Palladium Books - Weekly Update - April 12, 2024


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I’m Back - Mini Kevin Update


This is my first week back at the Palladium office since the unexpected death of my beautiful Kathy Simmons. I had popped in to the office here and there for a few minutes at a time, checked in every day, and I had continued to work on artwork for TMNT & Other Strangeness books at home, but that was it. I’m far from 100%, but I am back at work and trying to catch up with everything piled on my desk.


Thank you for the many cards, notes, emails, text messages, online posts, and calls of condolence. I appreciate them all very much. Kathy meant the world to me. Not just me, but many of you as well. She was a special lady who was loved and respected by all who met her. She is so missed.


This one has been rough, but I’m feeling a little better with every passing day. As it is with the loss of a loved one, the grief comes in waves. One minute you’re doing fine — great even — the next you’re feeling blue or crying. I was doing pretty well the last few days until I came upon a mountain of Halloween photos (our favorite holiday together) and a bookmark with a touching saying on it. I know it reflected Kathy’s feelings for me and vice versa. Kathy and I were the very best of best friends. The Inscription read:


A best friend stands by you when no one else cares,

understands you when no one else tries,

and believes in you when no one else does.

I’m very lucky to have a friend like you.


The floodgates opened and I sobbed and sobbed. It was good to let it out. I’ve lost a lot of people and have found grief affects you in different ways depending on the person and your relationship to them. Kathy’s death has been more profound than others, yet when I speak of her, there is often a mix of sadness and humor. We laughed a lot.


I want you to know I’m doing as well as can be expected. I have a legion of amazing friends who make sure I’m doing okay, as well as an army of fans who I know share my broken heart and wish me and Kathy’s family well.


Moreover, I can hardly wait to get back to writing books again. Very soon, I think. I’m already getting ideas for ways to improve and finish Yin-Sloth Expeditions as well as longing to do work on Rifts® Antarctica. Actually, all sorts of ideas are starting to boil. Palladium’s future is bright. There are many exciting plans and projects happening behind the scenes and just wait until books start to hit store shelves. Awesomeness is coming.


Please note, I (Kevin) will be at the Ann Arbor Game Con sponsored by and held at the Main Public Library in downtown Ann Arbor, 11 AM to 5 PM, Saturday, April 13. Sean Owen Roberson and Ryan McDaniel will be in attendance as well. Sean and I had a blast last year and we are bringing even more books and items to sell this year. As always, we are happy to chat and sign books. We look forward to seeing some of you there. For those of you who can’t attend, please enjoy our print sale and TMNT updates.


Four new color art prints have been added to Palladium’s online store. All are $10 each, 8 1/2 x 11 in size, and suitable for framing. Much more is coming. Game on.


– Kevin Siembieda, Publisher, Writer, Friend

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