Palladium Books® Weekly Update – May 21, 2015
By Kevin Siembieda
There are more than a dozen new products described in this Update. All are available now in Palladium’s online store. And there are a fair amount things going on. I hope you enjoy this Weekly Update during the holiday weekend.
The 2015 Palladium Open House ended on Sunday, May 17, and it was nothing short of fantastic. Many people told me they thought it was the best one they had ever attended. Gamers new to the Open House were amazed, saying they had never seen anything like it and that it was the best convention they had ever attended. Awesome. That was exactly the reaction we had hoped for.
Likewise, new guests and old friends who had never been to an Open House, such as Jolly and Barbara Blackburn, Tina Simmons, Victor Peterson and Matthew Balent (and his family), were equally blown away. It was awesome having Jolly and Matt B. at the Open House, because it had been years seen we’d last had a chance to see each other, sit and chat. We videotaped everything, but had audio-visual difficulties (we made a poor choice of camera)! Which is a shame, because the panel talks between me and Jolly Blackburn and me and Matthew Balent were nothing short of epic . . . at least for me. So was the closing ceremony in which I was pretty “on” and had the audience laughing throughout the two hours. We had a great time. We do have some video that should be usable, and we will post what we can soon.