Weekly Updates 2

Palladium Books - Weekly Update - June 7, 2024

Palladium Books - Weekly Update - May 30, 2024


Happy Thursday, Palladium Fans!


What’s Selling?


Welcome, fellow gamers.

TMNT & Other Strangeness is getting a lot of well-deserved attention (the Redux editions are incredible), we have a number of books in the pipeline, with Rifts and Palladium Fantasy at the top of the list.

Right now, please take advantage of the
three huge sales that are soon coming to an end. A Palladium sale of physical Rifts books that include ALL core rule books, most Rifts World Books, most sourcebooks, and some hardcovers at 20-30% off, and two Mega-Rifts Bundles of Holding at an epic 75% discount, plus you support a worthy charity. This is the biggest offering of physical Rifts titles this year! And I believe the two Rifts Mega-Bundles of Holding offer the largest selection of Rifts titles ever! But time is running out – this is the last weekend to order! Sale ends next Wednesday, June 5, so please spread the word and get your orders in before you miss out. I’ve even been randomly signing books too.

Get physical books as gifts for birthdays, anniversaries, graduation, or as a treat for yourself. Get the incredible collections of PDF titles via the two massive Bundles of Holding to build your Rifts digital library and to have versions of books that are easy to search and reference.  

What’s selling at Palladium this week? With the Rifts sale you’d think it would be Rifts – and you’d be right – but we are also seeing a lot of orders for the Palladium Fantasy RPG series, Ninjas & Superspies, Heroes Unlimited, After the Bomb, the Weapons & Armor series, and a little bit of everything else. Hardcover core rule books also remain hot, particularly the classics: The Rifts 30th Anniversary edition, RUE core rule books, Palladium Fantasy (both editions), Heroes Unlimited, Ninjas & Superspies, and Nightbane. Keep those orders coming and we’ll keep ‘em shipping as fast as we can.

- Kevin Siembieda, that Publisher Guy

From the Fans

Courtesy Michael Nauta, published with permission.

Four ways to Save BIG
with TWO Bundles of Holding

Proceeds support the Diana Jones Award Emerging Designer Program. Each year, the Diana Jones Award for Excellence in Gaming, a 501(c)3 nonprofit, amplifies the voices of up-and-coming game designers by featuring them during an expenses-paid visit to Gen Con.

Expand Your RIFTS CORE Savings!

Rifts Sourcebook One, Book of Magic, Bestiary, Black Market, Bionics Sourcebook, 3 Rifts Conversion Books and 3 more Rifts Sourcebooks


Getting Work Done


I hope you are enjoying beautiful spring weather and had a fun Memorial Day long weekend. Sean and I did a lot of work around the office and tried to get caught up a bit. He and I did manage to slip out to see the new Mad Max movie and enjoyed it.


I’m happy to report that though I still grieve for my beautiful Kathy Simmons, I’m finally feeling more like my old self. I have been reorganizing spaces, randomly signing books ordered, and getting work done at an improved pace. In fact, we’re all feeling positive and getting increasingly productive. We have a lot of irons in the fire regarding books of all sorts. We are finally getting the fan favorite mugs and T-shirts to the printer along with a Heroes Unlimited mug and logo T-shirt to celebrate HU’s 40th anniversary. My how time flies.


You’ll continue to see the fruits of our labors in the months ahead and should be quite excited about what’s heading your way.


As for the Redux TMNT & Other Strangeness RPG books and products, wow, just wow. Kevin Eastman’s impressive, new cover painting finally arrived and it’s awesome. We were also thrilled that Kevin Eastman, Kevin Long, Paramount, Michelle Ivey, and everyone who sees the color art, page layout, miniatures, and Mutagen Green dice all love them. The art, color, and production standards are all top notch. If you have not yet finalized your pledge, please do so. Any Kickstarter Backers thinking about getting more, do so soon, because we will be shutting down the Pledge Manager in a few weeks. If you missed the Kickstarter you can pre-order at a superior price, and should consider it.


I have a ton of work waiting for me so I need to run. Be excited, be positive and keep those beautiful imaginations burning bright.

– Kevin Siembieda, Writer, gamer and friend

Palladium Books - Weekly Update - May 24, 2024


Happy Friday, Palladium Fans!


Family and Friends


Hi Everyone,

The long, Memorial Day holiday weekend is upon us. It’s time for gatherings of family and friends, barbecues, outdoors fun, parades, and sales. In fact, you don’t want to miss the three huge Palladium sales offering savings on both physical and PDF Rifts titles for your gaming enjoyment. All three sales are happening right now. This is a great opportunity to try new settings, build your Rifts library, replace worn out books, and snag gifts for upcoming birthdays or anniversaries on the cheap.


Take advantage of these ongoing sales and have fun, but also remember those who have fallen in combat in service to our nation. I also like to take a few moments to remember and thank God for my good fortune and offer a prayer for all the people I’ve loved and lost in any capacity. See my Closing Thoughts for more on this subject and a few other things. Enjoy the sales and your weekend.

- Kevin

with 2 x Bundles of Holding
and a Print Sale!

Expand Your RIFTS CORE Savings!

Rifts Sourcebook One, Book of Magic, Bestiary, Black Market, Bionics Sourcebook, 3 Rifts Conversion Books and 3 more Rifts Sourcebooks


Remembrances and More


Memorial Day is set aside as a time to honor and remember those who have lost their lives while serving in the military. I think it’s important to stop and remember that what we have today is built upon the hard work and sacrifice of so many in the past and present.


Our nation is not perfect by any stretch of the imagination, just as we, ourselves, are not perfect. We can, however, strive to make ourselves, our nation, and the world better through our own personal efforts to be our best selves. How we live our lives, what we say and do, does make a difference. Like the proverb about the ripples we create when we toss a pebble into a pond, our words and actions, our positivity and kindness create ripples that touch and affect others. That’s like gazillions of ripples because each of us creates those ripples every single day! If those ripples are positive, good and kind, that’s the energy we are sending out into the world. Maybe that sounds corny, but it’s true. I’ve seen it in the simplest acts of kindness, respect, and patience.


For me, Memorial Day is a day of respect and thanks for those who have given the ultimate sacrifice so that we can live free and prosper. I honor our ancestors and the warriors who have died, and think about them and the conflicts – whether I think they were right or wrong, good or bad – and thank the fallen for their sacrifice.


I know a great number of people. Many of them have served in the military. Politics aside, most only have the best of intentions to do what they believe is right in the hope of making the world a better place and/or to protecting their loved ones and their fellow citizens. Personally, I remember all first-responders and people of service for their sacrifice, whether they are in the military or not.


I also remember and say a prayer for the families and friends of the fallen, because they too have sacrificed dearly. They must struggle through the grief of loss for the rest of their lives. As someone who has recently lost a special person (Kathy Simmons), though not in military service, I am feeling the fresh pain of loss and the grief that tears at your heart. Like any injury, grief heals. Over time, the pain lessens and scars over, but the loss never completely goes away. If we are lucky, that person becomes a bittersweet memory that stays with us and helps shape us in a positive way as we move forward without them in the physical world. So, yes, I remember the families and friends and those who have served alongside of them and survived. I pray they have been able to find peace and happiness despite their grievous loss, and that the loss blossoms into something beautiful despite the thorns.


During this time of reflection, I thank God for all the amazing people who have touched my life and made it better. That includes friends and fans, in addition to family. As Shakespeare has famously written, “It is better to have loved and lost, than never to have loved at all” – ah, but “such sweet sorrow.”


So please, have fun with friends and family, enjoy that barbecue or trip to the beach, take advantage of weekend sales (including ours!), and treat yourself or a loved one to something nice: you deserve it! But also take a moment to remember and honor the fallen. And call or text or email a loved-one just to say, “hi, thinking of you.”


On other fronts, things are going well here and we are making progress in a number of areas including TMNT & Other Strangeness, Yin-Sloth Expeditions, and other things. In fact, other than seeing a movie or two this weekend, I intend to get caught up on work. I should mention, some fans from Canada dropped by the other day. We had a nice time showing them the office and they were thrilled with the TMNT & OS dice, miniatures, art, and layout they saw, as well as some of our plans for their products. It was a fun visit with pleasant visitors. Sean, Wayne, and I were able to hang out with artist Ramon Perez last Friday after work. He was in town for the Motor City Comic Con – a big comic book/media convention. We love that guy. More on these subjects in the next Update.


Enjoy those sales – the Bundles of Holding, in particular – are always a phenomenal savings, and we are happy to offer most of our Rifts World Books and sourcebooks on sale at the same time to boost your spring and summer Rifts campaigns. The sales aren’t intended to be Memorial Day Sales, but are intended to bring you fun and joy. Okay, this feels like a “live long and prosper” moment. Make it so. [Ha, ha, way to bridge the generations. - Sean]

– Kevin Siembieda, Writer, gamer and friend

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Rifts®, The Rifter®, RECON®, Splicers®, Powers Unlimited®, Palladium Books®, The Palladium Fantasy Role-Playing Game®, Phase World®, Nightbane®, Megaverse®, The Mechanoids®, The Mechanoid Invasion®, Coalition Wars®, Chaos Earth®, Dead Reign®, and After the Bomb® are Registered Trademarks of Palladium Books Inc. RPG Tactics™, Beyond the Supernatural, Coalition States, Heroes Unlimited, Ninjas & Superspies, Minion War, Mysteries of Magic, SAMAS, Thundercloud Galaxy, Three Galaxies, Vampire Kingdoms, and other published book titles, names, slogans and likenesses are trademarks of Palladium Books Inc., and Kevin Siembieda.

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