Palladium Books® Weekly Update – Dec. 19, 2014

By Kevin Siembieda

Every day has been a whirlwind of activity. With Christmas just next week, the Palladium Grab Bags/Surprise Packages have been pouring in and stealing away much of our time. Making sure the Christmas Surprise Packages ship in time for Christmas has been our top priority for the week. We love offering the Christmas Surprise Packages, but they are very time consuming. Lots of orders and comments to read, books to select, sign, pack and ship. And since I try to make each Surprise Package special, there is a fair amount of time spent reading comments, writing notes, selecting the right items. It’s awesome to know we make so many people happy with this seasonal item, but it takes time. I don’t know how Santa Claus does it.

When I wasn’t working on Christmas Surprise Packages and immediate business matters, I’ve been wrapping and packing the gifts I send to our many freelancers as a thank you for their efforts in writing, illustration and other work. As I often say, Palladium is one big family. The photos below show me with an Imperial helper standing guard over some of the presents being shipped out to freelancers and their families. So pretty much this entire week has been spent on shipping, prepping for shipping, building and sending out Surprise Packages and holiday related work. And that spells looong days. I’m writing this Update at 8:30 PM Thursday night for posting on Friday afternoon. I figure I should get home about 10:00 PM. Alex and Wayne are here too.

This week there were meetings with two printers, a meeting with our UPS representative, a visit from a fan, art dropped off by Chuck Walton, planning for advertising, some discussion about book releases, reserving advertising space and other stuff. Like I said, a whirlwind of a week.

UPDATE: The Rifter® #68 – Available now!

The Rifter® #68 arrived on Monday (December 15). It shipped out to all our subscribers via Media Mail and those of you with pre-orders on Monday. It shipped to distributors on Tuesday. The Rifter® #68 is another fun issue with 15 pages of “official” Minion War™/Megaverse® in Flames™ material, as well as Rifts® material about True Atlanteans, dimensional hideaways and Magic Tattoos, a Heroes Unlimited™ adventure and a Dead Reign®/Beyond the Supernatural™ crossover adventure, news and coming attractions. And a dynamic John Zeleznik super-hero cover. Remember, you can tweak source material from The Rifter® for use in almost any setting. Order yours today.

UPDATE: Palladium Fantasy RPG®: Bizantium and the Northern Islands – in production – January release

Unfortunately, I have had little time to work on Bizantium and the Northern Islands. I spent a day working on it before I was pulled away from it by other demands on my time. Grrrr. I will get back to work on Bizantium as soon as I can. Chuck Walton dropped off his impressive art for the book. This will be another sweet looking and reading book. One of many planned for the Fantasy line.

90+ Palladium PDF titles available on

A preview of The Rifter® #68 is now available on, and we’ll be adding more issues to those available on in the weeks to come. Meanwhile, spread the word that there are 90+ Palladium Books titles available as PDFs on with more to be made available in the coming weeks. They currently include the Coalition Wars®/Siege on Tolkeen™ series, Splicers® RPG, The Rifter® issues #1-56 (with more being added soon), and first edition rules of the Rifts® RPG, Beyond the Supernatural™ RPG, Heroes Unlimited™ RPG, The Palladium Fantasy RPG®, and related 1st edition sourcebooks for each. And more! Like what? Like Fantasy Paper Miniatures and Game Master Kits for digital download. They are available only as PDF files and were designed special to help you run your games and build campaigns. There are also sneak previews of books and other good stuff. Check it out! And let other gamers know they are available too. We’ll be making more available on DriveThru in the weeks and months to come. So take a look on a regular basis.

Palladium Collectibles available in Kevin’s Online Toy & Collectibles Store

Limited editions, rare book titles and limited edition hardcovers are all being added to my online store over the weekend. Alex and I will keep adding items as supplies allow and as I scrounge items up. They include out of print titles, redlined proofreader photocopies signed by me and the staff, signed manuscripts with editors’ corrections, some original art, hardcover books (including Rifts® Northern Gun™ One and Two, Megaverse® in Flames™ and Rifts® Ultimate Gold) and other items available just in time for Christmas. There are also hundreds of toys and action figures, all from my personal collection. Alex will keep adding Palladium items over the next few weeks. All items in the store are from my own personal archives and collection. Take a look every few days as new items are added. There may be some items that are perfect as holiday gifts or upcoming birthdays and anniversaries.

UPDATE: Robotech® RPG Tactics

This week we have had a few product discussions about Robotech®, and future areas to be addressed, including Errata, FAQ, advanced rules and additional product. In fact, Wayne Smith had a four hour Skype call with our RRT manufacturer about Robotech® RPG Tactics™ Wave Two items. Jeff Burke participated in the first two hours of that call and he and Wayne have been reviewing, correcting and tweaking the 3D manufacturing models for the production of the Wave Two items.

The following items are part of Wave Two:

  • Rick Hunter
  • Roy Fokker
  • Armored Valkyries
  • Experimental Battloid (a.k.a. Jotun Armored Valkyrie)
  • SF-3A Lancer II
  • QF-3000 Ghost Drone
  • YF-4 Valkyrie
  • VEF-1/VF-1D Valkyrie Pack
  • Super Valkyrie Wing
  • MKII Monster
  • Khyron Glaug Battlepod
  • Miriya Queadluun-Rau
  • Gnerl Fighters
  • Zentraedi Male Power Armor Pack
  • Zentraedi Infantry
  • Queadluun-Rau
  • Glaug-Eldare
  • Glaug-Eldare Squadron
  • Objective Pack 1
  • Objective Pack 2
  • SDF-1 Resin Bases
  • SDF-1

For a full breakdown of all Wave One and Wave Two items, and what each Pledge Level gets in each Wave, see our October 19 Kickstarter Update here:

Oh, I should also mention we are waiting on a few shipping quotes to Australia. Meanwhile, we have all the packages for Australia and our remaining Kickstarter backers prepped. Matthew Clements has been the main mover and shaker on this front. Unfortunately, with the holidays upon us, getting responses has been a bit slow.

RRT Backers: We need Address CHANGES for EU and all Foreign Backers!

Jeff Burke has been poring over emails searching for address changes to the EU, Australia and the rest of you. Please notify us of any change of address IMMEDIATELY! This applies to ALL overseas backers. PLEASE get us your change of address immediately!! Please check BackerKit ( ) and make sure your address is correct. If anything doesn’t look right, please send us your address in a Kickstarter message or via email at or call the Palladium office at 734-721-2903 with your new information. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE!!! Note: Even though European rewards have left the Palladium warehouse we still have a couple of weeks in which we can make address changes. Do not risk your reward going to the wrong address because YOU failed to update your address. NOTE: Palladium Books will NOT be liable for lost goods if you have moved and did not tell us in time. Please contact us now! MOREOVER, you will be required to pay the additional shipping to redirect the package to the correct address. That’s assuming it is even returned to our fulfillment center. Please save yourself time and money and make sure your address is correct right NOW. Thank you.

FYI: We still have a few US packages that have been returned to Palladium Books due to an incorrect address. Please call the Palladium office at 734-721-2903 with your new information.

UPDATE: Christmas Surprise Packages – 5 days till Christmas Eve – place your orders this weekend

In the USA, those of you west of the Mississippi River need to order via an expedited method of shipping to get your order in time for Christmas. We suggest UPS 2nd Day Air.

HOWEVER, many of you east of the Mississippi River “may” be able to get your order in time for delivery on Christmas Eve IF you order this weekend via UPS Ground. Palladium can NOT guarantee it will arrive by Wednesday/Christmas Eve, but ALL orders placed over the weekend requesting UPS or Priority Mail WILL SHIP ON MONDAY, December 22. Most locations east of the Mississippi take 1-3 days to be delivered. That means many of you (not all) will get your UPS Ground package on Christmas Eve, the rest on the Friday or Monday after Christmas. NOTE: Media Mail and all other forms of conventional mail will arrive AFTER Christmas. Perhaps even a week or so after the holiday.

If you MUST have it by Christmas Eve, you should ship via UPS Second Day or Express/Next Day service. Sorry.

Note: Remember, this is a Grab Bag. If you don’t give us a suitable selection of products to pick from (we recommend 10-14 items per Grab Gag), you may get duplicates and things you may not desire. The availability of Gold Hardcover editions is limited and they typically go to those who make an impressive pitch on why they should get one. PLEASE make sure your address is complete (include Apt. Number) and your order is clear.

To our friends in Canada and overseasSorry, but at this point in time we cannot guarantee delivery in time for Christmas. Good luck. Happy Holidays to all of our supporters and fans.

Click here to see the entire Surprise Package description.

Don’t need it by Christmas? Perfect, you don’t have to worry about shipping and can still take advantage of the Christmas Surprise Package offer to get gifts for upcoming birthdays, anniversaries and other occasions, or fill in holes in your collection or try new game settings (Rifts®, Robotech®, Nightbane®, Dead Reign®, Beyond the Supernatural™, Heroes Unlimited™, Ninjas & Superspies™, After the Bomb®, Splicers® and all the rest). We’re happy to put a smile on your face with these items.

For those of you who don’t know what a Palladium Christmas Surprise Package is, it’s usually $88 or more worth of Palladium RPG books for only $42 plus shipping and handling. And because you guys and gals mean so much to us, I often pack in more than $90 worth of product. Oh, and each book will be signed by me (Kevin Siembieda) and available Palladium staff and freelancers if you request it. It is our way of saying thanks to all of you for your support and kindness. The perfect holiday gift for gamers.

Christmas Surprise Package Offer – EXTENDED to January 11, 2015

Every year, we debate whether or not we should extend the Christmas Surprise Package AFTER Christmas. And every year (so far), we extend it. Why?

Because it’s the nice thing to do. We realize many of you are so full of the Christmas Spirit that you spend your money on gifts for your loved ones rather than yourself. This wonderful act of charity often leaves no money for you to buy a Palladium Surprise Package for yourself. We think that sacrifice is pretty awesome and what the holiday season is all about, so we extend the offer so that you selfless souls can pick up a Surprise Package after the holidays. We know this happens, because a lot people over the years have thanked us for the extension for this very reason.

The extension is also for you Johnny Come-Latelies who are so caught up in the holiday frenzy, work and life that somehow you miss placing your order for the Christmas Surprise Package before the offer ends. It’s also for those of you who wish you had ordered one (or another one) but forgot. Lastly, it is our way to carry that holiday good cheer into the New Year. So get your post-holiday Surprise Package and enjoy. Please note that this offer will not be extended further. This is your last chance. Happy Holidays.

Happy Hanukkah!

To all our friends and fans who observe Hanukkah, we send our warmest regards and wishes for a joyful occasion with loved ones.

Finish getting ready for Christmas

Some of you are in the middle of Hanukkah – enjoy. Many of you celebrate some version of Christmas. I know many of you are not done shopping or wrapping, so I’m ending this Update right now so you can get to it. Our thanks to so many of you who make Palladium Books part of your holiday celebration with our Christmas Surprise Packages as gifts and nights of gaming and merriment. Happy Holidays.

– Kevin Siembieda, With Love and Appreciation

X-Mas Grab Bag

Surprise Package comments from fans like you

Every year there is a section where the customer can offer comments and suggestions with his or her Surprise Package order. Every year, in acknowledgment of our fans, and because they are fun to read, we offer a sampling in the Weekly Updates. Our heartfelt thanks to all of you who have stuck with Palladium through thick and thin. Keep those imaginations burning bright, have a joyous holiday season and game on.

You have no idea how much your comments and support mean to all of us. Everyone at Palladium enjoys reading your brief comments. They always brighten our day. Thank you. Since I haven’t been posting as much as I’d like, I have tried to write a short response [in brackets] when applicable.

G.S. in Draper, Utah, writes: I want to wish Kevin and the whole Palladium family a happy holidays! I cannot count the nights of awesome, off-the-wall, out of this world adventures made possible by our continued efforts and dedication to creativity. I always look forward to seeing what is coming next in Kevin’s weekly updates. I only wish I had the means to experience all the different bits of amazing that Palladium has to offer. Thank you.

[Thank you so much, G.S., for the kind words. I was very touched by them. It is fans like you and letters like this that make it all worth doing. I am blessed with a wonderful imagination that won’t stop and a need to create worlds and weave stories. After 33 years of doing this job, the ideas are coming faster than ever. And I’m still thrilled so many people enjoy my work and want to see more. It is a dream come true. – KS]

C.H. in Redmond, Oregon, writes: Just getting back into playing some Rifts® with friends and wow, have I missed out on a lot of books! Keep rockin’ and making this game amazing.

[Welcome back to Rifts® C.H., and we’ll keep cranking out imaginative new books. Game on! – KS]

J.D. in Modesto, California, writes: Thank you so much for offering this [the Surprise Package] every year. It is just amazing! Thank you for your commitment to gaming and being awesome!

[We’re glad to offer them J.D. We appreciate our fans and I love making people happy. – KS]

R.C. in Central Point, Oregon, writes: This [Surprise Package] offer that I have participated in for four years has helped me to expand and enjoy Rifts® and Palladium more and more. I tell all my friends to do it and we always love to get our boxes. Thank you.

[We aim to please. Glad you and your pals enjoy the Grab Bags so much. Happy Holidays. – KS]

C.G. in Bedford, Texas, writes (in part): First off, just wanted to offer a heartfelt “Thank you” for your continuing passion and effort given toward a game and a community that my brother and I have enjoyed for the better half of our lives. . . Rifts® continues to spark and inspire my own writing and storytelling creativity, so for these things I am eternally grateful. . . I wish you health and a happy holiday season.

[Back at you, oh Bear-seidon! I love what I do. I love our gaming community, and you guys inspire me to do my best. Every book I write, I write with YOU – our gamers – in mind. I appreciate the warm wishes, especially staying healthy. Take care and game on. – KS]

A.M in Dayton, Ohio, writes (in part): I would like to start with thank you for a lifetime of enjoyment. Keep up the good work.

[It is my honor, A.M. Thank you. – KS]

M.H. in Cedar Hill, Missouri, writes: Hey Guys, Thanks for doing the Christmas Surprise Package again. I loved both packages that I got last year and I’m sure I’ll love this year’s too. Have a Merry Christmas.

[Happy to hear you enjoy the Surprise Packages so much, M.H. Merry Christmas to you and your loved ones. – KS]

J.D. in Las Vegas, Nevada, writes: Thank you for doing this year after year. Hopefully it is as worthwhile to you this year as it was when you first started. I know at times this seems like a thankless task, but you’re still going after 33 years when many in the industry are gone. I’m glad to be a supporter for all these years, and look forward to the next several decades of your successes.

[Thank you J.D., for these kind and powerful words. I love writing and creating games as much today as when I first started. And I’m so much better at my craft than when I first started. Part of what makes it all worth doing is for gamers like yourself. Most role-playing gamers are generous and kind people, and Palladium fans are the greatest in the world. Every book I write, I write for all of you. Thank you all for inspiring me. For being my muses, and my friends. Happy holidays. – KS]

The Rifter #68

NEW! The Rifter® #68 – Available now

This is traditionally the horror themed issue, but every issue of The Rifter® is an idea factory for players and Game Masters to generate new ideas and find new avenues of adventure. It provides useful, ready to go source material you can just drop into your ongoing games. A doorway to new possibilities and numerous Palladium role-playing worlds. And the many new characters, O.C.C.s, powers, magic, weapons, villains, monsters, adventures and ideas for one setting can be easily adapted to any Palladium setting. Every issue has material for Rifts® and at least 2-3 other Palladium game lines. And don’t forget, most of the material can be easily adapted for use in ANY Palladium game setting.

The Rifter® Number 68 includes:

  • Heroes Unlimited™ – Band of Bothers, a light-hearted adventure by Branden Loizides.
  • Rifts® – Megaverse® in Flames/Minion War™ “official” source material by Carl Gleba and Kevin Siembieda.
  • Rifts® – The Crusaders and the Black Crusade, Part 4: Arcadia, by Andrew Landers. More about Rifts® Atlantis and new magic tattoos.
  • “Brulyx?” – An Adventure for Beyond the Supernatural™ (not Dead Reign™) by Steven Dawes.
  • News, coming attractions, product descriptions and more.
  • Heroes Unlimited™ cover by John Zeleznik.
  • 96 pages – $13.95 retail – Cat. No. 168. Available now.

Robotech RPG Tactics

Robotech® RPG Tactics – Available in USA and Canada stores

This game makes an awesome gift or a great addition to your own collection. Fun. Fast. Captures Robotech. Assembly and painting REQUIRED. Note: Those of you outside North America can place pre-orders, but your order will not ship until after items have shipped to our Kickstarter backers overseas first.

Robotech® RPG Tactics™ Boxed Set (Main Box Game) – Cat. No. 55100 – $99.95 retail price. This is the game Robotech® fans have wanted for decades. Robotech® RPG Tactics™ is a fast-paced, tabletop combat game that captures the action and adventure of the Robotech® anime. Two or more players can engage in small squad skirmishes or scale up to massive battles. Relive the clashes of the First Robotech War, engage in stand-alone tactical games, or use the dynamic game pieces to enhance your Robotech® RPG experience. Or simply collect your favorite mecha from an expanding range of top-notch game pieces.

The First Six Robotech® RPG Tactics™ Expansion Packs will be available to retail at the same time as the main box game. All are available now in the USA and Canada. Here are the SKUs and retail prices.

Battle Foam Robotech bag/carrying case – Cat. No. 55107 – $120 retail (limited supply). Note: We only have about 50 Robotech® RPG Tactics™ Battle Foam bags available. Once they are sold out it will be months before we manufacture more, if ever.

Coalition States Embroidered Polo Shirt

NEW! Coalition States Embroidered Polo Shirt – Available now

This is a shirt we could imagine being worn by CS officers and even Joseph Prosek II when working in his office or relaxing. Available in sizes Medium to 5XL. With the Rifts® 25th Anniversary just around the corner and the Coalition’s big role in defending Rifts® Earth in the Minion War, the CS embroidered polo shirt just feels right.

Coalition States “Polo” Shirt:

  • Quality 50/50 cotton and polyester blend.
  • Hemmed sleeves for a loose, comfortable fit.
  • Black polo shirt with an embroidered Coalition symbol of the Death’s Head with red lightning bolts and the words “Coalition States” underneath it in white. Very striking, yet subdued. Screams Coalition elite.
  • This is a classy holiday gift that should make any Rifts® fan smile.
  • Price varies with size (see below). Each size has its own Catalog Number. We tried to keep prices reasonable.
    - Medium CS Polo – $22.95 retail – Cat. No. 2563M
    - Large CS Polo – $22.95 retail – Cat. No. 2563L
    - XL CS Polo – $22.95 retail – Cat. No. 2563XL
    - 2XL CS Polo – $25.95 retail – Cat. No. 2563XXL
    - 3XL CS Polo – $26.95 retail – Cat. No. 2563XXXL
    - 4XL CS Polo – $28.95 retail – Cat. No. 2563XXXXL
    - 5XL CS Polo – $29.95 retail – Cat. No. 2563XXXXXL
  • Available now.

Villains Unlimited

BACK IN PRINT: Villains Unlimited – Available now

The dark side of Heroes Unlimited™, Villains contains page after page of unique and interesting villains, anti-heroes and secret organizations. 16 pages of new material and new cover art.

  • The Jury – self-appointed policemen of superheroes.
  • 80+ villains and a dozen heroes/anti-heroes statted out and ready to drop into your game.
  • Secret villainous organizations like Fabricators Inc.; eight in all. Plus rules to design your own organizations.
  • S.C.R.E.T. and other government agencies to counter the threat of “super humans.”
  • New weapons, gadgets, equipment and adventures.
  • Written by Kevin Siembieda and Kevin Long.
  • $24.95 – 224 pages – Cat. No. 501.

Rifts Mechanoids Sourcebook

BACK IN PRINT: Rifts® Sourcebook Two: The Mechanoids® – Available now

A.R.C.H.I.E. Three and Hagan have inadvertently unleashed The Mechanoids® into the world. The Mechanoids® are creatures with one driving goal: To destroy all humanoid life! This book has it all. Source material, the Mechanoids®, new equipment, monsters and adventures. Written by Kevin Siembieda.

  • 40 Mechanoids and their robots with complete M.D.C. stats.
  • A.R.C.H.I.E. Three and his new creations.
  • ARCHIE weapons and equipment.
  • Five adventures, random encounter tables and adventure ideas.
  • Optional Character sheets.
  • Written by Kevin Siembieda. Art by Long and Ewell.
  • $16.95 – 112 pages – Cat. No. 805.

Dead Reign Graveyard Earth

NEW! Dead Reign® Sourcebook 5: Graveyard Earth – Available now

If you love zombies and haven’t tried this game, it is time to do so, along with this compelling new sourcebook. The Dead Reign™ core rule book and sourcebooks capture the Zombie Apocalypse in a fast-playing, action-packed RPG of survival and terror.

The Graveyard Earth™ sourcebook expands the Zombie Apocalypse around the world, providing a wide range of ideas and settings for adventure. Every continent is given an overview with key locations noted across the globe. This includes likely and rumored Safe Haven communities, military outposts and data about what happened during the zombie outbreak and what’s going on NOW. Has any government survived? Is anyplace safe?

  • The state of the world. Adventure ideas galore.
  • Survival tips and many random generation tables for travel, survival, and Safe Havens around the world.
  • The Zombie World Tour presents how the Wave and the Zombie Apocalypse have played out across the globe. Every country in the world has been touched and changed by the rise of the dead.
  • Random Safe Havens by region.
  • Many Random Tables for Settings, Safe Havens and more.
  • Random Survivor Leaders, Zombie Threat Level Table and more.
  • Trapped abroad? How do you get home in a zombie-filled world? Data and tables for aircraft landing conditions and travel by road and by sea.
  • A must-have book for players and Game Masters alike.
  • Adventure ideas for every corner of the world.
  • Written by Matthew Clements. Additional text by Kevin Siembieda
  • 64 pages – $12.95 retail – Cat. No. 235. Available now!

Bizantium and the Northern Islands

NEW! Palladium Fantasy RPG® Sourcebook: Bizantium and the Northern Islands – Ships January

Journey to the Island Kingdom of Bizantium, situated at the far northern peak of the Palladium World. Its vast fleets of merchant vessels and warships travel the high seas and bring untold wealth back to the kingdom, as well as exotic goods, people, customs, weapons and foreign magic. As foreign powers exert their influence on the throne, treachery and potential power grabs lurk in the shadows.

  • New Waterchanter O.C.C. and 20+ magic spell new to the Fantasy setting.
  • New Sea Serpents and the warrior sailors who hunt them.
  • Sea Serpent generation table to create your own sea monsters.
  • New animals of the North Sea and Sea of Despair.
  • Sea serpent ships! Dead serpents turned into deadly, massive attack ships (as depicted on the cover). And the forgotten race who creates these ships and threatens sailors in the Northern seas.
  • New O.C.C.s including the Serpent Chaser and Bizantium Marine.
  • New weapons and equipment for sailors, mariners, soldiers and adventurers at large.
  • New Bizantium ships including the Bireme, Ice Breaker and Battleship.
  • Full time-line of the history of Bizantium.
  • Bizantian society, culture, religion and magic.
  • The Eoten of the Northern Islands, their mythology and influence.
  • The Northern Islands described in full, cities and geography, as well as threats to sailors in the North Sea and Sea of Despair.
  • Bizantium’s many shipyards, possibly the kingdom’s greatest asset.
  • Key figures of Bizantium and political intrigue.
  • The Noble Houses, Warlocks and foreign powers all trying to capture the throne of Bizantium for themselves!
  • Written by Glen Evans. Additional text Matthew Clements and Kevin Siembieda.
  • Cover by Chuck Walton and Eduardo Dominguez S.
  • Interior art by Chuck Walton, Kevin Siembieda, Tanya Ramsey, Jeff Burke and others.
  • 160 pages – $20.95 retail – Cat. No. 474 – January release.

NEW! Palladium Fantasy RPG® “Paper Miniatures” – available now on

Palladium Fantasy RPG® “Paper Miniatures” is a new digital product line created by artist and writer “Madman” Mike Leonard. They are designed as full color paper game pieces that you print on a card stock, cut out and slide into a paper stand (all part of the package you purchase). A FREE Sample and the first two sets of Palladium Fantasy RPG® Paper Miniatures are available NOW on DriveThruRPG.

A Great Horned Dragon will be added, and two more Volumes are coming in the next month or two. And don’t forget, first edition rules of the Palladium Fantasy RPG® and several sourcebooks (and 90+ other titles including the Rifts® and Splicers® RPGs) are also available as PDFs. Have fun.

Palladium Fantasy RPG® “Paper Miniatures” FREE Sample

Volume One: O.C.C.s – 24 O.C.C.s representing each of the primary character classes – Men-at-Arms, Men of Magic, Clergy and Psychics.

  • 28mm figures with a one inch base.
  • All figures are designed in full color and look great.
  • $5.99 for the PDF download.

Volume Two: Monster Races – 28 R.C.C.s representing 4 Trolls, 4 Ogres, 8 Orcs, 8 Goblins and 4 Hob-Goblins. More nonhuman races to come.

  • 28mm scale figures.
  • All figures are designed in full color and look great.
  • $5.99 for the PDF download.

Coming Soon – Great Horned Dragon

  • 28mm scale figure with a 10 inch wingspan.
  • Designed in full color and looks great.
  • $3.99 for the PDF download.

Coming – Volume Three: Additional O.C.C.s

Coming – Volume Four: Skeletons and Undead

X-Mas Grab Bag

What is a Palladium Christmas Surprise Package? Available now

Christmas Surprise Packages, or “Grab Bags,” are a long-running holiday tradition in which you can get several RPG titles at a substantial discount. It is our way to say thank you to our many fans for being so kind and patient, and for your years of support. You are appreciated more than you may realize. That’s why Santa Kevin personally handpicks each and every item for every Grab Bag, and reads every comment (returning a short comment whenever he can). No other company does anything quite like it.

Christmas Surprise Packages are not just for Christmas. Whether you celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, or the Winter Solstice, or you’re looking for a gift for a birthday, anniversary, Valentine’s Day, or any special occasion that falls between now and February, a Surprise Package may be the ideal way to go. You get a ton of stuff on the cheap, you can get a bunch of autographs, and you look like you spent a fortune.

This is also a great way to try that game setting you’ve wondered about (Splicers®, Dead Reign™, Chaos Earth®, Palladium Fantasy®, Nightbane®, etc.), or to get something for your favorite Game Master, or perhaps to get your player group to consider a new game or setting.

Autographed books. For those of you who want them (which are most people), the available members of the Palladium staff and any freelancers we can lasso at the time are happy to autograph each and every book in your Surprise Package. This is the only way many fans, especially those in other countries, can EVER get signed books.

Send us your brief comments. There is a special form and format to fill out for Christmas Surprise Packages, including a place where you can offer your brief comments, suggestions, greetings and salutations.

  • Request autographs and Kevin Siembieda and all available Palladium staff members and freelancers will sign each of your books.
  • Get rare collectibles, art prints, select gold editions and special items.
  • Try that game setting you’ve wondered about – Splicers®, Dead Reign™, Nightbane®, Rifts®, Chaos Earth®, Palladium Fantasy®, Robotech® RPG titles, etc.
  • Fill holes in your collection.
  • Get gifts for your G.M. and gaming pals.
  • Treat yourself.
  • Be surprised.

Only $42 plus shipping & handling to get $84-$90+ worth of Palladium products! First-timers are always nervous until they see the great value in their first Surprise Package. A typical Grab Bag has $85-$90 worth of product, sometimes more! Yes, sometimes more. Many people order 2-3. Some order 4-6, and some maniacs order even more! It makes sense, because it is a great way to fill holes in your own collection, treat yourself, get autographs, try new games and settings, and get your gaming pals gifts.

IMPORTANT! The Palladium Surprise Packages are designed to simulate the fun, joy and surprise of the Christmas Season of Giving. In this case, Santa Kevin needs you to submit a list of 10-12 Palladium products (or more) for EACH Surprise Package you request. That way you don’t know what you’re getting, just like when you receive a Christmas present. It is a surprise! Plus, Santa Kevin, who personally handpicks every item for every Grab Bag, may toss in something extra like a limited edition print, comic book, T-shirt, an issue of The Rifter®, or something else he thinks you’ll enjoy.

Click here to see the entire Surprise Package description.

Happy Holidays from the Palladium crew. May they be filled with laughter, joy and gaming.

Robotech UEEF Marines Sourcebook One

NEW! Robotech®: Expeditionary Force Marines Sourcebook One

– Formerly titled ‘UEEF Marines’

Robotech®: Expeditionary Force Marines sourcebook is set in space with the UEEF (United Earth Expeditionary Force) led by Admiral Rick Hunter. This valiant force of mecha-clad heroes travel across the galaxy liberating planets from the bondage of the Invid Regent, the Robotech Masters and other tyrants and monsters.

  • New mecha and weapons of the UEEF Marines.
  • New UEEF Marine character classes and background.
  • Alien species and allies.
  • Planet hopping, adventure and much more.
  • Epic battles and adventure ideas galore.
  • Written by Irvin Jackson. Additional text by Kevin Siembieda.
  • 160 pages – $20.95 retail – Cat. No. 553 – January/February, 2015, release.

Chaos Earth Rise of Magic

Coming BACK IN PRINT – Rise of Magic

A Rifts® Chaos Earth® Sourcebook – Winter

The return of magic has empowered humans with strange and wondrous powers, unlike anything quite yet seen (and different from most conventional types of magic). This only complicates things for Earth’s defenders as the line of distinction between “good guys” and “bad guys” begins to blur.

  • Chaos Magic, new magic specific to the Chaos Earth® setting.
  • More than 100 unique Chaos Magic spells.
  • New magic O.C.C.s like the Blue Zone Wizard and Chaos Wizard.
  • New evil magic users like the Chaos Witch and Demon Caller.
  • More on NEMA and the Demon Plagues.
  • Written by Kevin Siembieda.
  • 64 pages – $14.95 – Cat. No. 662. Probably a January, 2015, release.

Rifts Megaverse in Flames gold Edition

Megaverse® in Flames “Gold Edition” – Available now

It is a beauty. Signed and numbered. Limited to only 300 copies. Printed gold foil on black leatherette, signed by the Palladium staff, Matthew Clements and Chuck Walton. (You can get Carl Gleba’s signature at the Palladium Open House next May.) Makes a great gift for birthdays and holidays. All the Gold Editions do.

  • 300 signed and numbered copies.
  • Signed and numbered on the credits page by Kevin Siembieda and the Palladium staff and some contributors, including Matthew Clements, Chuck Walton and Ben Rodriguez.
  • Black Leatherette cover with gold foil imprinting.
  • Interior pages are exactly the same as the softcover edition.
  • Written by Carl Gleba. Additional text by Kevin Siembieda.
  • Hardcover art by Nick Bradshaw.
  • 192 pages – $50 while supplies last – Cat. No. 876HC. Available now, only from Palladium Books.

Rifts Megaverse in Flames

NEW! Rifts® World Book 35: Megaverse® in Flames – Available now

The Minion War is here and the demons seek to conquer Rifts Earth. They are bringing demonic armies by the tens of thousands across the dimensional divide, unleashing plagues, seeking out magic artifacts, recruiting monsters and mortal allies, and testing their strength against Earth’s military powers. Worse, they are building Hell Pits so that they can unleash Hell on Earth! Not to be outdone, the Minions of Dyval are doing all the same things. Clashes between demons and Deevils are increasing every day and turn into titanic free-for-alls when Earth forces join the battle. As demonic supernatural forces ramp up, enslave people and wreak havoc across the globe, the question becomes: Is this the beginning of a new Dark Age?

  • Seven Hell Plagues.
  • Soulmancer and Blood Warrior O.C.C.s as NPC villains.
  • 50+ Soulmancy spells.
  • Lord Kreelo and Megaverse Armaments.
  • 40+ new weapons, armor and vehicles including the Walking Death, Meat Grinder, Carnage Tank, Flesh Armor, Bone Armor, Chaos Warrior Armor, charms, talismans, guns and more.
  • Demonic armies, strongholds and places of evil.
  • Calgary, the Kingdom of Monsters.
  • Rifts® Cuba/Ciudad de Diablo, Harpies’ Island and other notable Hell holes on Earth.
  • Seven Demon Lords, their Hell Pits and armies.
  • Seven Deevil Lords, their Hell Pits and plans.
  • Lord Doom, Pain and other forces in the Minion War.
  • It is battleground Earth! Ideas for adventures galore.
  • Written by Carl Gleba. A part of the Minion War™ “Crossover” series.
  • 192 pages – $24.95 retail – Cat. No. 876. Available now.

Northern Gun Two Print

NEW! Rifts® Northern Gun Two – signed & numbered print

The first batch of prints went to a select number of the Megaverse Insiders, but starting with Number 102, you too can get a signed and numbered Northern Gun™ Two Print. It is the striking John Zeleznik wrap-around cover without any text or logo to obscure the artwork. Limited to a total of 290 copies. Suitable for framing.

  • Limited to 290 signed and numbered prints; 101 of which have already gone to Megaverse Insider crowdfunders. The remaining 189 prints are available while supplies last.
  • The artwork is by the dynamic John Zeleznik.
  • Each is signed by Charles Walton (artist), Matthew Clements (author) and Kevin Siembieda (author and publisher) in silver.
  • Size: Printed on 17.5 x 11.5 inch glossy paper. 16x10 image area. Suitable for framing.
  • Mailed rolled in a sturdy tube.
  • $10.00 – Cat. No. PR811 – Available now.
  • NG-1 Print by Chuck Walton – Cat. No. PR810 – is also still available – $10.00

Future Visions

NEW! Future Visions

– The Artistry of Charles Walton II – Available now

We call it Future Visions because it very much gives you a glimpse into the future of what is coming from Palladium Books. It is jam-packed with black and white artwork and concept art for several of the upcoming Splicers® sourcebooks and a couple other Palladium projects. Things we are excited about and want you to be, too. People can’t seem to get enough of Chuck Walton artwork, so here is an entire 96 page book filled with it. Some of the art is finished pieces, many others are concept art that may be tweaked and altered, or not used at all. Much of it is material you would never ordinarily see. If you like this book and it sells well, it can be the first of several Charles Walton II art books (and other artists?). We hope you enjoy it. It was a fun, quick and easy project to throw together. It didn't impact our schedule more than a few days.

  • A 96 page trip into the future.
  • All artwork is by Charles Walton II.
  • All interior art is black and white.
  • Splicers® art galore.
  • Color cover by Charles Walton.
  • Introduction by Kevin Siembieda.
  • Behind the scenes insight by Siembieda and Walton.
  • 96 pages – $13.95 retail – Cat. No. 2562 – Available now.


PDF downloads from

This is a great resource for getting out of print Palladium titles and other select books. We’ve made 90 titles available as PDF digital downloads from This is a great way to try Palladium products and get access to out of print RPG source material. Some notable titles include:

2015 Palladium Open House (POH) – May 15-17, 2015

The 2015 Open House is going to be awesome. Take a look at the growing list of Palladium Creators who have already confirmed they will be attending.

  • Ramon Perez – artist – Ramon has been working in the comic book industry at Marvel Comics, DC, Boom and other publishers. He is currently illustrating Marvel Comics’ Spider-Man: Learning to Crawl. Ramon remains “tentative,” but he hopes to clear his schedule to join the fun and hopes to be able to make it in 2015. I will update you when he confirms. Note: Everyone else in this list has confirmed.
  • Amy L. Ashbaugh – artist
  • Mark Dudley – artist and Game Master
  • “Madman” Michael Leonard – artist, writer & Game Master
  • Apollo Okamura – artist
  • Benjamin Rodriguez – artist
  • Charles Walton – artist
  • Brandon Aten – writer & Game Master
  • Matthew Clements – Palladium Staff – Head writer
  • Greg Diaczyk – writer & Game Master
  • Glen Evans – writer & Game Master
  • Taylor White – writer, musician & Game Master
  • Matthew Balent – writer (the Weapons & Armor series, Monsters & Animals, etc.)
  • Thomas Bartold – writer and one of the original Defilers
  • James Brown – Megaversal Ambassador & Game Master
  • Jeffery Burke – Palladium Staff – Robotech® coordinator & artist
  • Steven Dawes – freelance writer & Game Masters
  • Alex Marciniszyn – Palladium Staff – editor, research, more
  • Victor Peterson – Megaversal Ambassador Coordinator & Game Master
  • Julius Rosenstein – Palladium Staff – proofreader, writer, Game Master
  • Jeff Ruiz – Megaversal Ambassador Coordinator & Game Master
  • Kevin Siembieda – Palladium Staff – writer, artist, game designer
  • Kathy Simmons – Palladium Staff – Customer Service & POH Coordinator
  • Wayne Smith – Palladium Staff – Editor, The Rifter®, Projects Manager & more.
  • MANY more writers, artists and creators are expected to join this list.
  • And we may have a surprise guest or two.

I think we may max out our attendance numbers for 2015, so make sure you order your tickets sooner than later to make sure you are not turned away. Palladium can only accommodate around 300 gamers total (plus staff and Palladium creators). Once we reach that number, the POH will be sold out. Order in the coming months or risk not being able to attend. If you wait till March or April, 2015 it may be too late!

A more complete description of the 2015 POH is in the online store and you can start purchasing your admission for the weekend or individual days as well as VIP Thursday (May 14, 2015). This write-up is just the highlights, please read the full description in the store. Remember, Price of admission covers ALL EVENTS, except VIP Thursday. There are no extra fees for gaming events, panel talks or autographs.

$45 per person for the Three Day Weekend (Friday, Saturday & Sunday; May 15, 16 & 17) when ordered in advance per each individual. ($60 at the door and after April 12, 2015, if space is available.)

$87 additional for VIP Night – Thursday – May 14, 2014. The VIP Night always sells out within weeks, so make your reservation as soon as possible. First-come, first-served. VIP Night is a special, one-evening event limited to around 120 gamers – 70 are available right now. VIP Thursday, May 14, 2014: 3:00 P.M. till 12:00 P.M. NOTE: As has become tradition, we hold a number of VIP slots to be offered at a later date – typically February – so that gamers who decide to attend at a later date have a chance at getting into the coveted VIP Night too. You get the delicious meal catered by Palladium’s very own Kathy Simmons (people rave about her meals), plus you get an extra afternoon and evening of gaming (opens late afternoon), a more intimate chance to talk with Palladium staff, artists and writers, and first crack at rare collectibles, prints and original art.

Other POH Highlights:

  • 40+ Palladium creators. See the store description for details. In the past, the POH usually has 35-50 creators (writers, artists, editors, staff, Rifter contributors, etc.) attending. More than at any other convention or gathering anywhere, ever! And most are available to you almost the ENTIRE event to chat with you and sign autographs. Some will even run gaming events!
  • 3 days of Palladium gaming.
  • 100+ gaming events. Game Masters/Megaversal Ambassadors NEEDED!
  • Many games run by the people who make them, including Kevin Siembieda, Julius Rosenstein, Carmen Bellaire, Brandon Aten, Greg Diaczyk, Taylor White and many others!
  • 8-10 panel talks each day, Friday, Saturday & Sunday. Subjects run from player and G.M. tips, to writing and game design, to meeting various artists and more.
  • Auction of art and collectibles.
  • A family reunion atmosphere. Meet gamers from around the world
  • And it all happens at the Palladium warehouse and offices, where the magic happens! Okay, not quite “all.” When the gaming stops around 1:00 AM every night, the hotel has a large conference room where you maniacs can continue to game till you drop. There is room for at least 8 games in the room.

2015 Open House Hotel – reserve your room now

You should reserve your hotel room today. Your card will not be charged until next May. Other hotels are booked due to a sporting event the same weekend, so other area hotels will be filled. RESERVE YOUR ROOM TODAY or the next available hotel may be 20+ miles away.

Comfort Inn

40455 Ann Arbor Road
Plymouth, MI 48170
Phone: 734-455-8100

Group Code: Palladium Books – you MUST request the Group Code “Palladium Books” at the time of booking to ensure the correct rate will be quoted and billed to you.

Dates of the 2015 Palladium Open House (POH): May 15-17 (May 14 is VIP Thursday), 2015.

$109.00 (plus tax) per night at the Comfort Inn, a.k.a. “Plymouth Clock Tower Hotel.” That’s $109 (plus tax) for a room with two queen beds or one king with a sofa that has a pull-out sleeper. ALL rooms have a micro-fridge and FREE high-speed wired/wireless Internet. The hotel also offers a FREE hot breakfast from 6 A.M. to 10 A.M. near the lobby, heated indoor swimming pool, a fitness center (24 hours), and a coin operated laundry. The large conference room is ours to use for around the clock open gaming. Reserve using Group Code: Palladium Books. And do it as soon as possible. The hotel has been remodeled, resulting in a smaller number of rooms. If you know you are coming to the 2015 Palladium Open House, we recommend you reserve your room today. Important Note: You MUST give them the Group Code: Palladium Books to get this rate. Call 734-455-8100 to make your reservation. The hotel does NOT charge your credit card until a few days before the event and you can cancel up to May 10, 2015. So there is no reason to wait.

2015 POH Game Masters needed

Palladium Megaversal Ambassadors, Palladium creators, and any experienced Game Master planning to come to the 2015 Palladium Open House – please let us know if you are planning to run one or more gaming events. Those who run three or more get special discounts, free T-shirt and more. We need plenty of games to satisfy 300 gamers. Your help is appreciated. Contact us by telephone (734-721-2903) or by email at

© Copyright 2014 Palladium Books Inc. All rights reserved.

Rifts®, The Rifter®, RECON®, Splicers®, Palladium Books®, The Palladium Fantasy Role-Playing Game®, Phase World®, Powers Unlimited®, Nightbane®, Megaverse®, The Mechanoids®, The Mechanoid Invasion®, Coalition Wars®, Dead Reign®, Chaos Earth®, and After the Bomb® are Registered Trademarks of Palladium Books Inc. RPG Tactics™, Beyond the Supernatural, Coalition States, Heroes Unlimited, Ninjas & Superspies, Minion War, Mysteries of Magic, SAMAS, Thundercloud Galaxy, Three Galaxies, Vampire Kingdoms, and other published book titles, names, slogans and likenesses are trademarks of Palladium Books Inc., and Kevin Siembieda.

Robotech® and Robotech® The Shadow Chronicles® are Registered Trademarks of Harmony Gold USA, Inc.

This press release may be reprinted, reposted, linked and shared for the sole purpose of advertising, promotion and sales solicitation.

Palladium Books is located at 39074 Webb Court, Westland, MI 48185. For questions, please use our Help Desk (, or call us, Monday thru Friday, 9AM to 6PM, at 734-721-2900.

© Copyright 2024 Palladium Books Inc. All rights reserved.| Site -Developed by Rex Barkdoll

Rifts®, The Rifter®, RECON®, Splicers®, Powers Unlimited®, Palladium Books®, The Palladium Fantasy Role-Playing Game®, Phase World®, Nightbane®, Megaverse®, The Mechanoids®, The Mechanoid Invasion®, Coalition Wars®, Chaos Earth®, Dead Reign®, and After the Bomb® are Registered Trademarks of Palladium Books Inc. RPG Tactics™, Beyond the Supernatural, Coalition States, Heroes Unlimited, Ninjas & Superspies, Minion War, Mysteries of Magic, SAMAS, Thundercloud Galaxy, Three Galaxies, Vampire Kingdoms, and other published book titles, names, slogans and likenesses are trademarks of Palladium Books Inc., and Kevin Siembieda.

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