Palladium Books® Weekly Update – June 12, 2014
By Kevin Siembieda
There is some big news in this Weekly Update, so I’m going to jump right into it.
GIANT Final Spring Cleaning Sale #6 of 6: Potpourri — Ends June 22
This is it, the FINAL Sale! I wanted the sale to go out with a bang so this is the biggest selection yet. It includes many new offerings, specialty items, and a selection of favorites from previous sales. I hope you enjoy it.
Buy these books for Father’s Day (though it will arrive after Father’s Day), graduations, birthdays, anniversaries or any special occasion. Or use the sale to fill holes in your collection, to try a new world setting or to replace the old, battered copy you’re still using.
We are doing the sales because we need to rearrange the Palladium warehouse to make space for Robotech® RPG Tactics™ coming at the end of July. And by space, we mean what we now estimate to be 5 semi-trailers worth of space, plus a staging area. And with several new books being released, we want to create excitement about the entire Palladium Megaverse®. We thought we could kill two birds with one stone to create buzz and clear space in the warehouse with a series of six Spring Cleaning Sales! Each sale of select items is limited to just ONE week.