Palladium Books - Weekly Update - April 05, 2024


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Every ending brings a new beginning


Hi Palladium Fans,


We just sent out a special message regarding the passing of Kevin’s beloved partner Kathy Simmons, with information for the many of you who wish to support Kevin and remember Kathy at this time. Please read it in full here.


I just want to expand on what I said at the end of that message a little bit. Kevin and I want to sincerely thank all of you for your support at this time. We’ve been inundated with your condolences, prayers, thoughts, and remembrances of Kathy. This has buoyed our spirits. Many of your heartfelt personal messages have brought tears to our eyes, thank you.


Processing shock and grief is tough, but Kevin is doing a little better each day. He and Kathy’s daughter are making the many necessary arrangements regarding her affairs, which is time consuming hard work. Still, Kevin has been in the office a bit and is even finishing up new illustrations for the TMNT&OS Redux Edition books, so I’d say that’s pretty dang good.


I was a missionary in my youth. I’m a military veteran. I’ve presided over weddings and funerals. I’ve known deep loss, and of course joy. Having experienced all of that, I can tell you Kevin Siembieda is going to be just fine, and so will Palladium Books. Please don’t worry, but do keep us in your prayers and meditations.


With Kathy’s Alzheimer’s, we knew this day would come sooner than later and were already putting plans into place. Those plans are now being put into action by great people – with minimal input needed from me and Kevin. That leaves us more free than ever to just write books and collaborate with talented artists. That’s the dream right?


Every ending brings a new beginning. The cycle of life continues in its wonder.



– Sean Owen Roberson, Writer, Designer, Adventurer

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