyoming, writes (in part): You have been my favorite gaming company since I discovered Ninjas & Superspies way back in 1988! Merry Christmas and all the best for the New Year.
[May the New Year be a great one for us all, M.C. Ninjas & Superspies is a pretty cool game so I can see how it hooked you. Wow, you’ve been playing our games for most of our existence. Nice. Game on, M.C., please, game on. – Kevin]
J.N. in Springfield, Missouri, writes: Thank you for making the Christmas sale available every year. It means a lot that you take the time and care to sign and send copies of our favorite gaming books.
[I love the Christmas season, J.N., and our fans, so it is our honor and pleasure to do so. Enjoy and stay awesome. – Kevin]
C.H.K. in Casselberry, Florida, writes (in part): ... The Magic of Palladium Books you guys sent me in my last package was a thrilling surprise. Great ideas within and quite a contrast to The Rifter® Annual 85 that accompanied it! What a blast. Dead Reign® is quite a trip ... As always, you guys just really bring so much into my gaming life. Ever will gaming be a part of me – just like Palladium.
[That’s beautiful, C.H.K., keep your spirit and imagination burning bright. – Kevin]
D.H. in Central City, Nebraska, writes: Play them all, sometimes all combined.
[D.H., I’m happy you are traversing the entire Megaverse. Game on. – Kevin]
D.L. in Killeen, Texas, writes (in part): Hi Guys, I just got another friend hooked on Palladium, so I’m sending him a Christmas Surprise Package as a gift ... I rediscovered my love for all things Palladium watching Legion of Myth on YouTube ... Thank you for your service, Sean, even though you were Air Force, all of us grunts still love you guys and the sound of fast-movers overhead during a firefight is as sweet as the sound of angels singing!
[Thanks for your service and kind words, D.L., you made us smile with your comments about the Air Force. Yeah, Legion of Myth, Glitterbois podcast, Palladium’s own YouTube chats, and many other YouTube shows and podcasts, large and small, like RealPlayGames and the Death Head Taco Truck podcasts, are spreading the fun about Palladium Books’ RPG worlds and making gamers smile. I love it. – Kevin]